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The Duffy Diaries #3: Redneck Retro

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#26 Pablo



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Posted 22 May 2010 - 11:55 AM

Would be funny to watch you put that car on the track while the wing racers are practicing...just to see the looks on their faces :laugh2:

Duf, who is Doxy, and what is a Lincoln L200 ? :shok:

Paul Wolcott

#27 Victor Poulin

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Posted 22 May 2010 - 12:37 PM

Really starting to take shape Duff, keep us posted.
Alright, who cut the cheese?

#28 Duffy


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Posted 22 May 2010 - 01:09 PM

Would be funny to watch you put that car on the track while the wing racers are practicing...just to see the looks on their faces :laugh2:

Listen, Pablo, I'm gonna get enough faces just showing up at Slots-A-Lot on Tuesday night, for THIS event!

Duf, who is Doxy, and what is a Lincoln L200 ? :shok:

Ah. Linc is the gas-powered buzzbox welder my father bought off the back page of Mechanix Illustrated in 1947, you know, the "START your OWN Business!!" one. Linc is the soul of my racing operation, as well as heart, backbone, and Islets of Langerhans for all I know.

The other part of your query: my wife, life partner & soulmate. Never much cared for her given name (Eazie Buford) and preferred her nickname, which, she tells me, was how she'd pronounced "Doggie" as a child--indeed, her love of furry things led her to her chosen profession (see the DBA ads on Carmine's paintjob below)

Okay. SO, I had no decal stock in the house and I was too impatient to order. But I had these CD labels, printable clear plastic peel&stik stuff--seemed like a good idea at the time.


Just cut out and apply, they go down flat and are reasonably thin:





A couple coats of Krylon Acrylic Gloss over all and you barely see the lines. Heck, how close do you want to LOOK at the thing, anyhow?

Chassis-finishing and a driver, & off we go to the wall.
Michael J. Heinrich
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#29 Victor Poulin

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Posted 22 May 2010 - 01:20 PM

Hey Duffy,

Thats really looking cool !!!! Thanks for taking the time to share this build with us. Now all we need is a couple pics of the finished product lol . Also, you'll have to let us know how it does next tuesday night.


Alright, who cut the cheese?

#30 Phil Irvin

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Posted 22 May 2010 - 03:05 PM

Listen, Pablo, I'm gonna get enough faces just showing up at Slots-A-Lot on Tuesday night, for THIS event!

Ah. Linc is the gas-powered buzzbox welder my father bought off the back page of Mechanix Illustrated in 1947, you know, the "START your OWN Business!!" one. Linc is the soul of my racing operation, as well as heart, backbone, and Islets of Langerhans for all I know.

The other part of your query: my wife, life partner & soulmate. Never much cared for her given name (Eazie Buford) and preferred her nickname, which, she tells me, was how she'd pronounced "Doggie" as a child--indeed, her love of furry things led her to her chosen profession (see the DBA ads on Carmine's paintjob below)

Okay. SO, I had no decal stock in the house and I was too impatient to order. But I had these CD labels, printable clear plastic peel&stik stuff--seemed like a good idea at the time.


Just cut out and apply, they go down flat and are reasonably thin:





A couple coats of Krylon Acrylic Gloss over all and you barely see the lines. Heck, how close do you want to LOOK at the thing, anyhow?

Chassis-finishing and a driver, & off we go to the wall.

Didja evr run ahalf-miler in Texas inda late 60s....I kinda member a ferd dat was bilt wid sewer pipen....Looked lik it. Da inside door haz bout 15 poundsa bondo on it fer inside wate. Twas kinda heevy...But nobody culd nerff im outa da way...Did member him winnin enouf fer da beer keg....I was dare fer da floattin o sum....Bout daylite... :blink:

phil i. :unsure:

#31 Jairus


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Posted 22 May 2010 - 03:16 PM


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#32 dc-65x


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Posted 22 May 2010 - 03:45 PM

Posted Image

That's great Duffy....I like it....it's really good. But guess what, I've got a fever and the only prescription is "More Cowbell!!"


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#33 Victor Poulin

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Posted 22 May 2010 - 05:31 PM

Is it done yet?? Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

Not that im impatient or anything Posted Image
Alright, who cut the cheese?

#34 Marty Stanley

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Posted 23 May 2010 - 08:00 AM


Sorry about the creep setting in, but I just had to say something about this car!

Of course, now I have to go out and find some period model car kit to duplicate this! I have been wanting to get a hardbody FCR class started from some time, now I have a target idea just given to me!

Perhaps I am prejudiced, but the FCR is a fun car to drive. First off it reminds me of the old AKT chassis from the 60's and now I can put a 50's body on it. I mean I'm gonna be all over that!

The Redneck Humor is just taking it to a point that is going to add even more fun to it.

BTW, are you planning on making some cider blcoks to 'park it on' when it's in your slot box? That would add a lot of realism to the project!

H'mmm, I wonder if there is a Hudson Hornet, 59 Chevy or 57 Olds kits out there?
Marty Stanley
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#35 Duffy


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Posted 23 May 2010 - 08:10 AM

Thats really looking cool !!!! Thanks for taking the time to share this build with us. Now all we need is a couple pics of the finished product lol . Also, you'll have to let us know how it does next tuesday night.

Didja evr run ahalf-miler in Texas inda late 60s....I kinda member a ferd dat was bilt wid sewer pipen....Looked lik it. Da inside door haz bout 15 poundsa bondo on it fer inside wate. Twas kinda heevy...But nobody culd nerff im outa da way...Did member him winnin enouf fer da beer keg....I was dare fer da floattin o sum....Bout daylite...


"Mr Literate" says: Bite me Duff, you shamelessly esoteric freak!

But guess what, I've got a fever and the only prescription is "More Cowbell!!"

Guys, thanks. The greatest attraction to me of an event like this Tuesday Night thing is the chance to go off in my mind and make up a little bit of the world; when our buddies get a kick out of it too and play along, it's a great gift. (And, Ken: probably not. Texas had a law at the time prohibiting Democrats from selling BBQ, so Doxy & I were stuck in Indiana.)

I'm trying mightily to get this car finished today, before my work week crushes in again, but after all my fun yesterday I have Real House Stuff to accomplish as well, with my Real Wife Robin. It'll be tight. At the same time, while this has been a lot of fun I know it's not structurally viable and I'm gonna have to get a real body over the brass damn soon, soooo--MORE building. Ahh, the never-ending struggle between recreation and survival, the Merit Badge of the higher simian...

Michael J. Heinrich
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#36 Victor Poulin

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Posted 23 May 2010 - 08:13 AM


I know theres a 59 chevy kit out there somewhere because I've seen them. I cant remember who makes them. As far as the others, Im not sure. Im going to sneek out to the store later today and see what they have on the shelf. I'll let you know if I see anything. If they have something, Id be glad to grab one for you and ship it down for you. I,ll let you know.

Alright, who cut the cheese?

#37 Marty Stanley

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Posted 23 May 2010 - 09:22 AM


I know theres a 59 chevy kit out there somewhere because I've seen them. I cant remember who makes them. As far as the others, Im not sure. Im going to sneek out to the store later today and see what they have on the shelf. I'll let you know if I see anything. If they have something, Id be glad to grab one for you and ship it down for you. I,ll let you know.


Thank you guy! I just did one of those searches for "1/25 model car kits" on the internet and found no 1959 Chevy kit out there.

However I did find something very interesting - a 1953 Hudson Hornet is coming out in December of this year! Ho Boy, that is even more interesting!

FCR racing to me is a blast. First of all, it's pretty cheap fun. A new FCR, RTR, will cost under $40. Then you put a body on it and go racing. They are basically a Womp on steroids and if you car drive something like that, then you can drive anything! I think they would make for a lot of fun racing and we shall see what we can make happen.

Let me know if you find something!

Then let that new guard dog keep an eye on it until the postman comes along!

Marty Stanley
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#38 Duffy


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Posted 23 May 2010 - 09:23 AM

I'm a ways from a dedicated hobby shop, but I know of plenty of online sources with quick delivery. Model Roundup is a nice large overall shop. Round 2 Models specializes in reshots (it's injection molding, after all) of good ol' kits, including many suitable cars--look at the AMT reissues, there're some '51s & '55s--a '49 Ford looks particularly nice. Lotsa trucks...hmmm, how 'bout Truck Drags? Can you imagine the fun a bad-pun acolyte could have with a Redneck Peterbilt?

Today is certainly not my day to go hunting for more shells. But it's tempting.

Michael J. Heinrich
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#39 Duffy


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Posted 23 May 2010 - 09:46 AM

Thank you guy! I just did one of those searches for "1/25 model car kits" on the internet and found no 1959 Chevy kit out there.

If we consider S-A-L as the originator of this event, notice the class period runs 1949-1958 per Rob V's rule. Still lots of potential, and after my experience with the growing fashion for frill and chrome on this '57 Fairlane I'll agree it's a wise place to end the trend.


Michael J. Heinrich
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#40 Mark C.

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Posted 23 May 2010 - 03:09 PM

awesome car Duffy, now i expect to see you this tuesday

here is a website i found to order or peek at some of the 1950 style cars


Mark Craven

#41 Pablo



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Posted 23 May 2010 - 06:39 PM

Duffy, with all due respect, how many wives, real and or imagined , do you have ?
I've counted approx. three, so far, and counting :)

Paul Wolcott

#42 Duffy


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Posted 23 May 2010 - 06:43 PM

Hey, SICK DAY!! managed to come down with a roaring cold and got no Real Life accomplished, but took the time to do up the fiddly bits on #12.

Stretch Panstrong1.jpg

First, pull out the body sides to allow some shake, like Craven says back in the Tuesday Night thread. A few seconds of heat gun on the inside--I was afraid to do it outside, the thing's a paint peeler after all!--and pull & hold. Because plastic has a "memory" and can return to its original position some long time after re-forming, I let the body "cure" on the outside edge of the FCR pan as shown above. Mordant the Duck has come to investigate the apparently-tragic scene, but turns out it was merely siesta time.

All that remained on the chassis was to solder in the motor run the guide ream the front wheels for independent rotation & cap the front axle, blah blah blah. And paint up one of Horsepower's Revell Smiley Guys!

Boys Night Out 1.jpg

& turn the picture around and there's your car. Driver's got kind of an attitude, don't he, for a guy with grease drippin' down his chin? He's mounted on the generic black construction paper, fitted & taped in.

So, if I get healthy, I get this car to the track Tuesday. Fate & I were laughing about the risky structures fore&aft on this body; I said it's gonna all go away on the first impact, tragic...and Fate went, "NO, no, nonononono---it will be SPECTACULAR."

Ah. Yessssss.

Michael J. Heinrich
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#43 Duffy


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Posted 23 May 2010 - 07:11 PM

Duffy, with all due respect, how many wives, real and or imagined , do you have ? I've counted approx. three, so far, and counting

What's an approximate wife?

Painting Crew.JPG

No, errors of my misspent yout' aside, this is something I take very seriously; and THIS is my love Robin Feld, in a publicity still from a couple projects back when she was helping me mix colors (Google her name, she's a real painter).

Back a couple days when I was making up the back story & we were discussing the Good Ol' Names thing, it tickled me that my made-up Rednecks could all-innocently come up with a nickname of "Doxy." So they did.


Michael J. Heinrich
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#44 Mark C.

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Posted 23 May 2010 - 07:20 PM

duffy the way you stretched the body with the FCR chassis facing upside down allowing the edge of the chassis to stretch it is EXACTLY how I do andin my opinion the best way...i wish everyone who races FCR sees this on how to stretch the body....see you tuesday

Mark Craven

#45 Victor Poulin

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Posted 23 May 2010 - 08:33 PM

Car looks da balls Duffy !!!

Cant wait to hear how Tues night goes Posted Image


Alright, who cut the cheese?

#46 Joe Mig

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Posted 23 May 2010 - 09:28 PM

Hey, SICK DAY!! managed to come down with a roaring cold and got no Real Life accomplished, but took the time to do up the fiddly bits on #12.

Good excuse and Nice Job Duffy ! :good:
If I were you I'd put a wind shield in it , take my word and trust me . :sarcastic:

Well last Tuesday night when I was racing my Jalopy car I nerfed the car in the lane next to me and the guy really got realy upset about it and maid some dumb comments :cray: so I just packed up and left with 5 1/2 heats to go. It seems like he does not know how to take a joke :rofl:
Well I guess he does not know what Jalopy cars are all about. :sarcastic_hand: :rofl: :bye:
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#47 Victor Poulin

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Posted 24 May 2010 - 08:35 AM

Good excuse and Nice Job Duffy ! Posted Image
If I were you I'd put a wind shield in it , take my word and trust me . Posted Image

Well last Tuesday night when I was racing my Jalopy car I nerfed the car in the lane next to me and the guy really got realy upset about it and maid some dumb comments Posted Image so I just packed up and left with 5 1/2 heats to go. It seems like he does not know how to take a joke Posted Image
Well I guess he does not know what Jalopy cars are all about. Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

Isnt that what jalopy racins all about?? Well next tuesday just put him in tha wall Posted Image and then he'll really have something to cry about Posted Image Posted Image
Alright, who cut the cheese?

#48 Prof. Fate

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Posted 24 May 2010 - 11:04 AM


Joe, look I run into a lot of racers who don't actually want to beat you on the track..but just get in your head and get you to either fluff the drive or quit.

There are a couple of locals who have this down to a science. Before, during and after tech, they start whining about illegal equipment or how you are using parts that they should not allow. During the races, they complain about everything, who gets a "track" and who doesn't, nerfing the marshalls and so on.

All they are really doing is trying to get YOU to think about them instead of the drive.

Oddly, these are the guys who insist that they want "fair and equal racing" but seem to want to win without actually having to beat anyone.

Rocky Russo
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#49 Hworth08


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Posted 24 May 2010 - 05:50 PM

Or do like they told of Earnhardt Sr. telling some drivers to do yesterday during the Hall of Fame introductions. Tie some kerosene rags around ankles so ants won't walk your legs and eat your candy arse.
Don Hollingsworth
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#50 MrWeiler


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Posted 24 May 2010 - 06:03 PM

so I just packed up and left with 5 1/2 heats to go. It seems like he does not know how to take a joke :rofl:

Huh? Why didja leave? What does he think, he's not running F-1 cars? Nurfing is REQUIRED for racing jalopies.

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