When I run into those types I make a big WAHHHHHHH! WAHHHHHH! crying baby noise during the race. It shuts them up and makes everyone else laugh...There are a couple of locals who have this down to a science. Before, during and after tech, they start whining about illegal equipment or how you are using parts that they should not allow. During the races, they complain about everything, who gets a "track" and who doesn't, nerfing the marshalls and so on.

The Duffy Diaries #3: Redneck Retro
Posted 24 May 2010 - 06:06 PM
"TANSTAAFL" (There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.)
Robert Anson Heinlein
"Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude."
Alexis de Tocqueville
"In practice, socialism didn't work. But socialism could never have worked because it is based on false premises about human psychology and society, and gross ignorance of human economy."
David Horowitz
Mike Brannian
Posted 24 May 2010 - 06:08 PM
Ask him what he's complaining about...when he says "you nurfed me" just say Yeah so? At least I didn't do this (then stop nurf him..)Isnt that what jalopy racins all about?? Well next tuesday just put him in tha wall
and then he'll really have something to cry about
"TANSTAAFL" (There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.)
Robert Anson Heinlein
"Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude."
Alexis de Tocqueville
"In practice, socialism didn't work. But socialism could never have worked because it is based on false premises about human psychology and society, and gross ignorance of human economy."
David Horowitz
Mike Brannian
Posted 24 May 2010 - 06:20 PM
Isnt that what jalopy racins all about?? Well next tuesday just put him in tha wall
and then he'll really have something to cry about
Joe, look I run into a lot of racers who don't actually want to beat you on the track..but just get in your head and get you to either fluff the drive or quit.
There are a couple of locals who have this down to a science. Before, during and after tech, they start whining about illegal equipment or how you are using parts that they should not allow. During the races, they complain about everything, who gets a "track" and who doesn't, nerfing the marshalls and so on.
All they are really doing is trying to get YOU to think about them instead of the drive.
Oddly, these are the guys who insist that they want "fair and equal racing" but seem to want to win without actually having to beat anyone.
Huh? Why didja leave? What does he think, he's not running F-1 cars? Nurfing is REQUIRED for racing jalopies.
I agree about the nurfing. It normally would not bother me but this guy is one of the owners and he starts with this is two strikes against me like he is treating me so instead of giving him a chance on the third strike I just left.
You could read it here. >>>> http://slotblog.net/...pic=22315&st=40
Thanks for the input guy's now back to the Duffy Diaries #3: Redneck Retro.
"Drive it like you're in it!!!"
"If everything feels under control... you are not going fast enough!"
Some people are like Slinkies... they're really good for nothing... but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
Posted 24 May 2010 - 06:52 PM
Mike, at the oval in La Mesa 1966, we called this tactic "sandbagging"stop nurf

They usually don't even know what hit 'em

Rubbin is racin !
Paul Wolcott
Posted 24 May 2010 - 08:44 PM
So, while all the soap opera at Tuesday Night Jalopies is compellin' an' all, I must live with my own tales of woe; and I will live with them until next Tuesday, from the look of things. Have fun, guys. Someone, nerf a car in my name. See y'all next week. If my country don't need more guns.
Requiescat in Pace
And I am awaiting
perpetually and forever
a renaissance of wonder
Posted 02 June 2010 - 08:07 PM
The consesnsus was, the Duffy's Roadkill BBQ Fairlane has too many airsucking openings to work well. Once the front bumper was gone (gee, who knew?), the nose was suddenly WAAY high and swallowing big gulps of drag. I can lose some of that, but not on this body--the parts have mysteriously been "recycled" and are in a Green Landfill somewhere now. I've got a nice '49 Ford coming in the mail, to press into service as a more pragmatic choice. Stay tuned.
--BUT, there's another entrant getting ready here in Osceola IN: the local bodywork guy has got inspired to field a car, and the word is he's hired the delivery kid from the pizzaria off the Park to drive--more of him later. Here's what we've seen so far:

This is a Revell "Streetburner" kit, apparently new tooling, depicting a fanciful drag car; it comes to us already chopped, channeled and sectioned, giving us a shell already 17g less than the bare Fairlane and thankGod one-piece to boot. It's also nearly a quarter-inch lower, skimming my 2" minimum by .013" at one spot on the roof. Rules is rules.
I am having WAY too much fun, making this stuff up. Hope y'all're enjoying too.
Requiescat in Pace
And I am awaiting
perpetually and forever
a renaissance of wonder
Posted 03 June 2010 - 06:12 PM
Got back from a nice night of racing (Hey Rob&Rob! Howya dooin Baybee?), my first full outing in ~45 years, with much to work on and improve upon for the next. First time in my year or so back in this game, I feel like I have a chance at driving again. Pretty cool.
The consesnsus was, the Duffy's Roadkill BBQ Fairlane has too many airsucking openings to work well. Once the front bumper was gone (gee, who knew?), the nose was suddenly WAAY high and swallowing big gulps of drag. I can lose some of that, but not on this body--the parts have mysteriously been "recycled" and are in a Green Landfill somewhere now. I've got a nice '49 Ford coming in the mail, to press into service as a more pragmatic choice. Stay tuned.
--BUT, there's another entrant getting ready here in Osceola IN: the local bodywork guy has got inspired to field a car, and the word is he's hired the delivery kid from the pizzaria off the Park to drive--more of him later. Here's what we've seen so far:![]()
This is a Revell "Streetburner" kit, apparently new tooling, depicting a fanciful drag car; it comes to us already chopped, channeled and sectioned, giving us a shell already 17g less than the bare Fairlane and thankGod one-piece to boot. It's also nearly a quarter-inch lower, skimming my 2" minimum by .013" at one spot on the roof. Rules is rules.
I am having WAY too much fun, making this stuff up. Hope y'all're enjoying too.
Cool !!!!! Keep us posted Duff

Posted 05 June 2010 - 10:19 AM

Doug Demski
French fries are for the ride home
from the drive thru
Posted 05 June 2010 - 10:43 AM
Osceola In. How much more fitting for a Redneck Racer can that be!!!!
Well, thank YOU for noticing! I've said, half the fun for me is creating the back story, and folks, I went overboard here even by Duffy proportions: went to Mapquest and looked up a neighborhood that might get an establishment like this, looked up the area code & all. Ain't no fun if it ain't a little geeky.
Requiescat in Pace
And I am awaiting
perpetually and forever
a renaissance of wonder
Posted 05 June 2010 - 06:32 PM
I learned a thing last Tuesday, as I watched the Duffy's Roadkill BBQ Spl. disarticulate like a Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robot: build solid. Everything tight, everything glued down, everything reinforced. This car hopes to be a lot more integral than that one; the body's one-piece but for the hood, and I stuffed rod into the cracks there & poured Tenax in by the bottle. This puppy will chew holes in the wall.

I had to get creative with the wheelbase: the fanciful ornamental wheelwells were too long & the w/b too short, so I filled in with sheet styrene. Like you see inside there, they're reinforced with ample lap pieces that tie the whole thing together, and the outside is smoothed over with Osceola's unique "Green Bondo" freshly harvested from Baugo Creek.
If I don't do chores tomorrow, we might push this baby out to play as early as this week.
Requiescat in Pace
And I am awaiting
perpetually and forever
a renaissance of wonder
Posted 05 June 2010 - 06:41 PM
This puppy will chew holes in the wall.

Onward Sir Duffy!

Rick Thigpen
Check out Steve Okeefe's great web site at its new home here at Slotblog:
The Independent Scratchbuilder
There's much more to come...
Posted 05 June 2010 - 06:42 PM
Posted 05 June 2010 - 09:16 PM

Doug Demski
French fries are for the ride home
from the drive thru
Posted 05 June 2010 - 11:32 PM

Eternity Body & Fender, in addition to building and fielding this fine ride (ably handled by Palpo Calcis, the diminutive local pizza-delivery boy of indeterminate Latin roots), also lent its name to a '60s-oldies band I played with ~1986. Hence the "Echoes From the American Garage" slogan.
Yah, Rob, this body is already chopped and channeled within .013" of legal. I figure that's To The Rule and I can be satisfied. The '49 Ford that Duffy's BBQ is working on to replace the dear lost Fairlane, that's a different story: it's getting cut down a good bit.

Doug, knowing that someone's actually paying attention to a bit of my geekiness--well, heck, that's like offering a gas can to a candle. Ya shouldna tole me. It can only get worse now.
I'll drop Palpo into the office tomorrow, if I can avoid household chores again, & lower the body over the chassis; and maybe we'll get out and shake this puppy down this week. That'd be nice.
Requiescat in Pace
And I am awaiting
perpetually and forever
a renaissance of wonder
Posted 06 June 2010 - 01:23 PM
i think im changing my signature on slotblog from whatcha craven to what would craven do

...i was away this weekend at sonnys fastlane in nj....woke up early, drove for 2 hours...to have my tire blow out on the NJ turnpike at 60mph...had to check my pants for stains...got back on the road a hour later after meeting a nice amigo who owned a tire repair shop, got to sonny's...tested my retro cars, bought a race ready flexi car that followed their rules, won the race by 2 laps, on the way home my gps went haywire and took me for a tour of NYC for 2 hours which almost brought me to teers since it was already 3am and i wanted to be home...had a cop pull me over asking WHAT THE **** are you doing...after almost going the wrong way on a one way road...never been so happy to be back on long islanddd
Mark Craven
Posted 06 June 2010 - 05:20 PM

Anyway. Here's the vanity shot of Palpo's new office. This body shaves a full 14 grams off the car from the Fairlane, and we slapped 8gr of lead up next to the guide in celebration. The hole in the hood, that's there for when we drop the blown mill in for drags; but testing in our local wind tunnel (that means, 120+ mph through the US33 underpass) showed no major drag at our racing speeds. We're gonna leave it for now.
The windshield got a little too close to the biofuel converter and is in sore need of some Novus polish, but otherwise the car's ready for this Tuesday.
Requiescat in Pace
And I am awaiting
perpetually and forever
a renaissance of wonder
Posted 07 June 2010 - 04:25 PM
I found my fine finishing papers from my plastic-modeling time and pulled what I could out with that, then tried some gel toothpaste. Bingo! worked hella fine, just rubbed it on in a damp paper towel for a while, then buffed with a dry one.
Now my windshield's crystal-clear and its breath is minty fresh. A wash of Future floor wax would be great but I don't have any. This is good enough for the track.
Requiescat in Pace
And I am awaiting
perpetually and forever
a renaissance of wonder
Posted 10 June 2010 - 07:04 PM
Finished dead last and 30 laps off next place, but the good news is nobody was mad at me. I'm getting steadily better, starting to sense the car as part of myself and driving it down there on the track rather than observing from afar; good. Still slow as anything not boiling out of a broke pipe on the seafloor, but I'll improve.
This body wants to stay on the chassis for the duration of the series, I think; it's giving me as close to an optimum ride as I'll prob'ly get. Gee, too bad, as another sponsor has shown interest in fielding a racer, and that's always a tempting opportunity for me...well, we'll see.
Requiescat in Pace
And I am awaiting
perpetually and forever
a renaissance of wonder
Posted 10 June 2010 - 07:39 PM
Mike, at the oval in La Mesa 1966, we called this tactic "sandbagging"
They usually don't even know what hit 'em![]()
Rubbin is racin !
I saw a REAL nice nurf last night @ NOMAD during the flexi race. I was about 3 feet behind the two cars involved so I had a ringside seat for the aerobatics. We were all playing nurf-war last night so this was no dirty tricks move. Going into the big sweeper at the end of the mainstraight the car on the outside (Jim C) was a little bit slower than the guy on his inside left (Chris G). It was completely obvious that Chris was gonna nail Jim before he could get to the next straight ...so Jim backed off by about 1/3 and planted the car and when Chris nailed him, Chris's car just did a barrel-roll over the top of jim's car --and over the track wall onto the floor. Jim's car stayed in the slot and kept going without loosing more than .2 of a second. Everyone saw it coming and even Chris was laughing about it..."How did you DO THAT? I thought I was GONNA GET YOU!!!!" :...

Sandbagging: I've never heard this used for nurfing. To me sandbagging is driving slower than you or your car is actually capable of...Like you've got a small sandbag under the gas pedal to prevent it from going all the way to the floor--to be removed later when necessary. IOW CHEATING.
Not to be confused with 'cheatin. Cheating (like sandbagging--along with other forms of cheating) is doing something illegal. 'Cheatin on the other hand is finding a loophole in the rules and exploiting it until they make what you're doing illegal by closing the loophole.
Don't try this one at home--a cap the size I'm talking about stores a LOT of energy.
'Cheatin: For instance. In the 80's we were allowed to run capacitors to filter the AC ripple from the power supplies we were using back then. There was a specific rule that said caps were OK. I even asked at a rules meeting "do you care what size the cap is?" The answer was "No". Most people just put a small cap across the lead wires of the car. BUT there was no rule about where or how BIG the cap had to be---SO---I went to the surplus store and bought one that was about a foot tall and 4 inches in diameter. I hooked it to my CONTROLLER. This was a cap, not an outside power supply. It charged by taking power away from me when the power came on---and the best part was it stored enough of that power so I could continue to drive my G-7 car for a lap or two more (driving right by the other stopped cars) when someone made a damn track call--This happened about every five laps.
Every time someone complained I said...Don't crash, don't call "track" and then I won't have an advantage. Stop complaining because I was smart enough to read the rules....I would also remind everyone that I asked in the rules meeting if there was a rule about the size of the cap or the location....
I used it for two races (I won both) before they had an emergency meeting to "amend" the rules...

The big cap (I called it Three mile island) was 'cheatin, not CHEATING.
Sandbagging on the other hand is usually to enhance the "sandbaggers" chances of winning some cash or some other prize in a wager, and sometimes is used to cover up a cheater car by not going too fast before the actual racing starts...
Foamy knows about a couple of well known "sandbaggers" he ran into when he was involved in 1:1 scale Legends racing. They have taken there success in Legends cars and moved on to greener pastures...
"TANSTAAFL" (There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.)
Robert Anson Heinlein
"Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude."
Alexis de Tocqueville
"In practice, socialism didn't work. But socialism could never have worked because it is based on false premises about human psychology and society, and gross ignorance of human economy."
David Horowitz
Mike Brannian
Posted 11 June 2010 - 01:11 PM
What happened is called a "stop nerf". It is what emmo used on little al.
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 11 June 2010 - 04:31 PM
What happened is called a "stop nerf". It is what emmo used on little al.
In our neck of the woods a stop nurf was when you stopped the car completely. There was a really vile stop nurf technique which I won't talk about here (but I bet you know

"TANSTAAFL" (There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.)
Robert Anson Heinlein
"Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude."
Alexis de Tocqueville
"In practice, socialism didn't work. But socialism could never have worked because it is based on false premises about human psychology and society, and gross ignorance of human economy."
David Horowitz
Mike Brannian
Posted 12 June 2010 - 09:57 AM
Posted 13 June 2010 - 12:21 PM
Stop nerf by your terms gets people angry, no one can complain that they crashed because they seemed a little faster than you!
I mean, not my fault, then!
It is called "plausible denial".
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 11 July 2010 - 09:05 PM
Here's the basic body on the scale, with glass & chrome. It's already been cut down almost 1/4" and the wheel wells opened up, but still it's pretty massy.

So, I started hacking off unwanted fat. I lost the big hunk o glass and substituted the packaging from my stepson's wireless headphones (I got sick of listening to those horns in the World Cup!!); the plastic's conveniently curved already, and it was a simple matter to cut&trim front and rear glass including some tabs to tape over. I also took a bunch of extra plastic off the back side of the chrome pieces.

I also went at the larger panels of the body itself from the inside, using a coarse sanding drum on my Dremel. Where I couldn't get the drum flat on a surface, like--well--MOST of the inside--I plowed parallel furrows with the tool on an angle, then crosshatched down to the depth of those furrows. A couple of passes like this took a fairly even 1/32" off much of the body, and I could gage how close I was grinding by holding up to a bright light and seeing where any "Bright"--i.e., thin--spots might be.

Not a lot of work netted me a nice savings in excess weight. Getting down near the present body (31gr. soaking wet) but I still must add interior & Blue Eyes. Oh well.

Addition of sponsor's logo and other pertinent information follows. That's about all.

Requiescat in Pace
And I am awaiting
perpetually and forever
a renaissance of wonder
Posted 12 July 2010 - 04:45 PM

Mark Craven