The cars of the 2011 Dynamic Challenge Thingie proxy race
Posted 22 April 2011 - 11:16 AM
Chassis description: Built and entered by Steve King from Illawong, Australia. Chassis features Dynamic 36D can-drive bracket, tongue, front axle mount, later clip-in guide, cut down body mounts (front) and Dynamic wheels F&R. Pans were hand cut and feature a unique "sleeve type" attachment, slipping onto the tongue prior to screwing down tight. Movement is by flex alone. Ball bearings installed front and rear. Threaded axles.
Weight: 161g
Motor: Can drive Dynamic/Mubuchi 16D can with Tradeship endbell bullet proofed. Arm, magnets and shim are derived from Parma 16D "Death Star" motor.
Gear ratio: 7/33 Cox brass crown
Body: Monogram "Vampire" re-pop by Platto.
Paint: Steve King
Guide: Dynamic 1/8" clip-in #401
Rubber: Alpha Supernatural
Comments: While the motor is not made for this bracket, it does fit with-out modification thus conforming with the rules. Unfortunately that raises the motor and the CGI some. However with 161grams of weight I doubt this will be a problem. Solidly built and sounds good on the bench I predict a capable runner that is very easy to drive.
Dynamic points awarded for:
Front and rear wheels, Tongue, F axle bracket, body mounts front only (rear are Buzco), Guide and motor can.
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 22 April 2011 - 12:09 PM
Chassis description: Built and entered by Phil Smith from Biggen Hill, United Kingdom. Chassis features Dynamic GE can-drive bracket, tongue, Dynaflex front axle mount(now solid), later clip-in guide, body mounts and Dynamic wheels F&R. Pans are mounted by the drop arm pivot and feature nice movement. This is a totally vintage build with only slight modification regarding lead wire retainers, clips and the hinge/pan stiffeners and nickle plating.
Weight: 135g
Motor: Dynamic/GE
Gear ratio: 9/37 Cox crown
Body: "Banshee" repop of unknown manufacture
Paint: Phil Smith
Guide: Dynamic 3/16" clip-in
Rubber: unknown
Comments: A purely traditional build and if I was a betting man, would give good odds that this car will do very well indeed!
Dynamic points awarded for:
Front and rear wheels, Tongue, F axle bracket, body mount/pans, Guide, lead weight and motor.
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 22 April 2011 - 12:22 PM
Chassis description: Built and entered by John Havlicek from Hampton, New York. Chassis features Dynamic 26d bracket, with ISO movement. Front wheels are floppy mounted on the guide tongue. Motor is further stiffened by the addition of a can bushing brace. Rear wheels set screw of unknown make spinning in ball bearing races.
Weight: 145g
Motor: Champion 26D
Gear ratio: 8/30 Parma crown (pink and bold!)
Body: "Q-tip blister pack" Found EVERYWHERE!
Paint: Jairus Watson
Guide: Starburst 3/16"
Rubber: unknown
Comments: Completely scratchbuilt, solid, clean and very precise in movement. Nothing wasted here! If that motor is as strong as the H-power motors built for everyone else... we are in trouble.
Dynamic points awarded for:
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 22 April 2011 - 12:46 PM
Chassis description: Built and entered by Paul Wolcott from Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. Chassis features Dynamic 26D bracket, tongue, front axle mount and pans with no movement other than flex. Ball bearings front and rear with threaded axles. Very traditional build and a solid runner.
Weight: 125g
Motor: Unmodified Classic 26D motor.
Gear ratio: 8/29 beautifully dyed Parma crown! (thumbs up)
Body: La Cucaracha vac formed re-pop by T.S.
Paint: Pablo
Guide: Jet Flag, 3/16" post.
Rubber/wheels: unknown
Comments: A very traditional build and could be in the running for top 4.
Dynamic points awarded for:
Tongue, F axle bracket, pans
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 22 April 2011 - 01:20 PM
Chassis description: Entered by Brian McPherson and sponsored by REM Raceway from Mentor, Ohio. Chassis built by Jairus - features Dynamic 26D sidewinder bracket, tongue, front axle mount, guide, Dynamic rear wheels. Pans were hand cut and are mounted by a cast-off front axle attachment (no extra points). Movement is by plumber hinge adjusted by two screws on motor bracket. Ball bearings installed on the rear threaded axle.
Weight: 149g
Motor: Mubuchi 26D can w/Arco magnets and a Champion endbell bulletproofed. Built by Havlicek.
Gear ratio: 12/44 Cox
Body: Batcar II by Eldon "Gene" Adams
Paint: Jairus Watson
Guide: Jet Flag
Rubber: Alpha Naturalrubber
Comments: John out did himself building this motor! Very strong and high torquing powerplant features full bulletproofing. Gear ratio might be a bit low so top speed will suffer, but based on the heavy weight I went low hoping the majority of short tracks would make this one a winner overall.
Dynamic points awarded for:
Rear wheels, Tongue, F axle floppy bracket, Dynamic tongue weight #530.
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 22 April 2011 - 01:39 PM
Chassis description: Built and entered by Rob Hanson from Somonauk, Illinois. Chassis features Dynamic 26D bracket, Dynamic front axle mount and hand made pans with "bat pan" movement. Guide tongue "coined" by RGeo and custom machine work by Bill Worden. Front wheels by REH
Weight: 156g
Motor: Dynamic 26D with Arco magnets, Champion shim and brush spring protectors.
Gear ratio: 7/27 Parma crown (pink and proud)
Body: Streamlined Cuc by O2R
Paint: Mopar Rob
Guide: Jet Flag, 3/16" post.
Rubber/wheels: Russkit reproduction with Alpha Piranha rubber
Comments: Thus far the most controversial build of the season. Construction appears to be mostly D3 tech and due to that may be one of the best handling cars of the series due to the very low apparent center of gravity.
Dynamic points awarded for:
Front axle bracket, Dynamic 26D motor.
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 22 April 2011 - 02:00 PM
Chassis description: Built and entered by Jairus Watson from Salem, Oregon. Chassis features Dynamic 26D endbell drive bracket, Mid-West Industries "Detroit Slider" (replica) chassis built 3.025" wide. Movement is fore and aft alone. Ball bearings installed in the rear bracket with threaded axle.
Weight: 120g
Motor: End-bell drive Dynamic/Mubuchi 26D can with Champion endbell (post protectors, shunt wires) and Arco magnets. Rewound and built by John Havlicek.
Gear ratio: 9/33 Cox crown
Body: Choti repop by O2R
Paint: Jairus Watson
Guide: Dynamic 1/8" screw braid
Rubber: JK SBR on UGo threaded wheels.
Comments: I built this one over a year ago while the discussion raged over the rules on SF. Never figured it would race, instead had plans to sell the car on eBay. But, here it is in all it's vintage glory. The design was hot for a few months on Midwest tracks during the summer of 1968 and really needs the high downforce body to be competitive.
Dynamic points awarded for:
Guide and motor can. (However, if the UGo wheels wear down... there are a set of Dynamic wheels as spares.... )
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 22 April 2011 - 07:35 PM
Chassis description: Built and entered by Oscar Morales from Harbor City, California. Chassis features Dynamic Pittman "Pit-can" motor, tongue, front axle mount, body mounts and Dynamic wheels F&R. The fronts are ball bearing independent. Vintage build with only slight modification regarding the addition of pin-tubes. Threaded rear axle spins in ball bearings.
Weight: 127g
Motor: Pittcan 6001BB
Gear ratio: 9/37 Cox crown
Body: "Shinoda Point" repop by Eldon "Gene" Adams
Paint: Oscar
Guide: Jet Flag
Rubber: Vintage Dynamic open cell grey
Comments: A purely traditional build. Not sure what the brakes are like on these Pittcans, as that may be its only weak point
Dynamic points awarded for:
Front and rear wheels, Tongue, F axle bracket, body mounts and are you sitting down? - 20 points for vintage Dynamic rubber on those wheels!!!
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 23 April 2011 - 09:06 PM
Chassis description: Built by Mike Zimmerman and entered by Dominic (The Dominator) Zimmerman from Florissant, MO. Chassis features Dynamic Pittman "Pit-can" motor mounted in Dynamic bracket, drop arm tongue, front Dynaflex axle mount, body mounts and Dynamic knife edge front wheels. Vintage build with only slight modification regarding the addition of pin-tubes. Very slight pan movement. Threaded axles.
Weight: 167g
Motor: Pittcan 6001
Gear ratio: 8/30 Cox crown
Body: "Scorpion" original body by Burnout Body Shop (2007)
Paint: 32deuce
Guide: Jet Flag
Rubber: unknown
Comments: Traditional build containing only a few bits of scratchbuilding. (motor bracket brace and pin tubes) Clean build with a lot of lead added, falls into first place for heaviest entry so far. What at first glance appear to be Dynamic rear wheels are in reality modified DM wheels used as inserts INSIDE modern set screw wheels of unknown manufacture. (Interesting or what?)
Dynamic points awarded for:
Front wheels, Tongue, F axle bracket, body pans/mounts and two lead tongue weights.
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 23 April 2011 - 09:55 PM
Chassis description: Built and entered by Mike Zimmerman from Florissant, MO. Chassis features Dynamic 16d sidewinder motor bracket, tongue, front axle mount with scratchbuilt floppy side pans set with screws threaded through the top piece. Interesting feature, it appears that all screws and parts are not only screwed down tightly, but also epoxied for added strength.
Weight: 165g
Motor: Dynamic 16D, tradeship endbell, Dynamic magnet shim, post protectors, shunt wires.
Gear ratio: 8/30 Weldon
Body: "Scorpion" original body by Burnout Body Shop (2007)
Paint: 32deuce
Guide: Dynamic
Rubber: unknown
Comments: I'm speechless over the damn ingenious drive line on this car! While the motor bracket was modified... it was not modified to mount a modern power plant. Instead this car used an IDLER GEAR in the drive line! I assume the purpose is to mount smaller diameter wheels and tires, but the quality, fit and finish of this build is nothing short of fantastic. The friction loss with the idler and 64 pitch gears is at a minimum and hardly noticeable.
Another notable item is the front wheels... which appear to be made from brass crown gears?!?! This is one car to watch and a tour-de-force for 32deuce!
Dynamic points awarded for:
Tongue, F axle bracket, clip in guide, motor can.
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 25 April 2011 - 07:59 PM
Chassis description: Built and entered by Ray Price of Rolling Meadows, Il. Chassis features 16D can-drive bracket, brass tongue, front axle mount, later clip-in guide and hand made pans incorporating cut down Dynamic body mounts with pintubes added. Movement is by floppy bat-pans.
Weight: 134g
Motor: Can drive Dynamic/Mubuchi 16D, endbell bullet proofed.
Gear ratio: 7/28 Parma crown (pink and proud)
Body: Shinoda Dart
Paint: Jairus, driver by Noose
Guide: Dynamic 3/16" clip-in
Rubber: unknown
Comments: Traditional build with scratchbuilt pans. Very well assembled as it seems to have little friction binding the rolling assembly. Note the brass tongue. The item was listed in the Dynamic catalog and so far this is not only the first I have seen, but it may be the only one in this challenge. A brass tongue allows the soldering of pan tubes directly to the tongue. Very cool.
Dynamic points awarded for:
Tongue, F axle bracket, body mounts (cut down tho), lead weight, Guide and motor can. Front and rear wheels!
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 25 April 2011 - 10:35 PM
Chassis description: Traditional build entered by Jens Graf from Dusseldorf, Germany. Chassis features Pittman DC-196 bracket, tongue, Dynaflex front axle mount, later clip-in guide and hand made pans with slight flex movement. Interesting wire loom provides slight centering of the vintage guide.
Weight: 153g
Motor: Revell/Pittman RP-66
Gear ratio: 10/33 Cox crown
Body: Vintage Garvic Needle
Paint: Factory
Guide: Dynamic 3/16" clip-in
Rubber: unknown
Comments: Traditional build with scratchbuilt pans. I tried to talk Jens out of running a Pittman motor since they were not real competitive back in the day. But he wanted to see how it would do. Only modification was replacement of the standard magnet with a Neo. It will be interesting to see how it stacks up.
Dynamic points awarded for:
Tongue, F axle bracket, Guide and rear wheels.
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 25 April 2011 - 11:22 PM
Chassis description: Built and entered by Al Bond from Boroughbridge, UK. Chassis features Dynamic 16D endbell drive bracket with totally scratchbuilt chassis. Rear wheels set screw, axle spins through ball bearings. Movement is torsional in nature twisting via centerline hinge. Two torsion springs keep the front and rear together and lined up but allow independent movement around the axis. Side pans are loose in their tubes. They rattle like pans but independent of each other. Indeed there is nothing keeping them in place other than when the body is mounted. Cannot be run on the track without the body.
Weight: 158g
Motor: Mubuchi 16D with Tradeship endbell.
Gear ratio: 8/32 Parma crown
Body: Hand carved and vac formed by the creator of this masterpiece.
Paint: Al Bond
Guide: Starburst
Rubber: Alpha Piranha
Wheels: Front and rear by Kai
Comments: Completely scratchbuilt, solid clean construction. The loose rattle action may just be the ticket. Something that took me by surprise is the extra wiring that actually lights a diode placed under the body canopy. Not sure how visible it is... but will be fun to check out at the race! Motor sounds good!
Dynamic points awarded for:
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 29 April 2011 - 12:54 PM
Chassis description: Built and entered by Bob Steere, Broomfield, CO. Chassis features Pittman 6001 drive bracket with scratchbuilt chassis based around a Champion "Snuggler" framework. Rear wheels are set screw and axle spins through ball bearings. No movement as side pans and scratch built tongue are solid.
Weight: 161g
Motor: Pittman 6001.
Gear ratio: 7/32 Parma crown (dyed a glorious black)
Body: Choti repop by Electric Dreams.
Paint: Steere
Guide: Dynamic #659 (1/8")
Rubber: Pro-Track Daytona
Comments: Clean construction and no chassis movement. Interesting fact is that the front wheels are vintage threaded Dynamic items made for rubber tires. But in this installation they are mounted on a set of Dynamic "reducers" (Item #761) for 1/16" front axle using large "O" rings as tires and smaller as a spacer! First time I have seen these 5-40 threaded reducers IRL.
Love the period Korrect paint on that Choti body!
Dynamic points awarded for:
Front wheels, body mounts and Guide.
- Pete L. likes this
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 29 April 2011 - 01:27 PM
Chassis description: Built and entered by Ralph Klose of Olsberg, Germany. Chassis features GE motor drive bracket with Dynamic tongue, pans, front axle bracket, guide and front wheels. No movement provided for. Very traditional looking!
Weight: 156g
Motor: Dynamic/GE motor
Gear ratio: 12/31 Riggen crown
Body: I am not sure really sure...
Paint: unknown
Guide: Dynamic (3/32")
Rubber: Soon to be JK SBR.
Comments: Looking at this car I can see it has been used a time or two previous. This suggests a perfection due to practice in my opinion! Rear tires supplied are silicone rubber and since Ralph is a friend I will swap them out for Foam. Rules state one entry per person so the first car he sent will be pulled from the proxy unless Ralph answers my email queries with some new information as this one arrived with NO explaination. But it fits the parameters of the race a lot better than the first in my opinion.
Dynamic points awarded for:
Front wheels, body mounts/pans, Guide, DM/GE motor, front axle mount and tongue.
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 02 May 2011 - 08:11 PM
Chassis description: Entered by Ray Fellows from Madison WI. Features Dynamic 26D In-line bracket, tongue, front axle mount. No pan movement and they appear to be Buzco modified to fit.
Weight: 120g
Motor: Mubuchi 26D with a Champion can and endbell bulletproofed. 28wind.
Gear ratio: 8/29
Body: Mini-B by O2R
Paint: O2R
Guide: Jet Flag
Rubber: Parma
Comments: Clean build with mostly vintage parts. Paint is stunning! One of the lightest cars entered so far.
Dynamic points awarded for:
Tongue, F axle floppy bracket.
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 02 May 2011 - 09:52 PM
Chassis description: Entered by Joe Lupo from Mineola, New York. Features Dynamic 16D In-line bracket, tongue, front axle mount, body mount and cool 5 spoke wheels front and rear. No pan movement.
Weight: 130g
Motor: Mura 16D with a Magnum 88 magnets.
Gear ratio: 7/33 Weldun
Body: Original Pactra Titan II
Paint: Factory stock
Guide: Dynamic
Rubber: Speed Shop Rubber
Comments: Very traditional with slight modifications to the front axle carrier and installation of diagonal front axle braces. Another innovation is the use of two rear Dynamic wheels on each side to provide support to a set of wide rear rubber tires.
Dynamic points awarded for:
Tongue, F axle carrier, lead weight, guide, front and rear wheels.
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 04 May 2011 - 10:43 PM
Chassis description: Entered by Bob Israelite from Grove Fl. Features Pittman DC-706 bracket, tongue, front axle mount, body mount and wheels front and rear. No pan movement.
Weight: 197g
Motor: Pittman DC-706
Gear ratio: 7/31
Body: Classic Astro-V
Paint: by Bob
Guide: Dynamic
Rubber: Dynamic
Comments: Very traditional build using ALL Dynamic parts as far as I can see including multiple lead weights. Very creative build. As Bob describes..."The car is powered by a new 50 year old Pittman DC-706, run in reverse, considered to be true Looney Tunes. Over 2 thousand years of Martian research went into the real energy source known as Illudium Pu-36."
Dynamic points awarded for:
Tongue, F axle carrier, lead weight, guide, front and rear wheels and yes.... Vintage rubber!
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 05 May 2011 - 09:45 AM
Chassis description: Entered by Gary Vogeler of Granite City, IL. Features 26d bracket, tongue, front axle mount and Riggen front wheels. Scratchbuilt floppy pans with some built-in fore and aft movement. Longest wheelbase of all the entries this year.
Weight: 162g
Motor: Dynamic 26D with wound and balanced arm
Gear ratio: 7/29 Parma (Pink and proud)
Body: The Alien carved and molded by "32Deuce".
Paint: Stunning paintjob by Gary Vogeler
Guide: Parma
Rubber: JK treated
Comments: Interesting engineering on this one. The front wheels are protected by a huge "Y" shaped bumper mounted just behind the front axle bracket. It appears to be steel, pierced with holes but then layered with brass up front. The nose piece also runs down the top of the Dynamic tongue further strengthening the backbone. Very pro-racer looking and just might out handle Rob's car. But, that remains to be seen... until race day.
Dynamic points awarded for:
Tongue, F axle carrier.
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 05 May 2011 - 10:07 PM
Chassis description: Built and entered by Barney Poynor from Riverside, CA. Chassis features Dynamic 26D bracket, tongue, front axle mount with hand made pans. Movement is restricted to shaker pan with the two screws forward of the motor controlling motion. Front axle bracket has been reamed out to allow some movement fore and aft and side to side.
Weight: 156g
Motor: Champion 26D with post protectors, built by Havlicek.
Gear ratio: 8/31 Parma crown (pink and proud)
Body: RayNoda "Point"
Paint: Billy Bob, Bill Nolen (Thanks!)
Guide: Starburst
Rubber: Pro Track Daytona's
Comments: Very unique build, almost a chassis with-in a chassis. Not very traditional but definitely innovative!
Dynamic points awarded for:
Front wheels, Tongue, F axle bracket.
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 05 May 2011 - 11:02 PM
Chassis description: Entered by Kathryn Bartlett and constructed by "Lowrider" of Middlesex United Kingdom. Chassis features 16D endbell drive bracket, tongue and front axle mount with hand made pans. Movement is by floppy pans, hinged off steel wire rails running alongside the Dynamic bits from back axle to front bumpers.
Weight: 131g
Motor: 16D of strange and interesting manufacture.
Gear ratio: 7/30 Parma crown (girls car )
Body: "Jupiter"
Paint: Sir Kempson
Guide: Parma
Rubber: Unknown but I think JK natural.
Comments: Yet another innovative design from the Lowrider workbench. But for me it is the beautifully painted Jupiter body that caught my eye. Every angle is aesthetically pleasing!
Dynamic points awarded for:
Tongue, F axle bracket.
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 06 May 2011 - 05:44 PM
Chassis description: Entered by Don Siegel from Paris, France. Features Dynamic 16D In-line bracket, tongue, front axle mount. No pan movement.
Weight: 103g
Motor: Strombecker Hemi
Gear ratio: 8/37 Cox
Body: Eldon "Gene" Adams re-pop Stinger roadster.
Paint: Siegel
Guide: Dynamic
Rubber: Appears to be Natural JK or Alpha.
Comments: Very traditional build and only the second entry with a working drop tongue. Not sure where the body mounts derive from but they are simple, strong and effective. Also note that this is the lightest entry thus far.
Dynamic points awarded for:
Tongue, F axle carrier, lead weight, guide, Strombecker adaptor.
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 15 May 2011 - 04:27 PM
Chassis description: Built by Rick Austin in 2006 for the 1st Proxy Thingie race and slightly modified by Kaiser Edolf for the 2011 Proxy, features Dynamic 16D edb-drive bracket now with a rigid Dynamic tongue, front axle mount, Dynamic clip-in guide, Dynamic brushes, front Dynamic wheels and Dynamic lead weight. Rear ball bearings installed with threaded axles. No pan movement.
Weight: 147g
Motor: Mabuchi/Champion 16D can with bullet proofed Tradeship endbell. SVP Arm, yellow dot Champion magnets and Champion shim.
Gear ratio: 7/28 Cox
Body: Electric Dreams Shinoda "Bullet" reproduction
Paint: JHW
Guide: Dynamic 1/8" clip-in, with Dynamic brushes
Rubber: Mossetti retro donuts
Comments: Very traditional build right down to the brass strip pans. Our first returning competitor.
Dynamic points awarded for:
Tongue, F axle carrier, lead weight, guide, front wheels. (45 points if you are keeping track)
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 16 May 2011 - 06:29 PM
Chassis description: "The Twickenham Slider" chassis built and entered by John Dilworth (Howmett TX), made up of a Dynamic Dyna-flex motor pod, variable wheelbase front axle-less integrated main-rail torsion suspension with Cissy-strut, three piece brass section, guitar, bass and drums.
Weight: 132g
Motor: Havlicek rewind 16D, Tradeship endbell, Dynamic magnets and can-in-a-can shim, re-Frank Zappa'd, assembled and beatified by Big John 'Mr Motorvator' Secchi
Gear ratio: 8/28 Cox
Body: 'Dali's Car' By Bodies for Beer International
Paint: Lupo Lupazzi, The Avengers, 1967
Guide: Dog
Rubber: SCD 1/8" bore set-screw hubs, Alpha rubber. O-ring pin-hole fronts found in discarded Grateful Dead Album sleeve
Comments: The second slider to be entered in this proxy. Pan movement restricted to slight bat-pan hinge and front wheel flex via torsion rods. Howmet TX never fails to impress! Love the hand formed body and excellent paint. Quite realistic hand painted Emma Peel image in my opinion.
Dynamic points awarded for:
- NSwanberg likes this
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 18 May 2011 - 01:40 PM
Chassis description: Built and entered by Steve Kempson, (Lowrider) with a Dynamic 16d sidewinder mount attached to a hand made steel wire frame. Slight torsional flex combined with delta hinged bat pans provide movement.
Weight: 140g
Motor: Mubuchi or TKK 16d with Parma arm of unknown wind.
Gear ratio: 10/42 Cox
Body: Raynoda studios reproduction of a Choti
Paint: Kempson studios
Guide: JK
Rubber: JK treated
Comments: The third Choti body entered in this series and a tour-de-force chassis design from the Lowrider studios. I am simply amazed at the complexity and yet very restrained movement present in this chassis design. Very nice!
Dynamic points awarded for:
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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