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Duffy's Inks

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#126 Gator Bob

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 10:46 PM



And THIS happened:

attachicon.gifTi-22 EXCITA 01.JPG


Okay, that's just frankly PINK. Embarrassingly, tumescently pink ...


attachicon.gifTi-22 EXCITA.JPG



attachicon.gifTi-22 EXCITA 02.JPG







Came out nice!

The lessons are great, your brush looks much less shakey then mine is.


But .... you could get a real ribbing showing up with a pink car and a new sponsor.

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                            Bob Israelite

#127 SlotStox#53


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Posted 18 December 2013 - 11:14 PM

Love how you encorporated "Duffy Industries" into the design blending in at the front :good: The way you do the white is cool :) Neat brush work.

#128 Gator Bob

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Posted 18 December 2013 - 11:31 PM

The DI Ti is 'loookin goood'.

The lessons are presented as a "here...come learn with me friends" .... you Are a teacher.

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                            Bob Israelite

#129 Duffy


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 05:26 AM

A teacher, wow - well, it's my hope that more guys try to get into this side of things. In our local series we've got a couple-four of us "next wave" fellows who've recently joined in with the others already doing this, a kind of "other hobby" that goes along with our building and racing ones. That's how it oughta be.

I guess I backed into it from the other direction originally, as a static modeler when I was just a wee small Terribleist; then, when slot cars came along, I and my local buddies began by doing scale representations of real cars. I know there was a moment when a lot of us resented the trend away from scale, but I sorta went with it. With my return to slots all these decades hence (and with Retro, it's like I'm dropping back in at the moment I left!), I was nudged toward painting by that same wish to just see something pretty out there.

Anyway, this last year when I've been working on this pretty hard, I'm noticing the talk around the table by guys who are voicing the same sentiment: and the starting grids are looking prettier all the time. That's cool.

And I got a real deep appreciation for a comment Noose made a while back, that he looks for realism and in-the-day style in a paintjob; I think that's real appropriate and I liked the sentiment a lot.



Michael J. Heinrich
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#130 Duffy


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 05:45 AM

Speaking of "realistic," here's a lesson learned!


This is a bod I'm doing for a friend; he asked for a silver-gray / white car, with an "arrow" theme based on the arrow off one of the early Yardbirds albums (okay, ALL the Yardbirds albums are "early" now)! - so I went to work.


Bash Ti 01.JPG


- And the body in the back was my first attempt.

Remember what I was saying before about trying to show off by making curvy lines &all? Well, here is where that can go horribly, horribly wrong. It just screams Thingie, at least to me.

So I went back & did it again, in the foreground. A little more like it, I think.


A note to myself and all others who hesitate and "wull what if I do it wrong??" - that mistake cost me an hour and a seven-buck shell. Big deal. What I got from it is treasure: a reminder of my potential to literally paint myself into a corner.

- That, and the golden opportunity to put it out here on The Virtual Table and go to my buddies, "Look at my Epic Screwup!!" Priceless.



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#131 Tex


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 09:26 AM

Pfft. Just tell 'em you went "Over, Under, Sideways, Down" and meant to do it that way.

Richard L. Hofer

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#132 Noose


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 02:28 PM

I keep trying to tell him the only one who is going to say it's wrong is himself.  He needs to strop going all Van Gogh on himself.

Joe "Noose" Neumeister
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The only thing bad about Retro is admitting that you remember doing it originally.

#133 Duffy


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 05:07 PM

Well, now, hold on: this whole thread's supposed to be about how we process the stuff that goes right or wrong or lucky, so I post my impressions about the things I do, for you to see.
Sooooo.....I guess that makes me a Post Impressionist. (Har! "Post Impressionist," GET IT?? as in Van Gogh, right? -RIGHT?? Ohhh I slay myself, I truly do.)

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Michael J. Heinrich
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#134 Noose


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 06:43 PM

See what I mean. Lol

#135 Duffy


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 06:52 PM

In the '70s in SoCal, in The Day Of The Painted Van, there was a guy in my neighborhood with a slabside Dodge all dolled up with Vincent on each side. A Mylar visor up front read "What Van DO??" and then the thing drove by and you saw the portrait, and you said to yourself silently, "Van Gogh..." as it - went.



Michael J. Heinrich
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#136 Duffy


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 06:55 PM

Just tough luck for you lot that Kirk Douglas isn't around to play me in the Duffy Movie. Yehh, that woulda been dynamite.

Michael J. Heinrich
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#137 Mike Patterson

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Posted 19 December 2013 - 09:57 PM



I STILL like your first attempt the best. Noose is right, you're too hard on yourself. The vast majority of the American populace have no concept of good or bad design, let alone the execution thereof. Things that bother you are glossed over by the great unwashed.


And besides, It's just a slot car body, destined to a hard life of wall scrapes, wall smacks, HARD wall smacks, and wall smacks resulting in some air time, usually with bad results.

I am not a doctor, but I played one as a child with the girl next door.

#138 Gator Bob

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Posted 19 December 2013 - 10:14 PM

In the '70s in SoCal, in The Day Of The Painted Van, there was a guy in my neighborhood with a slabside Dodge all dolled up with Vincent on each side. A Mylar visor up front read "What Van DO??" and then the thing drove by and you saw the portrait, and you said to yourself silently, "Van Gogh..." as it - went.




Are you prepared to offer these as an RTR on a 4.5" FCR ... Sounds nice.

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                            Bob Israelite

#139 Gator Bob

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Posted 19 December 2013 - 10:16 PM


And besides, It's just a slot car body, destined to a hard life of wall scrapes, wall smacks, HARD wall smacks, and wall smacks resulting in some air time, usually with bad results.


So too true ... but I still don't have to like it.....still.

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                            Bob Israelite

#140 Duffy


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 11:30 PM

Ohhh, now...a degree of "hard on yourself" is in everything we Yumens do: it's the outside judgement of our inside self-appraisal.

We're constantly appraising our world, making choices on how we WANT things: every time we check our look in the mirror, or consider waxing the car, or do that inch test just above our belt, or or or - inside, it's "I wonder if this  is how I want it" and outside there's somebody saying you're too hard on yourself.

No difference here.


BUT, here I bring YOU  lot into it, not so you can judge how I'm appraising myself but to give you an insight into just how the process works - as an example that you can apply or dismiss in your own daily agonies.

And, maybe, it'll be an example of how not-so-bad something might turn out, to the fellow somewhere down the line who's holding his disaster and mulling what to do about it. I hope so.


"...destined to a hard life..."

Professor Fate would intone, "THEY ARE ALL DOOMED."

- Which means, yah of course it's gonna get scraped - unless you put it behind glass and look at it, in which case it'll be landfill later rather than sooner, and back to TAAD. So, stop worrying and put it on the track where you'll enjoy watching it go by. And when it's all tore up and destroyed, then put it under glass and go paint another. Win-win.

This is the great thing about doing our own anyway, whether it's bodies or chassis or losing that pinch above belt line: if we do it ourselves, we can do it again, and maybe do it better as well. Win-win-win.

What a great hobby, huh?



Michael J. Heinrich
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#141 Gator Bob

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Posted 20 December 2013 - 12:16 AM

 Yeah ... It's how ya look at it.


There wasn't a straight face around when the firecrackers got loaded into the 'scale' models. :D  :spiteful:  :clapping:  :bomb:


Remember ? :to_become_senile:  

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                            Bob Israelite

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