Listen to brassrodman. He is indeed a wise man!

2013 Checkpoint Cup Retro Championships
Posted 03 January 2013 - 07:35 PM
Posted 03 January 2013 - 09:35 PM
Scotch makes you get in the "A" even if you are not at the raceway that day!
Philippe de Lespinay
Posted 04 January 2013 - 09:56 AM
- NJ SpeedZone likes this
John Chas Molnar
"Certified Newark Wise Guy since 1984" (retired)
"Certified Tony P Chassis God 2007.2023
Retro Chassis Designer-Builder
Posted 05 January 2013 - 10:25 PM
Down at the track today to check out my new rides---didn't get any time on the King track as the wing car guys were there testing. But the flat track had Mill Conroy and Phil Nyland putting down a lot of laps and Alex watching!! I tried out my Coupe and 1/32 cars--and their pretty good. I ran my new King cars--but they ran fine--now see how they handle the King!! CYA there next week--I'll probably take Thursday off too so I can get some more testing done on my Friday cars--and the Retro pro on the KIng. Looking forward to 3 days of playing with all you "big boys"!! Come on down--the weather's fine. I may have to take my "Hemi" hot rod out on Friday so you guys can check it out. I know Howie would be interested!!
Posted 05 January 2013 - 10:39 PM
Posted 05 January 2013 - 10:47 PM
Just get there by 8:00am Jason--I"m sure the racing will be all day on all the days!! Friday is Coupe racing followed by 1/32 and then Retro Pro.
Posted 05 January 2013 - 10:51 PM
thanks jason
Posted 05 January 2013 - 10:55 PM
What class's are you intending to race? Only the FIRST race will have a known start time! After that--it will depend on the # of entrants--qualifying--and how long the lower mains take to run. So the only way to know the start times--is to be there. You're an experienced racer--you know this already. If you want hourly updates--you'll need to call someone at the track.
Posted 05 January 2013 - 11:15 PM
you have known me for a long time I hate to put a car together at the track come with it done 2 or 3 laps then to tech race days are to race and shoot the breeze not work for me that is always done at home or before the race like Thursday not the day of.

Posted 11 January 2013 - 12:16 AM
Noose has been kind enough to donate 3 certificates for custom painted bodies for participants this weekend as race prizes. Winners will be chosen at random from the Coupe, Can Am and F1 classes.
From everyone at the Parma Checkpoint............... Thanks Joe!!!!
Posted 12 January 2013 - 03:19 AM
The Friday races at the Parma Checkpoint saw Duran Trujillo over Bryan Warmack and Tracy Chin in Anglewinder Coupes and Duran again over Dennis Samson and Bryan Warmack in Retro 1/32nds. A great turnout in all classes and 28 entries in Retro Pro which is still underway.............
Posted 12 January 2013 - 04:27 AM
"DCR Slot Cars" on FaceBook
Posted 12 January 2013 - 07:30 AM
Posted 12 January 2013 - 08:25 AM
Congrats to all. It would be great if Duran could make his way east some day.
- blkdout76 and ejgehrken like this
Posted 12 January 2013 - 10:26 AM
John,he does,,,,,but as many know Duran Trujillo is part of Team Kelly,(and sponsored)Congrats to all. It would be great if Duran could make his way east some day.
and basically races Flexi's when he travels,,,,,AND,he kicks butt
in those races too check the major flexi races he's 1 there too
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 12 January 2013 - 11:36 AM
Any live coverage of this event? Want to see how some left coasters are fairing today.
Frank Giordano
Posted 12 January 2013 - 12:37 PM
Wow, the Retro pro race looked like a SoCal USRA of old
Posted 12 January 2013 - 12:47 PM
Thanks for the report, looks like 2nd thru 6th was a real battle. Jonathan looks like he was wicked fast too but something must have happened during the race, to him...........
Rick Bennardo
"Professional Tinkerer"
R-Geo Products
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Lead! The easy equalizer...
Posted 12 January 2013 - 02:19 PM
Posted 12 January 2013 - 02:55 PM
If you saw PDL'S Post some dummy was using the why-Fi for not soo good of things so keep an eye on here too stay up too speed.
Guess I'm spoiled by SpeedZone's live video coverage of all major events, without using WiFi by the way.
On another note who would pay a buck to see major races, like the Nats? Is a buck too much or not enough?
Frank Giordano
Posted 12 January 2013 - 03:06 PM
I would be willing to pay $1-2 to watch major races (i.e. Nats and Premier Retro Races) as long as there is no advertising and there are multiple camera views.
Gehrken Retro Chassis
2015-16 Retro East Overall Champion
2015-16 Retro East Constructor's Champion
2013-14 New England Retro Racing Overall Champion
Posted 12 January 2013 - 04:49 PM
The Can-Am Qualify Result of Checkpoint Cup:
1. Bryan Warmack
2. Bob Crane(racing my Kamo-Speed Can-Am car)
3. Mike Iles
4. Jason Holmes
5. John Gorski
6. Mill Conroy
7. Duran Torjillo(racing Kamo-Speed chassis)
8. John Cukras
9. Gary Donahoe(racing Kamo's Kamo-Spider II car)
10. Terry Schmidt(racing Gary's Kamo-Speed car)
Good Racing,
Retro Tokyo
Retro Tokyo
Retro Tokyo on Facebook
Where do we go from here: chaos or community?
Posted 12 January 2013 - 07:38 PM
Jersey John has just told me Bryan's TQ time is 4.15.
Retro Tokyo
Retro Tokyo
Retro Tokyo on Facebook
Where do we go from here: chaos or community?
Posted 13 January 2013 - 11:56 PM
Thanks for the report, looks like 2nd thru 6th was a real battle. Jonathan looks like he was wicked fast too but something must have happened during the race, to him...........
Yeah, I had a 7 lap lead after 2 heats and stripped a gear and spun a pinon. The car was an absolute missile and planted in the race, but had some bad luck. Just happy Howie didn't take the dollar a lap bet for this race, haha.
Third Eye Technology