Schweet, Rick! Putting the back of the instruments behind the dash is going "above and beyond"... par excellence!

R&C Captain Rick’s entry #1
Posted 31 December 2013 - 11:27 AM
Remember, two wrongs don't make a right... but three lefts do! Only you're a block over and a block behind.
Posted 31 December 2013 - 12:21 PM
Real nice! Reminds me that a lot of us were model car builders before becoming slot racers.
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 31 December 2013 - 01:33 PM
Looks great Rick, you nailed it!
Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 31 December 2013 - 01:39 PM
Thanks Nick and Jairus Your cars are my inspiration Jairus
..........Reminds me that a lot of us were model car builders before becoming slot racers.
I sure was Don. But as soon as I discovered slot cars bigger than HO's I was hooked on slots!
Putting the back of the instruments behind the dash............
Tex, I have a Cox Ferrari GP body kit I've been staring at for years in the hopes that I would someday build it. I kept thinking I wanted my R&C racer to look almost as detailed as that Cox Ferrari but still perform like a 1966 Pro racer.
..........Have you had the opportunity to put a couple laps on it at your track?
It runs great on my track Bill. With the vintage grey VC tires it doesn't tilt and is just "loose" enough to be fun to actually "drive" through the turns......not just "punch" like a modern car. FUN!
Must get butt in gear and tools/parts fast to finish off Pittman 906 & get my R&C '66 BRM GP started...
Seeing the finished cars in this R&C forum kept me pushing on to finish too Paul. I've still got my Ford GT40 to paint!
Looks like Rick wins concours..........
Thanks for the encouragement Pablo but it isn't over yet! We need to get everyone's cars finished and sent in to the Proxy event.....
This would NOT be an actual race with modern racers beating our cars to death. Rodney and Eric (arguably the best vintage drivers on the planet) have offered to do the following:
"Eric and I are ready to run the "proxy race". We will record lap times, take pictures, make a tech sheet like the old race reports and comment on how each car drives."
This would take place at Eddie's Slot Car World...... and I will post this and further details in the Rod & Custom Road Races revisited forum soon....
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Rick Thigpen
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There's much more to come...
Posted 31 December 2013 - 02:07 PM
That is great news !!
My Chappy is ready to go, and the M2B will be ready soon.
Paul Wolcott
Posted 31 December 2013 - 02:21 PM
Proxy? Oh my .... Looks at the unfinished Porsche & yet to be started BRM....