BPR Womps, Buena Park, CA
Posted 31 January 2014 - 02:43 PM
- Jocke P and Brian Cochrane like this
Posted 31 January 2014 - 03:19 PM
Welcome to the dark side. I'm glad to see Wompamania spreading coast to coast.
Steve Smith
Smith Scale Speedway
Posted 02 February 2014 - 02:33 PM
Once my new knee is working I'll be back to play!!! I love the little womps!
- PCH Parts Express likes this
Posted 04 February 2014 - 07:25 PM
Friday night January 31st race results: 1st Walt Price, 2nd Tom Schiavo, 3rd Max Bowers. It was a close race between Walt and Tomfor first, Tom lost by one lap. Max made up laps and beat Mel Moon by one lap for third. Tensions were high between Walt and Tom and between Max and Mel.
Posted 04 February 2014 - 07:39 PM
On Saturday Febuary Ist; In the "A" main: 1st Jim Watterson, 2nd Michael Stuart(Stu), 3rd Mel Moon, In the "B" main: 1st Tim Ballmer, 2nd Blaine Halberstadt, 3rd Alex Felix. Max Bowers, after 7 heats was down by 12 laps to Mel Moon and with the promise of podium cookies came back to 7 behide trying to beat Mel to get those podium cookies. In the "B" main congradulations to Blaine Halberstadt for being new Womp racer after 10 years of not racing at all. Congradulations to Alex Felix for being a new young racer.
Posted 21 February 2014 - 08:21 PM
Posted 23 February 2014 - 01:21 PM
Good to see the womp program is still running!! Once I get my knee rehabed--I'll try to make some races!! Enjoy!!
Posted 24 February 2014 - 12:57 AM
Good to see the womp program is still running!! Once I get my knee rehabed--I'll try to make some races!! Enjoy!!
After the "Crash and Dash" we ran for the stock race back on the 14th I think we are all still rehabbing some body part!
Posted 02 March 2014 - 08:13 PM
I know these are just Womps, but if the opportunity exists I would like to see some close up pictures.
Matt Sheldon
Owner - Duffy's SlotCar Raceway (Evans, CO)
Posted 03 April 2014 - 05:23 PM
03/28/14 Womp Races
"B" class
1st- Russ Uppman
2nd- Chuck Crawford
3rd- Alex Felix
"A" class
1st- Stu
2nd- Jim Watterson
3rd- Max Bowers
Posted 03 April 2014 - 09:49 PM
Looks like fun, thanks for posting
Posted 04 April 2014 - 03:18 PM
Yep, lots of fun.
I honor of April Fools tonight the A main will be running the track backwards... I pity the turn marshals!!
Posted 17 April 2014 - 06:55 PM
Our Friday night started with a meeting to discuss the amendments to the stock rules we have made and we also discussed the motors that are now being supplied in the RTR's. I believe I have come up with a solution to the motor issue if after next week they turn out to be similar in performance.
A low turn out required us to run one race in the 4 racers at a time format. It was a good night for Mel, Stu, and Pepper and a bad night for Max, Jim, and Russ. Although Jim and Russ had the fastest times they didn't have the best of nights. Russ really seemed to be flying everytime I saw him but something must of happened because he finished about 25 laps down from the leader. Mel and Pepper turned the most laps they ever have and Stu also was on top of his game. Jim couldn't find a set of tires that could get ahold of the race track and Max's car got bent very early in the race. The final order was Stu, Mel, Pepper, Mike, Jim, Russ, and Max. Hope to see everyone next week.
Posted 26 April 2014 - 05:20 PM
Our Friday night womp races went on as usual. We had another decent turnout so we were able to run both an "A" and "B" race. Jim Watterson pulled out another win in the "A" race with 321 laps. Pepper followed in 2nd place with 318 laps. Mike Brannian battled for 3rd place with 303 laps. In the "B" race, Gonzo finished on top with 283 laps. Walt finished in 2nd place with 276 laps and Kyle finished in 3rd place with 258 laps. Hope to see everyone next week.
Posted 08 May 2014 - 07:46 PM
May 2nd 2014 we had our Friday night Womp races. With only 8 racers on hand we ran a 4 on and 4 off format. In the end we had Jim with 326, Stu who was disqualified with 309, and Mel with 304.
Posted 09 May 2014 - 07:01 AM
Looks like a great time. Why was Stu DQ'd?
Steve Smith
Smith Scale Speedway
Posted 10 May 2014 - 02:46 AM
Looks like a great time. Why was Stu DQ'd?
He switched cars during the race after his died.
He didn't do it to cheat, just switched cars so he could have fun and race with everyone.
But it is technically a DQ
Posted 10 May 2014 - 12:41 PM
Kudos to the race director for allowing that, and to Stu for racing on.
Steve Smith
Smith Scale Speedway
Posted 16 May 2014 - 07:29 PM
It was another fun night of racing here at Buena Park Raceway. Our usual Friday night Womp races took place. In the "B" main, Kyle was still trying to find his groove with his Dodge pickup but was having A difficult time with it. Mel brought one of his daughters this week and she was armed with everything she needed to race. She finished in 5th place with 202 laps. Finishing in 3rd place with 246 laps was Walt. In 2nd place was Alex with 269 laps. And this week, 1st place went to Max who finished with a solid 273 laps. In the "A" main, the top 3 were a little different than usual. Gonzo finished in 3rd place this week with 304 laps. Finishing in 2nd with 310 laps was Mel and our 1st place racer was Pepper. This was Peppers first win and with 314 laps, I can guarantee it wont be his last. Congratulations to Pepper on his win, and hope to see everyone next week.
Posted 24 May 2014 - 06:44 PM
Been there, done that , and love it, Those are really challenging to set up....
Posted 29 May 2014 - 07:18 PM
Last Friday, May 23rd 2014 we decided to run just one race due to a low turnout of racers. Before the race started we had a couple of late entries including Jim, who was just returning from a trip to Alaska. Time away from the track must of been good for Jim because he turned 2 40's and 2 41's in his first 4 heats. Walt Price had a good night turning 298 laps. The track had a lot of speed this night which allowed for 6 racers to do 4.25 or better. The top 3 this week were no strangers to the podium. Mel Moon finished in 3rd with 305 laps and a best time of 4.17. Stu had another solid race finishing in 2nd with 309 laps. Racking up 317 laps and a best time of 4.16 went to Jim who was able to add another win to his belt. Hope to have another great turnout next week.
Posted 05 June 2014 - 09:25 PM
Another Friday where we had just enough racers for one race. Jim sat out this race giving our own homegrown Pepper a chance to take control of the garden, but this week Pepper wasn't too hot. So coming in from the edge of the earth, a suburb so far out they have to pipe sunshine in, Stu cooked a winning recipe this week. Yes Stu pickled Pepper by a couple of laps. Mel ran a good race finishing 3rd turning 304 laps. That's a number that 2 months ago would have had us all saying, " all hail king Mel, the fastest of the fast." Now its just 304? Better luck next time. Next was Mike who showed up a little unprepared so He borrowed a car and a controller and He borrowed some pit equiptment, He may have even borrowed the entry fee. With all of this He borrowed 4th place. Then there is Walt, the man who holds the record for the most paint taken home with him that was stuck on his front wheels. He had a car so fast on the straights that nobody was able to keep up with him. Once in the turns he was as fast as an H.O scale tricycle. Somehow he managed the same number of laps as Mike. Now we come to Scott, one of our newest racers. You know the guy, " my car's too slow (sniffle sniffle). My arm hurts, my fingers dont work, I can't find the right setting on the brake switch. Jim tell me how this whole thing works". Oh I did a 4.27 in my second race. For most of us, it took a few months and a dozen races to get that fast and Scott did it in only a month and 2 races. Another month and none of us will be able to catch him. ZOOM, POW, CRACK, CRASH, "holy cow Maxman, you broke the Maxmobile, better get back to the Maxcave and fix it." See you next week, same Maxplace same Maxchannel.
Posted 06 June 2014 - 01:55 AM
I may have turned my chassis into a pretzel and had to borrow a car from Mel (so it was a DQ for me)... BUT I saved the new body, hardly a mark on it!
Posted 07 June 2014 - 04:24 PM
Last night we had 6 racers for our weekly womp race. Some decent numbers were being put up lastnight. Jim Watterson and Mike Brannen were taking turns racing heats and even with this partnership, Jim and Mike finished in 2nd place with 310 laps. Our 3rd place finisher was Walt Price who in the past struggled but this night was different turning 302 laps. Now on to our 1st place winner, with a big 321 laps and a best time of 4.11, Stu definitely didn't hold back tonight pulling out another win. It was a great night of racing just in time for our monthly womp race tomorrow.
Posted 13 June 2014 - 06:27 PM
Friday night we had 6 racers and Stu had his car running the best. Walt bought one of the parma controllers that Jim modifys with a six position brake switch. Adjusting the brake seemed to help Walt a lot leading him to his first 300 race. For some reason purple seemed to be giving everyone trouble. This week, Jim and Mike Brennan switched off heat to heat just to have a little fun and keep things interesting. Jim seemed to suffer the worst coming up 4 or 5 laps short of his normal pace, it seemed everyone was a couple laps short of normal. Once again Max came up a few laps short of the 300 club. Scott countinued on his learning curve, practicing on black and purple but when it comes down to the race he doesn't do well on those lanes. Maybe next week will be the time Max and 300 come together. Talk to you then. The final order was: Stu, Jim, Walt, Mel, Max, and Scott.