Rookie Mike here, the "Video guy" at Fast Tracks that you gave some excellent interior and body painting advice to this past weekend. Thanks again!
I know I have no business scratchbuilding since I haven't even entered a race yet, but I am used to doing things bass akwards.
Here's my first chassis ever attempted (happens to be a beaver) based on the article in issue #2 of Slot Car Mag, since there are very nice step by step instructions and great pictures. I couldn't find a Duffy war beaver kit so I cobbled something together to be similar based On a JK D3 front piece.
I am looking forward to trying it out. Hopefully it will at least go down the track in the right direction. LOL
Hopefully I will be able to join the Retro East guys (a phenomenal group of talent/knowledge there) when I am much less likely to crash every one off the track.
Everyone's gotta start somewhere I suppose.