Do you have any available with the Hardbody option available?
Posted 13 December 2019 - 11:07 AM
Do you have any available with the Hardbody option available?
Matt Sheldon
Owner - Duffy's SlotCar Raceway (Evans, CO)
Posted 13 December 2019 - 11:57 AM
Sending PM Matt, but yes I do have a few.
Mark Horne
"Racing is life... everything else is just waiting." Steve McQueen - LeMans
There are only two things in life that make me feel alive. Racing is one of them.
Posted 14 December 2019 - 10:04 AM
I only have 3 of these left.
The next run will be after the first of the year.
Please PM me if interested
Mark Horne
"Racing is life... everything else is just waiting." Steve McQueen - LeMans
There are only two things in life that make me feel alive. Racing is one of them.
Posted 30 January 2020 - 03:07 PM
Mark, This looks to be one of the coolest tools! Got any left?
Posted 30 January 2020 - 04:06 PM
Posted 30 January 2020 - 04:35 PM
I have a new run in the shop and hoping to finish them up this weekend.
An issue I am having is Mom is on Hospice and has a very short time so it has my hands tied.
As soon as these are ready to ship I will get back here and let everyone know.
Thanks for your patience.
Mark Horne
"Racing is life... everything else is just waiting." Steve McQueen - LeMans
There are only two things in life that make me feel alive. Racing is one of them.
Posted 30 January 2020 - 05:11 PM
Moms are way more important than anything slot car. Don't lose time that you will later regret...
A voice of experience
Don Weaver
A slot car racer who never grew up!
The supply of government exceeds demand.
L.H. Lapham
If the brain-eating amoeba invades Washington
it will starve to death...
Posted 31 January 2020 - 12:00 AM
You take care of Mom 1st. Toy cars and those who Play can wait as Don said.
Posted 31 January 2020 - 06:19 AM
Yes, thanks guys.
Mark Horne
"Racing is life... everything else is just waiting." Steve McQueen - LeMans
There are only two things in life that make me feel alive. Racing is one of them.
Posted 31 January 2020 - 02:08 PM
Hey Mark:
I am the owner of P1 Raceway and I would like to know how much 2 of these would cost? Also, when do you think they would be available?
I know that you are taking care of your Mom for now, but it would only be to give an idea to the racers who want to buy.
I hope your Mother gets better soon.
Thank you, Marcus
Posted 31 January 2020 - 04:38 PM
PM sent
Mark Horne
"Racing is life... everything else is just waiting." Steve McQueen - LeMans
There are only two things in life that make me feel alive. Racing is one of them.
Posted 07 February 2020 - 06:44 AM
I will be back in the shop this weekend working on the next run.
I will be adding some small requested improvements:
- The side blocks will be 3/8" longer to broaden the reach of the pins.
- Rubber feet to reduce sliding.
To keep the cost the same only a set of the long pins will be included.
These options can be requested:
Short pins $10
Scribed alignment reference lines on one side for 3-1/4", 3-1/8", 3" & 1-3/8" wide chassis $5
Mark Horne
"Racing is life... everything else is just waiting." Steve McQueen - LeMans
There are only two things in life that make me feel alive. Racing is one of them.
Posted 09 February 2020 - 01:51 PM
I can start shipping Tuesday Feb 11th.
I tried to get back to those who have PMed me. If I missed you or you would like order one, [;ease use the PM here.
Mark Horne
"Racing is life... everything else is just waiting." Steve McQueen - LeMans
There are only two things in life that make me feel alive. Racing is one of them.
Posted 17 February 2020 - 08:45 AM
I have units boxed and ready to ship.
Please PM me if interested.
See posts 175 & 187
Mark Horne
"Racing is life... everything else is just waiting." Steve McQueen - LeMans
There are only two things in life that make me feel alive. Racing is one of them.
Posted 21 February 2020 - 05:40 PM
Mark, my hats off to ya. What a great tool. A great addition to any slotcar bench.
Posted 14 March 2020 - 09:22 PM
Hi Mark, I got my jig today. It's great, thanks again.
Doug Sloan
Dearborn Heights, MI
"You don't quit playing when you get old, you get old when you quit playing"
"Kids in cars cause accidents, accidents in cars cause kids"
My 1:1 scale slot car
Posted 25 March 2020 - 11:14 PM
The jig is amazing and a breeze to use. Makes it really simple to align and pinhole the body. I've only done a few so far. I bought a RTR flexi for the NASCAR Series and did 2 bodies for the same JK chassis with no issues. The bodies mount easily on several other JK Cheetahs. The scratchbuilt Can-Am cars did not come from the same builder, but the adjustments were a breeze. The oddball in the group was my RTR IndyCar flexi.
One of the first bits of advice I was given was to get rid of the body clips on the RTR cars and solder pin tubes. The JKs had no problems and the Mossettis that I just received look like they'll be fine too. When I went to mount the bodies on the IndyCar frames, I had all sorts of issues keeping the front end over the guide flag low enough and molded in front diaplane horizontally straight.
The jig showed me that if I am going to use pin tubes for IndyCar/Flexi, I'll need to relocate them rather than insert and solder them in the factory body clip holes. After spending a frustrating hour trying to align the body and pin it level, I discovered that the pin tubes were forcing the body side tanks up because the front pin tubes sat too high when soldered in the clip hole. I ran out of time to modify the mount, but my plan is to solder a piece of .063 to the pan then the pin tubes across the wire with a slight pan overhang.
A user suggestion is that reaming/countersinking the pin tube hole allows the punch to seat deeper. This worked well on a previously used body that I had already re-enforced with strapping tape. I didn't want to retape/strap the body and the reamed tube allowed the punch to push through the tape.A side benefit was a cut down pin found the tube easier to slide into.
Another user suggestion is that a standard body pin fits perfectly in the jig guide and punctures through and into the pin tube. The benefit to me was that the body was literally pinned to the chassis and I could determine if I wanted to make any other general body changes before unmounting it.
Thanks for the very fast shipment! Great tool for a fella with shaky hands, 4 eyes plus reading glasses!
Posted 26 March 2020 - 03:48 PM
I am glad it worked out for you Scott.
I know some are using the blocks to position pin tubes on D3 cars so each car has the same mounting pattern. Typically these are in custom locations. After the tubes are soldered in they are cut off with a dremel. Not sure if that would be of help to you but it is an option.
Mark Horne
"Racing is life... everything else is just waiting." Steve McQueen - LeMans
There are only two things in life that make me feel alive. Racing is one of them.
Posted 09 April 2020 - 10:20 PM
Posted 10 April 2020 - 10:10 AM
While we're showing mods to Mark's awesome body mounting tool I thought some might like to see the mod I made to center the front of the chassis using the guide blade. I just cut a .090" wide slot in a piece of aluminum sheet and attached it to the underside of the tool's top surface with 3M VHB tape. I also added some stick-on rubber bumpers to the bottom of the tool to keep it from slipping around on smooth surfaces.
Jay Guard
IRRA Board of Directors (2022-Present),
Gator Region Retro Racing Director (2021-Present)
SERRA Co-Director (2009-2013)
IRRA BoD advisor (2007-2010)
Team Slick 7 member (1998-2001)
Way too serious Retro racer
Posted 19 April 2020 - 05:16 PM
I would like to order one of your body pinning fixtures. Please contact me to let me know how to order one, and if I can pay via PayPal.
John Druskinis
Posted 19 April 2020 - 08:08 PM
While we're showing mods to Mark's awesome body mounting tool I thought some might like to see the mod I made to center the front of the chassis using the guide blade. I just cut a .090" wide slot in a piece of aluminum sheet and attached it to the underside of the tool's top surface with 3M VHB tape. I also added some stick-on rubber bumpers to the bottom of the tool to keep it from slipping around on smooth surfaces.
I was thinking the same thing. And adding holdown locations.
Posted 19 April 2020 - 11:05 PM
Posted 20 April 2020 - 09:22 AM
I think Atlanta Slot Car has one someone has added magnets to to hold the chassis in place.
Not sure I like that idea so much.