The Mystic from TrueScale and available from MaX Slot Car Bodies.
PM me for details and availability.
Posted 27 August 2021 - 03:51 PM
My newly acquired BZ Batmobile! I had one in my Junior High days but not since until recently.
Of course features a BZ1000 36D sidewinder motor in a chrome BZ Chassis.
And of course Bat Hub Caps!
David Ray Siller
MAXImum MOtion
Retired Video Game Creator/Designer/Producer
Thingies are my thingy!
Posted 27 August 2021 - 09:05 PM
Nice car Dave! You've kept quite a nice photo collection of the slot cars you've owned over the years. I didn't do that with mine, so they're only in my memory, I did that with model car kits too. I often wish I kept photos of the Plymouth coupe model I made for a local Maine racer/owner/driver when I was in high school, on commission.
Posted 27 August 2021 - 09:12 PM
Those photos are ALL I have of those departed cars.
I miss them all and it never NEVER my intention to sell any of them.
I rest easy because I know that everyone of those departed cars are in GREAT hands!
David Ray Siller
MAXImum MOtion
Retired Video Game Creator/Designer/Producer
Thingies are my thingy!
Posted 11 March 2022 - 04:20 PM
I never had one, but I thought in the mid-60s the Banshee was one of the best-looking slot car bodies available. I now have a clear body, so some day, I may build my own Banshee.
Posted 11 March 2022 - 06:59 PM
Good find Max. Lots of Banshees around, but not many with the printing on the rear tires.
Posted 24 March 2023 - 10:55 AM
My recent trip to the Mid-west Slot Car Show resulted in a new addition to my RTR collection, the Garvic Extreme.
In the process of looking for the parts for this project I resulted in a pile of parts that resulted in the addition of more cars ( nut counters should look away now)!
While completeing the Garvic cars, I decided to clean up my bench that hadn't been touched in over two years by completing a couple more cars in the process.
There's yet to come a couple Cox Cheetas with mag. chassis that I need to clean the dust off before I can even touch them! Talking about an ITCH !
Posted 24 March 2023 - 11:50 AM
Posted 25 March 2023 - 11:03 AM
I always thought Gavic cars were underrated my self. They were exclusively a thingy company except for the Mc M2 correct? With great original designed cars and box art. Whats not to love.
I have parts to put a few together, but never seem to get to them.
Posted 25 March 2023 - 11:19 AM
The Sonic Needle was one of the nicest, along with the XStream... and my favorite, the Lunar!
I didn't really like them at the time, and had a very bad impression because we used them as rental cars in the center where I worked and they weren't in great shape - altho that was also my fault, since I was the tech guy! I don't think they convinced anybody to buy a car and get into slot racing...
But I have come to appreciate them more since then, for the design and the box types, although the chassis still seem pretty simple to me.
We had a 36D only Thingie race last year here in France, and the couple GarVic cars entered actually did pretty well - they seem to run about as well as their contemporaries, with silicone tires on most of the cars.
Posted 25 March 2023 - 08:12 PM
Ohio is experiencing high winds today. Kinda puts me in the mood to work on another project of mine, completing a couple Cyclones!
Posted 28 March 2023 - 09:20 PM
Ohio is experiencing high winds today. Kinda puts me in the mood to work on another project of mine, completing a couple Cyclones!
Time to take a break. Lights flickering. Pretty soon, nothing but a bat will be able to see!
Posted 28 March 2023 - 10:24 PM
Do you have the specs for those H&R rear tires? I need some rubber ones and that size looks about right.
Time to take a break. Lights flickering. Pretty soon, nothing but a bat will be able to see!
Posted 29 March 2023 - 09:21 AM
Mark, those are H&R silicone, not sure if they were produced in rubber. They measure 1.05hx.4w inches.
Posted 30 March 2023 - 09:02 AM
Those two Cyclone Avengers are NICE! Great work...
David Ray Siller
MAXImum MOtion
Retired Video Game Creator/Designer/Producer
Thingies are my thingy!
Posted 08 April 2023 - 07:19 PM
They were exclusively a thingy company except for the Mc M2 correct?
And their first kit, the Ford GT.
Posted 09 April 2023 - 10:04 AM