The April 1971 issue of Miniature Auto Racing Newsletter had a "Product Spotlight" on the Steube ready to run Pro car. I've long admired this car:
(The MAR scans are courtesy of Steve Okeefe, click on the pictures to enlarge)
Here are a couple of pictures of one of Bill Steube Jr.'s similar builds (pictures courtesy of Mike Steube):
I haven't built a C-can anglewinder in years and the time has come. I'm not going to build an exact "replica" or "clone" but rather a very similar car that will be "inspired" by the 1971 Steube R-T-R.
I'm breaking out my real deal Steube new old stock parts for the build. First one of the coolest drop arms ever...
... and the very distinctive Steube pans:
Not a Steube part but a period part none the less, a Cobra motor bracket:
The axles are 3/32", the wheelbase in the Rick's Jig is set to 3-13/16" and the main rail combination is .062"-.055". The start of the build:
The "half rails" and the cross brace are what's being aligned by the jig's pins. This chassis uses straight half rails. All the other anglewinder chassis I've built have had a bend in at least the drive side half rail.
Time to fire up the Ungar...