Thanks so much, guys. It's nice to see the interest. There's a lot of history to share as well as some fun back stories, so I'm sure this will be an on-going thread for a while.
Let's see - Where to start?
Lancer Co. was a fun place to work. We were all pretty young, even the owner and his partner. We all knew each other before Lancer was born so we were like a family There were always some kind of shenanigans and rowdiness taking place as well as some silliness and stupid guy stuff like playing tricks on someone. We got our work done, but we had fun doing it.
Lancer Co. was born in the back room of a local hobby shop that I and my friends had gone to through junior high and high school. It was a place where strangers became friends quickly because they shared common passions. When you walked in there was always someone there you knew or would get to know.
Lancer began in San Bernardino, California – the home of the original McDonalds Hamburger Drive Inn, which was going strong at the time... 25 cents for a hamburger and Coke and 10 or 15 cents for fries – man, what a deal
It was the late '50s and early '60s and life was great. Everyone had a hot rod or custom or were building one. It was car heaven and Wolfman Jack was on the radio doing his thing in style, and we all loved it.
Cruising on Friday and Saturday nights through McDonalds and listening to the Wolfman howl... ahhhooo!
– awesome!!! Just loved it.
Lancer Co. was born while I was in college. It began in the back room of the hobby shop of my youth, and progressed from there when the slot racing hobby began to grow and become more popular. Eventually, they had to move into a dedicated business location, and John the money man and owner had to sell the hobby shop and Lancer Co. was born.
More to come later.