We now have our 8 teams! Updated list Doors open Friday from 4-9PM. Saturday doors open at 8 AM.
Chris & Denny
Elmo & Grant
Mike & Ben
Dan & Pops
Rob & Dave Decoster
Brian & Jesse
Shadow, Bob K & Ralph Spithaler.
Rick Starkey & Ron Vincek
Posted 10 December 2023 - 09:59 AM
We now have our 8 teams! Updated list Doors open Friday from 4-9PM. Saturday doors open at 8 AM.
Chris & Denny
Elmo & Grant
Mike & Ben
Dan & Pops
Rob & Dave Decoster
Brian & Jesse
Shadow, Bob K & Ralph Spithaler.
Rick Starkey & Ron Vincek
Posted 17 December 2023 - 03:16 PM
Fastraxxx 3 hr Enduro results
A good day of slot car racing yesterday. We ran our normal A Production Lite car. JK C43, Mid America Audi body with 2 hand out Eagle motors (most run 12/35) and 2 sets of MA Carbon hub handout tires.
It led to some very close finishes at the end. Check out these lap totals.
After the first half there was only a lap spread of 127 laps
1st Shadow, Bob K & Ralph 967.18 Best time 4.72 Yellow
2nd Michigan Mafia, Big Steve and Dave Decoster 922.33 Best Time 4.91 Black
3rd Ben & Mike Lear 897.32 Best Time 4.68 Orange
4th Brandon & Elmo 871.29 Best Time 4.82 Blue
5th Brian & Jesse Lear 860.33 Bet Time 4.83 Purple
6Th Dan, Pops & Rob 853.22 Best time 5.01 Purple
7th Rick & Ron V. 844.33 Best Time 4.89 Yellow
8th Chris & Denny 840.33 Best Time 4.82 Purple
But it got tighter in the second half. 3 teams within 5 laps!
Final results
1st Shadow, Bob K & Ralph 1917.04 Best time 4.72 Yellow
2nd Michigan Mafia, Big Steve and Dave Decoster 1834.25 Best Time 4.91 Black
3rd Ben & Mike Lear 1766.13 Best Time 4.68 Orange
4th Brandon & Elmo 1762.13 Best Time 4.82 Blue
5Th Dan, Pops & Rob 1761.16 Best time 4.88 Black
6th Rick & Ron V. 1684.32 Best Time 4.80 Yellow
7th Chris & Denny 1654.25 Best Time 4.82 Purple
8th Brian & Jesse Lear 1524.33 Bet Time 4.64 Purple
We had some new faces race with us and some old faces come out & dust off the cobwebs. Overall everyone seemed to have a great time. We had some door prizes for every team and some $25 gift cards, Track Buxxx, and some other giveaways.
Next event is the OCC race January 6th. Track will be open for practice Friday January 5th from 4-9PM.
Next Enduro is January 20th 2024. Running A Production Lite cars with the vintage JK Shadow body.
Posted 17 December 2023 - 03:44 PM
A few pictures. Before the start, half way monitor, Michigan Mafia finished second Dave Decoster & Big Steve from Big Steve's Performance Products & the winners. L to R Bob Kurkowski, Ralph Spithaler, Dave "The Shadow" Simerka.
A bit of trivia 2 of the 2 winners were on Team Parma 50 years ago.
Posted 23 December 2023 - 10:57 AM
Fastraxxx Slot Car Club wants to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
I have been asked to hold an open Saturday December 30th. Some want to come and prepare for the OCC race but open to everyone. If I can get 5 people to commit, I will open from 8-1. I already have 2 signed up. Please post here or send a PM that you will be there to practice. Need to know by Thursday December 28th.
January 6th is the OCC race at Fastraxxx. See the OCC web site for classes & info. Clearance is .047.
January 20th will be the next 3 hr. Enduro. We are running the JK Shadow Can Am body #B94B trimmed on cut line. Standard A Pro Lite car with 2 handout Eagle motors and 2 sets of tires. Please get your team signed up ASAP. It’s looking like we will have a full house. Limit to 9 teams. 3-4-man teams are allowed.
Posted 23 December 2023 - 06:23 PM
OK the phone rang and got a text. Practice is on for Saturday December 30th. Looks like it will be a nice group of guys there.
Posted 10 January 2024 - 08:41 PM
6 January 2024
OCC Race Results
Doors opened Friday evening from 4-9. Ended up with 11 racers attending.
Saturday doors opened at 8 am. Racing started at 10:00 and we ran the stock car class first. We had 17 entries.
When Stock Car was complete we had a boxed chicken lunch from Lees. Had no complaints.
Then there was a half hour of practice and qualified LMP and GTP.
We were done before 5 & got people on the road home at a reasonable hour.
Would like to thank all that attended. Comments were all positive and everyone seemed to have a good time.
With the closing of Boogie and the OCC race scheduled there for January 27th Fastraxxx had an open date. We offered to host another race if they wanted. Series leader Zack Holley asked everyone if they wanted to come back to Fastraxxx or cancel the race as other tracks could not host. A vote was taken & we will be doing this again in a few weeks. Hope a few more join us for some fun racing.
Below are pictures of the event. Sorry we did not do better but I was so busy I forgot to change my lane dot twice.
Posted 10 January 2024 - 08:48 PM
Fastraxxx schedule has had some changes.
January 20th 11 x 16 Enduro. Doors open at 8 am.
Practice Friday January 19th 4-9.
FASTRAXXX Slot Car Club is holding The 3 Hour 11 x 16 Shadow Enduro
WHEN: Saturday, January 20, 2024
Track open Friday January 19th from 4-9 PM for practice.
WHERE: Fastraxxx Slot Car Club, 2201 Commerce Drive, Fremont, OH 43420. Track is 3 miles from the Ohio Turnpike Exit 91. Motels and food are nearby.
TRACK: 135’ LTD with two power supplies set at 12.2VDC
LIMITED: to 9 teams. As many drivers as you want.
BODY: is the JK Shadow B94B. Bodies trimmed on cut line.
Class: A Production Lite: Chassis JK C43 Aeolos standard thickness, steel pan only, Eagle motor #605, open gearing (12/36 a good place to start), 3/32 steel axle, axle bushings, .338” / 8.6mm minimum from bottom of chassis to top of 3/32 rear axle. Nothing hangs below the chassis. Start at .032" minimum clearance. All working on cars and track-dragging cars will be made to work, oil and change tires under green. Cars do not leave track during lane changes.
HANDOUT PARTS: Two Mid-America #605 Eagle motors, two pair of tires. Extras will be available.
ENTRY FEE: $75 per team covers race day track time,
RACE: Two 1.5 hour rounds with 11 minute lanes. 2 minute lane changes. Cars do not leave track. All work on car done under green including oiling, except between rounds where 15 minutes will be given. Lunch break for 45 minutes and 15 minutes to work on car.
SCHEDULE: Friday, January 19. Track open from 4-9 PM.
Saturday, January 20, doors open at 8 AM. Parts handed out by 8:30 AM.
Practice ends at 10:30 AM.
Tech opens at 10:30 AM.
Race starts at 11:00 AM.
Lunch after first segment 45 minutes.
15 minutes to work on car.
Second leg starts after lunch.
Usually done by 3:30.
Come out and have a great time.
Michigan Mafia
Brian & Jesse
Ron & Rick
Mike & Ben
Bob K & Ralph S
Eric & Ricky
Dan & Pops
Shadow & Mitch
Chris, Elmo & Denny
Posted 10 January 2024 - 08:52 PM
January 27th 2024 Ohio Challenge Cup will be returning to Fastraxxx. Doors open at 8 am.
Track will be open Friday January 26th from 4-9 PM.
See the Ohio Challenge Cup FB page for more info.
Posted 21 January 2024 - 09:17 PM
20 January 2024
Fastraxxx Fremont Ohio
Track 135 ft Boogie Designed LTD
3 Hour 11 x 16 Shadow Enduro
What started out as 10 teams dwindled to 7 ½ teams over the few weeks before the event. Car accident took out Big Steve (get well soon), family death, flu sidelined a few more and a phone call made to last minute recruit to help us out so we had a full track with 8 teams.
First in the door was Rick and Ricky Bernardo from PA who braved the snow. They were soon running lots of laps when Eric Shire came and then it was a blur as more showed up to get some practice.
Saturday morning was cold but the track was ready & we started handing out motors & tires at 8:20. By 10:15 all cars were thru tech & we started just a little bit after 10:30. Thanks to Rick Bernardo for race directing.
Teams were Bob Kurkowski & Ralph Spithaler, Mitch Schneider and Dave Simerka, Ricky Bernardo & Eric Shire, John Humberger & Mike Lear, Dave Decoster & Elmo Valance, Rich Attee & Ron Vincek, Chris Earnhart & Rob Voska, Pops & Dan Myers.
We chose to run the JK .010 Shadow body. Dave “shadow” Simerka is part owner in the track & right after we bought it he came down with cancer. He missed last season. It’s been a long road but it has a happy ending as he is now cancer free & back racing.
At the half way point
We took a 45 minute lunch & had 15 minutes to work on cars. At the end it looked like this.
Race was over by 3:45 to get guys on the road back home. We gave out some door prizes by pick of names of everyone who raced so everyone had an equal chance. Ricky & Eric were running in second and in lane 5 of the second heat knocked a motor out. Pops & Dan broke a motor after a hard hit. John Humberger gets the award for the loudest shirt award.
Next enduro we will run a a fresh batch of Parma Ferrari 330 coupe bodies after the mold was found & dusted off. Thanks Roger!
They always look so nice before the mayhem.
Posted 21 January 2024 - 09:22 PM
Next race is Ohio Challenge Cup Series next Saturday January 27th. Track will be open Friday 4-9.
Posted 04 February 2024 - 01:22 PM
Fastraxxx Slot Car Club's next regular race is February 17th. Regular classes. JK Wide Body Indy Car and A Production Lite. Rules are on the first page of this thread.
Saturday March 2nd is the 3 hour Ferrari Enduro. Track will be open Friday March 1st from 4-9. I got some cool Ferrari 330 coup bodies from the original; Parma mold. Regular A Production lite cars with the Ferrari body. Details to follow.
Posted 10 February 2024 - 12:02 PM
FASTRAXXX Slot Car Club is holding The 3 Hour 11 x 16 Ferrari Challenge
WHEN: Saturday, March 2nd, 2024
Track open Friday March 1st from 4-9 PM for practice.
WHERE: Fastraxxx Slot Car Club, 2201 Commerce Drive, Fremont, OH 43420. Track is 3 miles from the Ohio Turnpike Exit 91. Motels and food are nearby.
TRACK: 135’ LTD with two power supplies set at 12.2VDC
LIMITED: to 9 teams. As many drivers as you want on a team.
BODY: is the Parma Ferrari 330 from the original mold. Bodies trimmed on cut line including the back about ¼” below the tail lights. Let me know ASAP as I may need to order more.
Class: A Production Lite: Chassis JK C43 Aeolos standard thickness, steel pan only, Eagle motor #605, open gearing (12/36 a good place to start), 3/32 steel axle, axle bushings, .338” / 8.6mm minimum from bottom of chassis to top of 3/32 rear axle. Nothing hangs below the chassis. Start at .032" minimum clearance. All working on cars and track-dragging cars will be made to work under green. Cars do not leave track during lane changes.
HANDOUT PARTS: Two Mid-America #605 Eagle motors, two pair of tires. Extras will be available.
ENTRY FEE: $75 per team covers race day track time,
RACE: Two 1.5 hour rounds with 11 minute lanes. 2 minute lane changes. Cars do not leave track. All work on car done under green except oiling. Between rounds 15 minutes will be given. Lunch break for 45 minutes and 15 minutes to work on car.
SCHEDULE: Friday, March 1. Track open from 4-9 PM.
Saturday, March 2, doors open at 8 AM. Parts handed out by 8:30 AM.
Practice ends at 10:15 AM.
Tech opens at 10:15 AM.
Race starts at 10:30 AM.
Lunch after first segment 45 minutes.
15 minutes to work on car.
Second leg starts after lunch.
Usually done by 3:30.
Come out and have a great time.
Already have teams signing up.
Posted 10 March 2024 - 08:59 PM
Terribly sorry. Life's been busy!
Enduro results from the Ferrari Challenge 2 March 2024
We ended up with 8 teams. It was a god day of racing and we even had a few new people join us. Thanks Butch & Brian!
Running some of these odd bodies is pretty cool. Less downforce, just a little slower and given some less of an advantage.
Results, first half, total laps
1st Save Simerka & Mitch Schneider 961.14, 1923.31
2nd Mile Lear & Ron Vincek 950.23, 1875.26
3rd Ralph Spithaler & Rob Voska 929.09, 1849.24
4th Elmo Valance & Brandon Nurenberg 877.23, 1710.04
5th Brian & Jesse Lear 856.02, 1673.3
6th Dave Decoster & Big Steve 853.15, 1636.30
7thButch & Brian (First time on the track) 787.24, 1569.33
8th Pops & Dan Myers 753.16, 1424.03
Pictures posted in wrong order. Looks like 3rd, 2nd and 1st. It's to late to turn them and save them and reload them. Turn you head! Sorry!
Posted 10 September 2024 - 07:00 PM
24/25 SEASON
WHERE Fastraxxx Slot Car Club, 2201 Commerce Drive, Fremont, OH 43420. Track is 3 miles from the Ohio Turnpike Exit 91. Motels and food are nearby.
SCHEDULE 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. Open at 8AM, Racing at 10 AM
Info at Slotblog.net under Fastraxxx Slot Car Club and Facebook. Special events will be posted separate
TRACK 135’ LTD with two power supplies set at 12.2VDC
RACE FEES Practice $10, Per Race $10
Memberships available.
Level 1; $150 (Free Practice, $5 races), Level 2; $300 (Free Practice, $5 races, parts discount)
JK Stock wide body Indy car; PN 08B2B (_ _ _ depends on custom paint job), OK to solder in rear oilites & motor. Cut down JK flat nose guide allowed. Rear wing can have a small .032 max wire brace to help support wing and reduce body being sucked in. Rear wing height 1.625 max. Everything else stock including body clips, rear axle height from bottom of chassis to top of axle .340 min/.360 max, floating front axle with locked front wheels .370 wide x .760 dia, 64P gears 11/37. JK # M7 & motor (no BB motors), Lasered 77777 on top.
A Production Lite; Chassis JK C43 Aeolos standard thickness, steel pan only, Mid America Audi DTM body #963 .007 Audi, .040 / 1mm front bumper vertical height, Rear wing 1.575” / 40mm max height from a recessed tech block, rear bumper trimmed below the tail lights. Eagle motor #605, open gearing (12/36 a good place to start), 3/32 steel axle, axle bushings, .338” / 8.6mm minimum from bottom of chassis to top of 3/32 rear axle.
Posted 11 September 2024 - 06:25 PM
For the 24/25 season we are going to try a handicap at our regular races. Not sure how it will work out and not sure it might not have some changes made during the season as bugs are worked out. I have been tracking lap totals in a spread sheet and coming up with averages. I don’t quite have everything figured out yet but it looks like the averages from the winners will be the target that will take track conditions into account. The averages for the racers with handicaps will be 90% of the winners total. Not everyone is eligible for handicap.
Example. Winners average in Stock Wide Body Indy car is 243.71. There is a group of racers in the 220 lap area. So there is a 23 lap difference. 23 x 90%(+-1/2% for rounding = 20.7 lap lead. So the winner still runs his race and gets his laps as normal but the people with a handicap get a 90% of their personal handicap advantage. If they improve they can easily be the winner on that given day. But their handicap will get smaller for the next race. We are trying this to generate interest and improvement for the racers that needs help and encouragement.
Anyone with any experience with this please post or contact me through PM as I am open to new ideas on how to do it. Lapmaster has a feature where laps can be given before the start of the race.
Posted 12 September 2024 - 07:14 PM
19 October 2024 We are having a chassis building seminar to teach people how to build race winning chassis. Mike Lear will be building a JK C43 chassis and it will be raffled off to someone attending to observe the building & paying for practice. Mike has been dominate in the A Pro Lite class and builds outstanding chassis. He will show you how to flatten a car, build it, tape it. install bushings, set guide height, body armor it and mount a body. We will be open at 8 AM and building will start at 8:30 with practice starting after car is built. Some of the work will be pre done for time reasons. After that the track will be open for practice and some of us will help with the tuning of your car if you want it.
Posted 14 September 2024 - 10:57 AM
End of enduro season we are raffling off over $500 in merch. To get a raffle ticket you need to participate in the enduro series. 1 ticket / chance per race. 4 races 4 chances to win. 1 win limit. Items drawn after last race.
1st Dubic Fanat Controller
2nd KV Tire Truer
3rd Mid America Guide Threading Tool
4th Mid America Precision Endmill 3/32
WHERE: Fastraxxx Slot Car Club, 2201 Commerce Drive, Fremont, OH 43420. Track is 3 miles from the Ohio Turnpike Exit 91. Motels and food are nearby.
TRACK: 135’ LTD with two power supplies set at 12.2 VDC
LIMITED: to 8 teams. Limit 4 drivers per team
BODY: See dates for body info. Different body for each race. No added air devices.
Class: A Production Lite: Chassis JK C43 Aeolos standard thickness, steel pan only, Eagle motor #605, open gearing (12/35 a good place to start), 3/32 steel axle, axle bushings, .338” / 8.6mm minimum from bottom of chassis to top of 3/32 rear axle. Nothing hangs below the chassis. Start at .032" minimum clearance. All working on cars and track-dragging cars will be made to work, oil and change tires under green. Cars do not leave track during lane changes.
HANDOUT PARTS: Two Mid-America #605 Eagle motors, two pair of tires. Extras will be available.
ENTRY FEE: $80 per team covers race day track time,
RACE: Two 1.5 hour rounds with 11 minute lanes. 2 minute lane changes. Cars do not leave track. All work on car done under green including oiling, except between rounds where 15 minutes will be given. Lunch break for 45 minutes and 15 minutes to work on car.
Friday, Track open from 4-9 PM.
Saturday, doors open at 8 AM. Parts handed out at 8:30 AM.
Practice ends at 10:30 AM.
Tech opens at 10:30 AM.
Race starts at 11:00 AM.
Lunch after first segment 45 minutes.
15 minutes to work on car.
Second leg starts after lunch.
Usually done by ~ 3:30 PM.
Posted 17 October 2024 - 05:26 AM
2024 Schedule
1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month. Doors open at 8 AM.
October 19th is the chassis seminar.
October 26th is Buckeye Retro Series
November 2nd is the first 3 hour enduro of the year. Teams are signing up. PM or give me a call if you want included. Had a team drop due to health issues so there is room for more.
November 16th regular classes
December 7 Enduro #2
December 21st regular classes
January 4th regular classes
January 11th Ohio Challenge Cup
January 18 regular classes
January 25th Buckeye Retro Series
February 1st Enduro #3
February 15th regular classes
March 1st Enduro #4 and year end prize giveaway
March 15th regular classes
After that is will be by how much more racing people want.
Posted 10 November 2024 - 01:42 PM
Hi. The first regular race of the season Saturday Nov 16th. JK Wide Body Indy cars & A Pro lite. Track is in fine shape and parts are in stock. We are putting teams together for the December 7th enduro and bodies are in stock so please let me know who your team mate is or if need a partner. Thanks Dave & Rob
Posted 29 November 2024 - 08:17 PM
I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving.
The December 7th enduro is canceled. I worked the phone and was only able to get 4 confirmed teams lined up.
Dec 7th and the 21st will be a regular race running Indy cars & A Pro lite.
January is a busy month with 4 races. Regular races on the 4th & 18th. Hosting OCC on the 11th and Buckeye Retro Jan 25th. February 1st is the next enduro. Please contact me so we can make teams up.
Posted 09 December 2024 - 08:21 PM
8 Dec 2024
Fastraxxx Slot Car Club
Fremont Ohio
Classes; Stock JK Wide Body Indy Car / A Production Lite
We tried something new this race. We used a handicap for the first time. Still working out the bugs but Lapmaster lets you give laps on the setup page to each driver. It still keeps track of actual laps in statistics. We did not know how it would work and no one seemed bothered by how we did it. So we added straight up 100% handicap laps as a way to test this. 90% of the handicap is recommended and I am not keeping track of fractional laps. If it’s over .5 it’s averaged up and under .5 it is averaged down. If you are a better racer or don’t want one you don’t get a handicap. By letting the computer do the work the people start out with a big lead. If their handicap is 30 and they run 30 laps at the end of the first lane they will have 60 laps……… Pretty strange when you look at the monitor and see that. But it seemed to raise the interest of those getting the laps and had an unexpected effect of the better racers saying WOW I need to have a good race or I will get beat. Can’t take anything for granted.
Afterwards everyone though it went OK for a first time. Next race we are cutting back to 95% of handicap. The people that got the handicaps all ran better than their handicap. I keep track of it on a spread sheet. I think as we gather more data it will get more accurate and closer.
Anyone good with Excel that wants to make up a sheet to keep track of dates, laps, running averages per class and a way to put % of that in a column it would be cool.
So these are the results of our first handicap race.
JK Wide Body Indycar
1 Jesse Lear 221.27 + 45 HC 266.27
2 Mike Lear 230.26
3 Brian Lear 229.20
4 John Humberger 199.14 + 30 HC 229.14
5 Rob V 142.33
A Pro Lite
1 Jesse Lear 242.08 + 33 HC 287.08
2 Rob Voska 283.19
3 Mike Lear 277.12
4 John Humberger 247.08 + 30 HC 277.08
5 Shadow 274.32
6 John Notstein 221.25 + 53 HC 274.25
7 Brian Lear 272.33
December 21st. Regular classes.
January 1th and 18th regular chasses
January 11th OCC race. Ohio Challenge Cup
January 25 Buckeye Retro
We are also putting teams together for the February 1 Enduro. Please contact me if you want to run. Teammate not needed as I will try to find you one.
Dave & Rob
Posted 05 January 2025 - 06:27 PM
21 Dec 2024
Fastraxxx Slot Car Club
Sorry with the holidays I missed my last race report.
Again, we used the handicap system. We reduced laps to 95%. Worked out well. It pushed the fast guys and pushes the handicap guys as the better they run the less laps they are given.
JK Wide Body Indy Car
Shadow 246
John K 236 30 lap HC
Mike L 229
Al 238 20 lap HC
Rob 237
A Pro Lite
Al 277 10 lap HC
Shadow 275
Rob 263
John H 259 28 lap HC
John K 255 30 lap HC 1st time at track
Mike L broke
Posted 05 January 2025 - 06:33 PM
4 Jan 2024
Fastraxxx Slot Car Club
With the OCC race January 11th the track was cleaned and glued. Computers updated with the latest version of Lapmaster (Thanks Dan). It snowed a LOT in the Cleveland area but we were still able to get a race in. Also guys there practicing for next week.
We had a new / old/ young racer show up getting back into slots after a few years away. Welcome back Alex.
Here are the results.
JK Wide Body Indy Car
Rob 255
Shadow 251 (Controversial 1 lap added there)
Jeff 250
Mike L 233
Alex 229
Al 173
A Pro Lite
Rob 294
Shadow 286
Al 283
Jeff 277
Mike L 275
Alex 250
Overall it was a good day of racing and then we stayed and ran some OCC equipment getting ready for January 11th.
Posted 05 January 2025 - 06:40 PM
Fastraxxx Slot Car Club is hosting the OCC Ohio Challenge Cup race January 11th.
Location is: Fastraxxx Slot Car Club, 2201 Commerce Drive, Fremont, OH 43420. Track is only 3 miles from the Ohio Turnpike exit 91.
Doors open Friday Jan 10th at 2 PM. Doors open Saturday Jan 11th at 8 AM.
This is shaping up to be a great turnout. We have pop, water, ice tea and snacks. Lunch is boxed 3 pc strip chicken for $7 that you simply can’t beat. Motels the Red Roof in Clyde usually the cheapest in the area but there are other small motels and 3 motels at the turnpike exit.
Braid is 0.22 deep and we usually run fish rubber. Voltage is 12.2. I have many tires in stock and most stuff to keep you going.
Any questions just ask.
See you soon. Thanks Dave and Rob