FSCS 2024 rules conversation
Posted 09 November 2023 - 03:06 PM
Brian Ambrose
Posted 09 November 2023 - 03:21 PM
And IMO, the RR has more timing.
So why don't you go back and edit your post to say
"...It has some of the same specs....".
And while you are touting the price being cheaper, have you or another racer gotten 7 races out of a RR, like other racers have told me they have with a CR102?
PS- I don't have a say so but I'm fine with the FSCS using the RR.
I certainly haven't heard they are faster (despite what I see as higher timing).
Mike Swiss
Inventor of the Low CG guide flag 4/20/18
IRRA® Components Committee Chairman
Five-time USRA National Champion (two G7, one G27, two G7 Senior)
Two-time G7 World Champion (1988, 1990), eight G7 main appearances
Eight-time G7 King track single lap world record holder
17B West Ogden Ave., Westmont, IL 60559, (708) 203-8003, mikeswiss86@hotmail.com (also my PayPal address)
Note: Send all USPS packages and mail to: 692 Citadel Drive, Westmont, Illinois 60559
Posted 09 November 2023 - 04:38 PM
- MSwiss likes this
Brian Ambrose
Posted 09 November 2023 - 04:39 PM
- MSwiss likes this
Brian Ambrose
Posted 09 November 2023 - 04:40 PM
- MSwiss likes this
Brian Ambrose
Posted 09 November 2023 - 05:39 PM
Motors .....
Due to all of the hysteria surrounding the current motor list, the decision has been made to throw everything out and exclusively race the 25,000 rpm JK Hawk 25. And you're only allowed one motor for the entire year. It will slow the cars down so that even old guys like me can drive them.
Obviously .... I'm kidding. At least I hope it was obvious. Geez, Louise. In the words of Aaron Rodgers (when he was in Green Bay) .... Relax.
As I said many posts ago, I sent the comments made here to the owners (since they don't spend time on the internet) so they could take a second look. And, the decision has been made to add the Mid America Road Runner to the approved motor list for 2024.
***** What has not been decided yet is whether to also allow the Retro Eagle to be used for the first few races of the season, or the whole season, or not at all. I'll keep y'all posted. The advantage of having this process well under way in November is that we have time for everyone to plan for the new season in January 2024.*****
On a personal note. My words, not the owners.
There was no plot to "slight" Mid-America or any other manufacturer. Nor is there a plot to "slight" the racers as a group or individually. Racers and Raceways HAVE to have a very symbiotic relationship .... in other words, they NEED each other. Just as Racers and Raceways have a symbiotic relationship with manufacturers. Everyone needs each other.
I think we're fortunate to have track owners that do take time to listen, test products at their own expense, and try to make decisions that benefit everyone after collecting the facts. The result of their efforts is a well-attended series with very close racing. It's tricky to maintain the level playing field that we've all enjoyed this year.
For the record, it's not as if the Road Runner motor hasn't been under consideration by the track owners for many months. It's been under consideration WAY before this thread started. And it was discussed at length at the owner's meeting this past Sunday. Again ... and this is just my personal opinion ... I don't think it helped that the Road Runner is touted as being exactly like the CR102 and it's not. I think that makes some people skeptical about whether the motor should be used or not. I hope it proves to be the exact same speed and racers will truly have an alternative.
Carry on.
- MSwiss, Chris Ippolito, dalek and 1 other like this
Rollin Isbell
Posted 09 November 2023 - 06:06 PM
I never said it was the exact same as the 102. I said it is irra spec. We got qualifying to do for Stock Car at the fall brawl.
Brian Ambrose
Posted 09 November 2023 - 07:48 PM
I'm with you! Probably a good thing I'm not the "Body Czar." I'd have us running the JK or Red Fox bodies that at least resemble the real LMPs. And they'd either be 0.010" or at least a true 0.007 thick.
Then we'd hear some griping.
YESSSS!!!! I won many a race with the Parma Oldsmobile and Intrepid in GTP. The Olds looked like it came right of the showroom floor.
Former Owner of Speed City Slot Cars, Fort Pierce, FL
Back after more than a 20-year lay off... need lots of practice... lots.
1996 Florida USRA Box Stock 15 Champion
1996 Florida USRA GTP Champion
1996 "King of the South" Pro Wire 12 Winner Augusta, GA
Posted 09 November 2023 - 08:03 PM
Here's a crazy idea... (or a better variation you can come up with)
Call up Chicagoland, "We want you to be the exclusive sponsor of the FSCS NASCAR Series. For the right to have each car run a CR102 exclusively, each month you will send us 8 motors. 3 for the top 3 finishers, 2 for random drawing of participants and 3 for the raceway to put up on the shelf for sale. In return you get the podium photographed under your banner for your use and for us to post on slotblog/facebook."
Call up Mid America "We want you to be the exclusive sponsor of the FSCS LMP Series. For the right to have each car run a MA Road Runner exclusively, each month you will send us 8 motors. 3 for the top 3 finishers, 2 for random drawing of participants and 3 for the raceway to put up on the shelf for sale. In return you get the podium photographed under your banner for your use and for us to post on slotblog/facebook."
Call up Ralph Thorne "We want you to be the exclusive sponsor of the FSCS GTP Series. For the right to have each car run a RTR Enforcer exclusively, each month you will send us 8 motors. 3 for the top 3 finishers, 2 for random drawing of participants and 3 for the raceway to put up on the shelf for sale. In return you get the podium photographed under your banner for your use and for us to post on slotblog/facebook."
Keep the Bodies the same so the sponsored guys can still keep running their stuff and it will make tech much faster and maybe get some added visibility for the tracks and racers.
Just an idea.
- Davrace1954 likes this
Former Owner of Speed City Slot Cars, Fort Pierce, FL
Back after more than a 20-year lay off... need lots of practice... lots.
1996 Florida USRA Box Stock 15 Champion
1996 Florida USRA GTP Champion
1996 "King of the South" Pro Wire 12 Winner Augusta, GA
Posted 09 November 2023 - 08:16 PM
YESSSS!!!! I won many a race with the Parma Oldsmobile and Intrepid in GTP. The Olds looked like it came right of the showroom floor.
That Parma Intrepid was THE body to have in GTP back in the early-mid-'90s. Compared to today's "winged GTPs and LMPs" it might not even be competitive in LMP.
Back then, I mostly used Champion bodies in NASCAR. And they almost, sorta, kinda resembled the real cars.
- MJProcko likes this
Rollin Isbell
Posted 09 November 2023 - 08:21 PM
Happy dance. Thank you thank you.
I never said it was the exact same as the 102. I said it is irra spec. We got qualifying to do for Stock Car at the fall brawl.
No worries.
Rollin Isbell
Posted 11 November 2023 - 11:07 AM
This came to mind but I am not involved in any way with this series so take it for what it is worth or throw it out without a thought.
How about a class for brush-less power within one of the classes. Say GTP runs the same as always only you can run a brush-less motor and be scored as a race within the race, much like a lot of sports car racing is done. You would pick a class that best matches the brushed motor performance and add the option of using a spec ESC and motor in the class.
Just a thought
- Hot Slots likes this
Posted 14 November 2023 - 02:33 PM
Here's a crazy idea... (or a better variation you can come up with)
Call up Chicagoland, "We want you to be the exclusive sponsor of the FSCS NASCAR Series. For the right to have each car run a CR102 exclusively, each month you will send us 8 motors. 3 for the top 3 finishers, 2 for random drawing of participants and 3 for the raceway to put up on the shelf for sale. In return you get the podium photographed under your banner for your use and for us to post on slotblog/facebook."
Call up Mid America "We want you to be the exclusive sponsor of the FSCS LMP Series. For the right to have each car run a MA Road Runner exclusively, each month you will send us 8 motors. 3 for the top 3 finishers, 2 for random drawing of participants and 3 for the raceway to put up on the shelf for sale. In return you get the podium photographed under your banner for your use and for us to post on slotblog/facebook."
Call up Ralph Thorne "We want you to be the exclusive sponsor of the FSCS GTP Series. For the right to have each car run a RTR Enforcer exclusively, each month you will send us 8 motors. 3 for the top 3 finishers, 2 for random drawing of participants and 3 for the raceway to put up on the shelf for sale. In return you get the podium photographed under your banner for your use and for us to post on slotblog/facebook."
Keep the Bodies the same so the sponsored guys can still keep running their stuff and it will make tech much faster and maybe get some added visibility for the tracks and racers.
Just an idea.
Not that crazy at all. From about 2010 (or 2011) until about 2017 (or 2018) when Jerry owned JK Products, they sponsored the LMP class in the old "My Series." It required that racers use a JK chassis, JK body, and JK rear tires. In exchange, Jerry provided race prizes and the end-of-the-year plaques. After a few years racers wanted to be able to use different (better) bodies and that arrangement endeed.
One of the benefits of having the same motors in Stock Car and LMP is that racers can simply switch the body and add/remove weight and use the same car in two classes.
Rollin Isbell
Posted 14 November 2023 - 02:50 PM
This came to mind but I am not involved in any way with this series so take it for what it is worth or throw it out without a thought.
How about a class for brush-less power within one of the classes. Say GTP runs the same as always only you can run a brush-less motor and be scored as a race within the race, much like a lot of sports car racing is done. You would pick a class that best matches the brushed motor performance and add the option of using a spec ESC and motor in the class.
Just a thought
I think what Marcus is doing at P1 in Winter Garden to introduce more racers to Brushless motors is a good idea. His Brushless Enduro was well-attended and the motors seemed to hold up just fine. Great job on his part to stick not just his toe, but his whole foot in the water. I was only a spectator, but I thought it was good racing. My only surprise was that you have to feather the trigger to avoid a stuttering take-off.
My personal opinion is that a State Series is not the place to introduce a new classes/products. I think a State Series is a place where racers from various tracks get to see how their skills stack up against racers from the other tracks. Once more tracks are incorporating brushless classes into their weekly/monthly racing program, then it will make sense to consider adding a brushless class to the State Series. For the most part ... only idiots like me are foolish enough to build slot cars that they only use once a month.
Rollin Isbell
Posted 14 November 2023 - 05:47 PM
Brian Ambrose
Posted 24 November 2023 - 05:35 PM
I hope to have the complete schedule ready for release soon. Just a few dates and locations to confirm to avoid any conflicts. Here's the first three months:
FSCS 2024 Schedule Preview
Saturday, January 13, 2024 - Fast Eddie's Slot Car Raceway (FER) - Pinellas Park, FL
Saturday, February 10, 2024 - P1 Slot Car Raceway (P1R) - Winter Garden, FL
Saturday, March 9, 2024 - Slot Car Raceway & Hobbies (SRH) - Vero Beach, FL
Saturday, April 13, 2024 - TBD
Rollin Isbell
Posted 25 November 2023 - 11:27 AM
- Terry Tawney likes this
Posted 27 November 2023 - 10:44 AM
Posted 27 November 2023 - 12:19 PM
So what are the rules for next year
They're all typed up. I emailed the final(??) revision to the track owners (plus Dale) just before Thanksgiving for proofreading. Hopefully they'll be able to spend a few minutes with them now that the Holiday is behind us.
There aren't too many changes from last year. Everything you raced last year is still legal. Added the Mid-America Gemini chassis. Added a body in each class. Added the Mid-America Road Runner in Stock Car and LMP. Tweaked the split between A & B Mains. And I volunteered to Tech in hopes of taking something off of the track owner's plate on race day. (And I'll be recruiting a volunteer on Race Day to add a second set of eyes.)
Race Format
When possible (and logical) the A Main will have 8 racers. For example, if there are 17 racers ... it will be A-8 and B-9. The 2023 rules call for the opposite.
The Series is going to place a renewed emphasis on consistency in the Tech process and keeping the program running efficiently. A key to this is having the same Tech Director at each track. So .... I've volunteered to Tech. And I plan to recruit a volunteer at each race to assist so that there is more than one set of eyes looking at the cars.
I plan to get back in the habit of marking the chassis, motor, and body at tech to make sure the same car is used the entire race. And someone else will need to tech my car.
We will be taking a closer look at the three cars that make the Podium to insure that the cars are still in-spec at the end of the race. If one (or more) fail Post-Race inspection, we will then Tech additional cars until we have a legal podium. BTW .... the weight rule for Stock Car and LMP applies for the entire race ... including Post-Race. If your car is "out of spec" during the race, you will have the opportunity to make it legal under Green Flag conditions. If your car is "out of spec" during Post-Race Inspection, you will be DQ'd. My advice is to weigh your car with the smallest tires you own to insure that it will be at the proper weight at the end of race in spite of tire wear.
Chassis (edited 11/8/23)
Adding the Mid-America Gemini chassis
Stock Car
Adding the Kelly Daytona COT body
Adding the Mid-America High Downforce Toyota
Adding the Ralph Thorne Racing Revolution
- Ray Lee and Hot Slots like this
Rollin Isbell
Posted 27 November 2023 - 05:16 PM
TBD- whos gonna send out some new racers to get a RACE? Avon Park or Lakeland? Gatormark,Jim, Gary, Grant you guys gonna catch some races to land Avon there first race on the schedule?
Posted 27 November 2023 - 05:16 PM
TBD- whos gonna send out some new racers to get a RACE? Avon Park or Lakeland? Gatormark,Jim, Gary, Grant you guys gonna catch some races to land Avon there first race on the schedule?
Posted 29 November 2023 - 07:14 PM
Hey Terry! Been a while.
Posted 29 November 2023 - 07:16 PM
You still have the power supply I built back in 1981? Jeff Irish showed up at the last wing race in Vero Beach.
Posted 30 November 2023 - 09:17 AM
Posted 04 December 2023 - 07:09 PM
The 2024 rules and schedule have just been approved and I just sent them to Dale for posting.
Be patient!!
I'm sure Dale will have to do a little editing/formatting before he can post them. I typed them on my MacBook using Apple software ... but since more (most?) people use a Windows-based computer, he'll probably have to tweak the paragraphs and page breaks so they'll make sense for everyone.
See y'all in Pinellas Park in January!
Rollin Isbell