HO scratchbuild gallery
Posted 18 May 2012 - 01:55 PM
Can you send better picture of your Chassis after i posted it ,i saw how bad this picture was?
Thanks John F
Posted 04 June 2012 - 01:10 PM
I thought I would send a race report (from my perspective - a better race report is on another HO specific blog site).
I Doug's car was "zippy" fast down the straights; as fast as my 40 year old Tyco can scratchbuilt (still together after all these years - and not a bad car - just too touchy on silicone tires!)
Pat's cars were SOLID handling cars but did not have the zip on the straights.
I worked on my 40 year old A/FX scratchbuilt Pan car and it was the most "solid" handling car of the bunch, very consistent and zippy fast on their straights with a modern JL X-Traction arm (old A/FX gearplate). The crown gear started slipping so I tried to super glue it in place. It managed to wick all the way to the top of the gearplate and stuck the idler down. I repaired it only by transfering the arm to a replacement old A/FX gearplate that Scott Terry had laying around and did a "proper" bonding of a new crown gear (again, from Scott). It was the fastest car in my quiver (including the loaners) but had worn the silicone off one of the rear tires, forcing a last minute switch back to Doug's reliable (but ailing) car.
The fast car Doug sent me was very tired - I got the last laps the tires had to offer in practice and, when cleaning the motor, noticed that the comm was worn out, too. It became the car I raced but it was inconsistent - sometimes zipped down the straight, sometimes was slow, sometimes had brakes, sometimes didn't. I think I put too many practice laps on it and practiced my way out of contention. With a thoroughly worn out car, I finished right where I qualified - in the middle of the field.
Still, it was fun racing the Gravity class and it lived up to everything we hoped it would be when the old BRASCAR group came up with the original rules set (I think this group actually improved the rules set). You could call this group the non-magnet "open" series as the cars only have to pass the "pin magnet test" and pass through the tech block to race.
There was an absolutely amazing diversity of technical approaches demonstrated all the way down the field! I am sold! I wish we raced these in CO! Pat, my two cars are ready for your track! When are you going to host a race?
Keep it in the slot,
Sorry about the nerf. "Sorry? Sorry? There's no apologizing in slot car racing!"
Besides, where would I even begin? I should probably start with my wife ...
"I don't often get very many "fast laps" but I very often get many laps quickly." ™
The only thing I know about slot cars is if I had a good time when I leave the building! I can count the times I didn't on one two three hands!
Former Home Track - Slot Car Speedway and Hobbies, Longmont, CO (now at Duffy's Raceway), Noteworthy for the 155' Hillclimb track featuring the THUNDER-DONUT - "Two men enter; one man leaves!"
Posted 06 June 2012 - 07:10 AM
I'm told I have a face for radio and a voice that belongs in the newspaper...
Follow me for fun! Go slot car racing!
Posted 29 December 2012 - 11:44 PM
Hmmmm...... 4 A/FX chassis, 4 vintage Thayer Racing Shells Eagles, and a sheet of brass......
Looks like trouble to me.....
I'm told I have a face for radio and a voice that belongs in the newspaper...
Follow me for fun! Go slot car racing!
Posted 30 December 2012 - 01:28 PM
"Everything you love, everything meaningful with depth and history, all passionate authentic experiences will be appropriated, mishandled, watered down, cheapened, repackaged, marketed, and sold to people you hate." Von Dutch [Kenneth R. Howard] 1929-1992
."If there is, in fact, a Heaven and a Hell, all we know for sure is that Hell will be a viciously overcrowded version of Pheonix." Dr Hunter S Thompson 1937-2005
"Whither goest thou, America, in thy shiny car in the night?" - Jack Kerouac 1927-1969
"Hold my stones". Keith Stone
My link
Posted 30 December 2012 - 02:12 PM
Heavens no, you can't forget the assembly lube!
I'm told I have a face for radio and a voice that belongs in the newspaper...
Follow me for fun! Go slot car racing!
Posted 30 December 2012 - 03:36 PM
This looks more you.
Posted 04 January 2013 - 09:24 PM
I've finally been able to get most of the parts. I'm lacking the bearings/bushings for the rear axle, threaded rear axle (if they're still available) and rear tires.
I'm thinking of turning my own hubs. I'm not sure if I should make single or double flanged hubs. I'm planning on doing a lot of scratch building on this.
Mike Ditchen
Posted 05 January 2013 - 06:00 AM
A Flock of Eagles, continued.......
All carved up and no where to go.
Nearly time to cut some brass......
And, I guess I never knew this! Funny what you find on the internet....... http://en.wikipedia..../Gurney's_Eagle
I'm told I have a face for radio and a voice that belongs in the newspaper...
Follow me for fun! Go slot car racing!
Posted 10 February 2013 - 09:00 AM
Looks good, contact Rick at rgeo for jig hes here on the blog not sure if he still makes HO Jig.
Posted 10 February 2013 - 02:04 PM
Thanks John I will. I wish his sit didn't use java I could only see a few things on his site. there is a major exploit in java that allows a pc to be taken over by a hacker and why I do not have java installed anymore
Posted 10 February 2013 - 11:53 PM
A Flock of Eagles, cont......
OK,OK, I know Eagles are not flocking birds, but these seem to be nesting together.....
Finally found time to get back down to the slot cave (aka the HO House...), brush tubes installed and wired, and the four rough cut pans.
I'm told I have a face for radio and a voice that belongs in the newspaper...
Follow me for fun! Go slot car racing!
Posted 25 February 2013 - 11:16 AM
SIDE JOB GARAGE introduces Chappy III
Here is some pictures of a limited run I been working on with Robert Kinney there will be 12 Running Kits . Starting to reserve sales now. 200.00
Body will be by Noose, Brass super II style top plate, Brass guid pin,16 ohm Yellow Jacket purple Arm not shown, brush cups , Treaded oring fronts & treaded oring silicone rears. Part can be upgraded with standard TJET or speed parts.
Thanks For looking
Posted 27 February 2013 - 04:36 PM
Thank you
Posted 04 April 2013 - 09:12 PM
A Flock of Eagles, on hold......
Real life, mucho work, and lots of family/grandkid stuff has kept me away from the "HO" house, should be back at the build in a few weeks.
Before I forget, though, many thanks to Gary Rider, Ken Shepard, and Doug Morris for coming through with the Thayer Eagle bodies, enough that I just may build a second set of cars!
Stay tuned.....
I'm told I have a face for radio and a voice that belongs in the newspaper...
Follow me for fun! Go slot car racing!
Posted 20 April 2013 - 08:45 AM
A Flock of Eagles, continued....(finally!)
Got one of 'em rolling! Now, on to the shaker, and body mounts. will figure those out before starting the other 3.
I'm told I have a face for radio and a voice that belongs in the newspaper...
Follow me for fun! Go slot car racing!
Posted 20 April 2013 - 10:34 AM
I'll bet an IROC race with these cars would just be a blast!
Sorry about the nerf. "Sorry? Sorry? There's no apologizing in slot car racing!"
Besides, where would I even begin? I should probably start with my wife ...
"I don't often get very many "fast laps" but I very often get many laps quickly." ™
The only thing I know about slot cars is if I had a good time when I leave the building! I can count the times I didn't on one two three hands!
Former Home Track - Slot Car Speedway and Hobbies, Longmont, CO (now at Duffy's Raceway), Noteworthy for the 155' Hillclimb track featuring the THUNDER-DONUT - "Two men enter; one man leaves!"
Posted 20 April 2013 - 05:10 PM
Those memories are just why I'm building these! I recall some epic battles (you, me, and Raisin in particular) on WHORA's Pipewrench!
I'm told I have a face for radio and a voice that belongs in the newspaper...
Follow me for fun! Go slot car racing!
Posted 01 May 2013 - 11:59 AM
hey sjj i,m diggin the f-1 chassis nice man! you mentioned lil motors? what are you using for the f-1 cars? i do like the front end/suspention. very good
Joe Gould
Posted 28 May 2013 - 02:08 PM
Are TycoPro motors worth using in a scratch build? I've got several and it seems like a waste to not use them.
Mike Ditchen
Posted 28 May 2013 - 07:01 PM
The Tyco can was the basis of the fastest scratchbuilt cars until the Aurora A/FX based pan cars took over (not always faster but smoother, easier to drive and just made more laps in the hands of a capable driver). Sometimes the can was a structural member of the chassis (and the motor parts put in after the soldering was done) and sometimes it was soldered in on top of a complete brass chassis.
It was soon proven that building the chassis with the motor can flush with the bottom of the car (not motor on top of the pan) had a significant handling advantage due to lower CG. That does not leave a lot of room on the sides to put bat pans so many opted for shakers (like the Riggen cars).
When the A/FX pan cars started dropping the magnets down flush with the bottom plane (closest proximity to the steel rails), the "pure" gravity racing was over and magnets were the name of the game.
When an "out of the box" G-plus could run faster than that, I was done.
There are LOTS of very good parts available for the Tyco style motors and lots of cool innovations on the endbells to make adjustments on the brush spring tension. In fact, some people made arms that were WAY too fast for ANY of the clickety-clack T-jet lock-and-joiner tracks of the day but those arms work great on modern tracks.
The "Gravity" racing has made a resurgence and I am astonished at the variety of chassis designs that work well (as seen at the Midwest Championship Races in Milwaukee a year ago). But newer, lower, smaller and lighter can motors are becoming cheaper and easier to find and allow some additional design freedom for scratchbuilt cars. That seems like the way to go, but the Tyco cans will make all the speed you will need, in my opinion.
Keep it in the slot,
Sorry about the nerf. "Sorry? Sorry? There's no apologizing in slot car racing!"
Besides, where would I even begin? I should probably start with my wife ...
"I don't often get very many "fast laps" but I very often get many laps quickly." ™
The only thing I know about slot cars is if I had a good time when I leave the building! I can count the times I didn't on one two three hands!
Former Home Track - Slot Car Speedway and Hobbies, Longmont, CO (now at Duffy's Raceway), Noteworthy for the 155' Hillclimb track featuring the THUNDER-DONUT - "Two men enter; one man leaves!"