2009-10 Ohio Challenge Cup schedule and results
Posted 13 January 2010 - 01:05 PM
Introducing Dirty Harry 2.0
Wace on Dirty Elmer!!!!!
Adios Amigos
Jay (The Mad Mexican)
In loving memory of my mother Francisca Escalante Zavala
March 24, 1927 - April 5, 2011
Vaya Con Dios
Posted 13 January 2010 - 04:09 PM
you getting us a room too????? we never did get a wedding present from you....maybe we can finally have a REAL honeymoon!!!!!Now that`s greatly appreciated Joe!! A true Racer indeed.
My friends own the Old Orchard Motel that I gave the details for in post #60 and I`ll buy you two a room if you wanna bring her and stay the night so you can head out fresh in the morning. Might help on that Dog House situtation. We`ll be done early enough to still have some fun here in town. If not that`s cool too!!
Race on!

i am pretty sure the wife is OK with racing this weekend so we'll be knocking on the door bright and early!!!!! just make sure you have breakfast ready!!!!
(account disabled at member's request)
Posted 13 January 2010 - 09:00 PM
Now if you want the BOMB breakfast meet us at Whitey`s Diner at 7:00. Almost everyone that`s raced here in town knows about Whitey`s breakfast. There`s a few of us now and you`re invited.
I like Dirty Harry 2.0 too Jay that tooooooooo coooooooooool!
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 14 January 2010 - 07:05 AM
(account disabled at member's request)
Posted 14 January 2010 - 01:27 PM
can i get some directions to the shop and this hotel???? or am i mapquesting and getting lost for an hour???
Yea; You get lost walking out your front door....

Mr. Frank
Frank Elavsky
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 14 January 2010 - 02:45 PM
And here are the written directions for the direction you`re coming from off the map. Less than 10 minutes to the track from the Pike. Even for you Bro.
From Cleveland and points East:
Take Ohio Turnpike West to Exit 91
Take 53 South toward Fremont
Turn East(left) on Bypass at 5th Light
Cross River one exit to N. Fifth St.-Rt 6
Turn East(left), Track is ½ Mi. on Right
Oh, I forgot for YOU take I 71 or I 77 North and hit the Pike. Cool?
Plain simple and hopefully even you won`t get lost...lol
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 14 January 2010 - 03:00 PM

Requiescat in Pace
Posted 14 January 2010 - 05:04 PM
Posted 15 January 2010 - 12:18 AM
Let`s have fun!
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 15 January 2010 - 10:33 AM
ill drive so that we don't get lost!!
YEA; Better let her drive,

Frank Elavsky
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 15 January 2010 - 12:06 PM
A hunter that does know north or south!

Adios Amigos
Mad Mexican Racing
In loving memory of my mother Francisca Escalante Zavala
March 24, 1927 - April 5, 2011
Vaya Con Dios
Posted 15 January 2010 - 12:14 PM

Frank Elavsky
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 17 January 2010 - 01:59 PM
(account disabled at member's request)
Posted 17 January 2010 - 03:08 PM
I am anxious to see the results too. I was going to come but unfortunately we had a death in the family and Jayne and I were at a funeral in Columbus. Hope to get to J & B soon.
Best wishes to all, Mike
Posted 17 January 2010 - 04:37 PM
The results will be posted abit later this eve after my nap...lol. I`m old ya know. Plus I have to run my Bro back down to Kenton.
Some of the quick Highlights.
Races were fast and furious in all classes. The Parma GT- 1 handout motors performed great too
26 GT-1 Racers
19 LMP/Gr 10
17 GTP
The tender cooked Venison and Sirloim Tip, Gramma Wards Potatoes, White corn, Biscuits and butter, plus the 4 trays of Homemade Brownies filled the 40+ crowd to capacity.
c'mon bear, wheres the results???? i know it was a late night but........ Let me say, that was some real fun racing,,,,and i have been humbled by the paperclip..hopefully i can do a little better on the King next month!!!!!!
Basically when you read Dirty Harry`s post where he says he had fun and was abit humbled by the Paperclip that pretty much says it all. It was FUN, FURIOUS, at times Frustrating I`m sure. But over all great times for all.
Results to come in a couple hours.
Thanks to all that made it!
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 17 January 2010 - 09:16 PM
GT-1 B`s were first up with 17 Racers raced in 2 Heats.
Brad Ringer 208.4..........................180 Pts.
Dereck Lang 207.4.........................170
Willy Custer 206.8.........................165
Zack Myer 206.1...........................160
Jerry Ward. 200.8..........................155
Dirty Harry Elvasky 199.6................150
Craig Scharfenberger 196.6.............146
Jim JT Torre 196.2.........................142
Jay "MAD Mexican" Sabala 192.10.....138
Tomm TR Rowell 190.10..................134
Rich Smith 188.4...........................130
Conner Smith 187.3.......................127
David Krumnow 180. 6...................124
Nicole Smith 177.1........................121
Bryan Gum 176.6..........................118
Nick Smith 166.1..........................115
Second up was GT-1 A`s with a 9 Racer Round Robin
Brabdon Newberger 224.5........180 Pts.
Elmo Vallance 221.9................170
Don B. 221.2.........................165
Bear Overmyer 219.9..............160
Ron Vincek 216.3...................155
Eric Shirey 213.9....................150
Frank Elvasky 213.2................146
Bob M. 206.1.........................142
Farmer Dan Forbush 198.6.......138
Joe Dirt Liquori 182.0..............134
Next a great lunch by my Bro Mark
Roasted Venison and Sirloin Tip
"Gramma Wards" Potatoes Always the BOMB!
Buttered white corn
And biscuits finished it off with 4 pans of Homemade Brownies for desert.
Then onto 2 Round Robins and 19 Racers in LMP/Gr10
Eric Shirey 254.2.............................180 Pts.
Guy Elmo Vallance 252.9...................170
Joe Dirt Liquori 246.4........................165
Frank Elvansky 238.3........................160
Brabdon Neuberger 238.3...................155
Willy Custer 237.3............................150
Brad Ringer 237.3.............................146
Donnie Barson 228.3.........................142
David Krumnow 234.1.......................138
Bob M. 233.3..................................134
Dereck Lang 231.1...........................130
Jerry Ward 229.2.............................127
Justin Dirty Harry Elvasky 228.3..........124
Jim JT Torre 220.9...........................121
Tom TR Rowell 220.2........................118
Zack Myers 213.8............................115
Rich Smith 211.9..............................112
Jay "Mad Mexican" Sabala 193.10........109
Farmer Dan Forbush 154.1.................106
Last but definately not least was GTP with 17 Rocket Fast Entries in two Heats.
Eric Shirey 274.10.......................180 Pts.
Joe Dirt Liquori 261.1....................170
Brandon Neuberger 258.10.............165
Bear Overmyer 258.5....................160
Frank Elvansky 255.9....................155
Bob Milne 253.4...........................150
Justin Dirty Harry Elvansky 252.2....146
Farmer Dan Forbush 251.4.............142
Jerry Ward 250.7.........................138
Guy Elmo Vallance 248.4...............134
Don Barson 246.10.......................130
Brad Ringer 242.6.........................127
Willy Custer 237.8........................124
David Krumnow 204.0....................121
Tom TR Rowell 203.7....................118
Jim JT Torre 190.9.......................115
Jay Mad Mexican Sabala 164.0.......112
Next month we have race #2:
Febuary 20th 2010
Route 93 Raceway & Hobbies
2211 Manchester Rd.
Akron 44314
Email: rt93raceway@yahoo.com
155' American Blue King
Hope to see you at the Next one!!
A Special Shout out to Joe & Brad who made the trip from Indy and "The Shifters Crowd"! All the racers were GREAT, we had one heck of a day, and I`d like to Personally thank you all!
Thanks again!!!!!!!!!
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 17 January 2010 - 09:19 PM
The darn paper clip humble me again in GT1 I did okay

In loving memory of my mother Francisca Escalante Zavala
March 24, 1927 - April 5, 2011
Vaya Con Dios
Posted 18 January 2010 - 12:13 AM
Race on!
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 18 January 2010 - 09:10 AM
Had a BLAST!!!!

The O C C brings in alot of racers that are F A S T.. Could not beleive that the DEATH stars were all so close, thats what makes racing them so FUN...

GP. 10s were flying on the paper clip, who ever said the F X chassis needs a hammer to work needs to try them at bears. KNOW MINE WAS F A S T... AND HANDELED G R E A T....
G T P is always a blast at bears FAST AND GREAT HANDELING.....
See you all next month...
HAY; I saw many taking pictures,

Come on people lets see some pictures.............
Mr . Frank
Frank Elavsky
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 18 January 2010 - 02:34 PM
Just talked to Brandon and he said he`s putting together a Video of the days racing too.
And I`d also love to thank all the racers that made the trip to J&B that made up such a GREAT Day of Racing.
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 18 January 2010 - 08:17 PM
You might want to double check the LMP final list.
Donnie Barson 228.3.........................142
David Krumnow 234.1.......................138
Bob M. 233.3..................................134
Dereck Lang 231.1...........................130
Jerry Ward 229.2.............................127
Justin Dirty Harry Elvasky 228.3..........124
Is that a type O for Fast Donnie Barson?
Just looking out for the Big Bad Bear!
Adios Amigos
Mad Mexican Racing
In loving memory of my mother Francisca Escalante Zavala
March 24, 1927 - April 5, 2011
Vaya Con Dios
Posted 18 January 2010 - 10:19 PM
Race on!
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 19 January 2010 - 06:06 PM
More pics coming too!
Eric Shirey 254.2.............................180 Pts.
Guy Elmo Vallance 252.9...................170
Joe Dirt Liquori 246.4........................165
Brandon Neuberger 238.3..................160
Frank Elvansky 238.3........................155
Race on!
Requiescat in Pace