A little off topic but since you did that tri-five thing I dug out some old pics. May have more, sadly, many got destroyed by water.
Here I am next to my '56 drag car. Back in the day when I had hair and muscles
Who can ID that yellow decal on the front fender?
It had a removable one piece nose. Here is my brother helping me with a plug inspection between rounds.
Look at those Hooker fender well headers. Great for performance and blowing the dust away from curbs 
You can call this one " connecting rod stretch test " or " how to f#%k up a really nice oil pan " 
Notice the block behind the motor mount. In the words of the great Jackie Gleason, "When I go, I go all the way Alice"
You know that green '56 looks eerily familiar to my car, one piece nose with the same hood scoop, sedan body etc. Who knows? If it is, it was much prettier when it was mine. I sold it about 1990 or so. Anything is possible I guess.