Hey gang,
I'm starting on the refurbish of Manta Ray's Willys dragster.
The motor magnet is practically dead so I'm trying something new.
I have some NASTY industrial magnets that were getting thrown out at work several years ago from our magnetic drive pump line.
These babies WILL make you bleed if mishandled. They look like cobalt to me.
I checked the magnet's orientation on the Ram 857 and a pair of the cobalts and carefully, with thick gloves, sandwiched the Ram between them.
I'll let this assembly cook a couple of days and see if the Ram picks up a good field.
Man, talk about cogging! The arm really snaps with these monsters in place. 
I also have some that are even stronger, but I can't get them apart at the moment until I find my thick leather welding gloves.
If this works, I'll never need zapping services again.