"Rods and Rails" discussion and car show
Posted 25 February 2015 - 06:33 PM
In theory mounting brush hoods & normal springs/posts from the normal can motors (pro slot, hawk, Mura etc) on the rail side just like they mount on endbells.
The 2nd idea is still to be determined if it will be a goer, mount can motor brush gear on the existing Dc65 endplate. .
But you didn't hear any of that and I never said nothing
Posted 26 February 2015 - 11:42 AM
Please put Johnny Slotcar down for a 59 vette 65a-6 powered gasser! Manta Ray's car is a 40 Willys gasser 857 powered.
Posted 26 February 2015 - 06:59 PM
Please put Johnny Slotcar down for a 59 vette 65a-6 powered gasser! Manta Ray's car is a 40 Willys gasser 857 powered.
Very cool Johnny!
The list has been updated.
Bob Israelite
Posted 26 February 2015 - 07:05 PM
In my sick & twisted mind I've got a couple of ideas ! Magwinder type chassis doing away with original endplates & having the comm poke through side of rail/chassis.
In theory mounting brush hoods & normal springs/posts from the normal can motors (pro slot, hawk, Mura etc) on the rail side just like they mount on endbells.
The 2nd idea is still to be determined if it will be a goer, mount can motor brush gear on the existing Dc65 endplate. .
But you didn't hear any of that and I never said nothing
Darn, Thought I had a 'unique' idea. Paul don't forget the Champ 707 arm...
I'll add to 2 'crack-heads' to the 3rd annual list.
- SlotStox#53 likes this
Bob Israelite
Posted 26 February 2015 - 07:07 PM
Inquiring minds want to know please !!
Paul, Inquiring minds haven't even figured it out yet .. there ain't much to tell you, right now you know as much as we do .. lol
Bob Israelite
Posted 26 February 2015 - 07:37 PM
don't worry Paul, just initial ideas with no guarantee of success. .. just watch out for the crack heads in the 3rd annual proxy !
*unless I can thrash one together in time*
*also a vicious rumor of 3D printing, anglewinder configuration... but I must be going, the guys in white coats have arrived*!!
Posted 26 February 2015 - 07:50 PM
Well ... it looks like it's shaping up to be a grudge match in the wheelstander class.
Some guy from Jersey said he's going to kickass on some guy that used to be from Jersey.
We are going to show these guys how to do it in miniature. Have your camera ready.
Note the similarities in 'Bad Behavior'
Bob Israelite
Posted 26 February 2015 - 08:03 PM
See the resemblance
Really can't wait for this May...it's gonna be a blast!
- Gator Bob likes this
Posted 27 February 2015 - 02:20 AM
I set up the classes shown in yellow and green to more closely align with the "NorCal V-Town Rumble" event.
Sure hope some of the west coast racers join.
The Unlimited class was created as there were some that said 'no neo - no race'.
List updated - please point out any errors or omissions.
- SlotStox#53 and CoastalAngler1 like this
Bob Israelite
Posted 27 February 2015 - 02:22 PM
Hey gang, check this out
I've been entrusted with the honor of refurbishing Ray Price's '40 Willys
What a cool old drag car, Ram 857, K&B rear end, home made front rails and an ultra cool bright orange body full of appropriate decals.
Doesn't look like a quickie fix, but I'm up for the challenge.
Johnny wisely suggested some "before" shots, so here we go
- Gator Bob likes this
Posted 27 February 2015 - 02:29 PM
Posted 27 February 2015 - 02:48 PM
Very cool (K&S) Pitt Man, I'm sure it will turn out right in your hands.
Good call Johnny!
- Pitt Man likes this
Bob Israelite
Posted 27 February 2015 - 02:53 PM
Box plaques -
Should Ray's car be on the participant plaques?
Open for suggestions and your photo submissions.
I do like the old school look of the ones Rodney had made up.
Transparency -
The ($10 first car) entry fee structure.
$5.00 to enter and race the cars
$2.50 is to help cover the plaques
$2.50 more for the first car entered is for Bill Pinch to cover his time to re-pack and ship the cars out. Bill didn't ask, I said he should and will be compensated for that effort.
What'a youz guyz dink'z good?
So .... now that I think of it every 'car' is slated to receive a box plaque. Is it too much?
I could lower the entry fee for second and up cars if you guys don't want 'so many' box plaques.
Bob Israelite
Posted 27 February 2015 - 03:05 PM
Plus any of these if you're looking at doing them Bob?
concours/best engineered/fastest E.T's/overall plaques ?
Got some drag pics saved from various trips around the Web for entry inspiration Will post a couple up for ideas.
The first car fee is fine
Posted 27 February 2015 - 04:32 PM
A participation plaque for each entry is enuff, We "participants" need to pack/ship well enough to make it easy to return the cars.
Posted 27 February 2015 - 08:01 PM
Are you suggesting one plaque per person or one per car entered?
Yes, on the packing that will safely get cars to and from.
IIRC, last year everyone got their car back promptly without any damage at all. "pack accordingly"
Bill Pinch is an awesome host!
Bob Israelite
Posted 27 February 2015 - 09:08 PM
Came back in perfect shape/exactly the same as it left for Florida.
As Bob said pack accordingly, I put the return postage/stamps &label in the box so Bill could stick it on for the return.
Posted 27 February 2015 - 09:36 PM
I think one plaque per person, maybe if a person has multiple entries (different groups) But like me, Im planning to enter 2 cars in the "Rail" group, so Really dont need a plaque for each car .
Posted 28 February 2015 - 04:24 AM
Everyone else please post your plaque choice.
In the mean time here is the chassis raw materials. Some are to get more fit and finish work as they hit the jig.
The build-up will be shown in another thread.
I think I've worked out the guide tracking design flaw and now 'build it and run it' is the true test.
Bob Israelite
Posted 28 February 2015 - 05:21 AM
Personally, I could do without a plaque and would just as soon see the money go to the track owner, or a BBQ, or something of that nature.
Posted 28 February 2015 - 06:04 AM
I feel one participant plaque per person is enough. No need to overkill.
I'm up for including a couple extra $ to Bill Pince to help defray miscellaneous expenses like donuts and caffeine drinks for the trigger men.
Heck, enough extra $ would buy a bucket of chicken to help keep those trigger fingers well greased.
Posted 28 February 2015 - 08:28 AM
Caffeine, chicken & BBQ food of the gods
Posted 28 February 2015 - 09:54 AM
I think each class should have its own plaques...so one per person per class. And add donations for festivities on the other end!!!
Posted 28 February 2015 - 09:25 PM
Well, today was try outs for my rail and Fiat.
The rail was running pretty well after adding a bit of weight to the guide. It was turning consistent 1.23's-1.24's (on 16 volts.) It was topping out quickly, think I'll try adding a tooth or two larger pinion.
The poor short wheel base Fiat kept trying to look straight up. It already has a full ounce of lead on the front and I wound on another half ounce of solder on the front axle, but that didn't help a bit.
That little 4 volt KTM is a screamer.
Time to rethink the Fiat, more weight or turn it into an unlimited wheelie bar screamer.
- boxerdog and Gator Bob like this
Posted 28 February 2015 - 09:52 PM
What a great picture, the cars (and Tinkerbell) look so to look down the track.
Bob, on the pinion ... Bills is a scale 1000 footer. If that's a scale 1/4 you might be just right.
Love the solder weeeeeleeee control.
That's period
Hey ... if that 4v is too much I can send you a brand new 8v replacement
- Pitt Man likes this
Bob Israelite