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#176 Trevor Neilson

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Posted 12 March 2015 - 05:09 PM

Yep got mine the other day (thanks Scott-PCH). 


Yes, I would buy it again.

$6.50USD,  good valve for your money


Needs some tuning and more in depth/technical articles.

Over $20NZD  

Too much 1/32 hardbody stuff. 


This is my review of it. 


My first impressions were good, going on what was printed on the front cover. I was a bit disappointed when I picked it up and saw the paper quality, it's a bit flat and thin for my liking. Which means it will mark/tear easily, as it is the type of mag that will get flipped though for a number of years.

It starts off with 5 pages of 1/32 hard body car reviews and a good write up about each car. . I didn't understand why it was necessary to show us  photos of the underside of the car as they all looked the same, but the photos with the body removed were interesting.   

Next was a product review. This one was about front wheel and urethane tyres. Worth a read even if you don't use them as it's always good to keep up with what is out there in the slot car world.

It then goes into a bit of history with the thingies. Way before my time and as far as I know they didn't catch on in this part of the world (NZ). Again worth a read, but doesn't go into any great details. 

Then we come to the how to section. This deals with building a retro chassis. Again it doesn't go into any great details and (at a guess) the retro kits come with instructions so all they did were to add photos to the building stages. Some hints or tricks would of been nice. In saying that there is more to come so they might go into that at a latter stage. 

The next part dealt with slot car boxes. In reality it was 2 pages of advertising.

Then came the HO bit. I found this the strangest bit of all.  I don't think any HO fans out there would buy this mag for the 2 pages they gave to their hobby. One and a half of those pages were photos and most of them were of the new style chassis. This space could of been used better. 

The book review is a book review but again in this digital world it's good to see that books haven't died off yet.

The cartoon was ho-hum

The scratchbuilt 250 would have to be the nicest slot car I have ever seen and the 8 pages it took up showed that.

The tech block should of been under product review.

3D printing was interesting but again the story lacked a bit of depth.

Next it was into dragracing. Really nothing much in this area apart from some cool photos to look at.

The 69 camaro build was pretty much a non event as well. All they really did was  removing the body and painting it.

Vacuum forming was good for those how have never made one. But again never went into any details about the different plastic you can use PET/Lexan etc. More written for the person making static displays. 

Soldering tips was about the best written story so far (in my opinion anyway)

Club racing (pushed in the right direction) could have a bright future in here. It's always good to see how over clubs do things. 

Again photo interiors was worth a read even if you don't use them. 

Lap timing will be interesting for those that no nothing about it. It would be good to follow up to show people how to do race events etc using the software. 

The last bit was collectors showcase which is nothing more than  4 pages of 1/32 hard body car reviews as found at the start of this mag. 

#177 Jairus


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 06:20 PM

I don't disagree that much with your review.  It was what we had in such a short time as we were afforded once the trigger was pulled.
Much better (and deeper stuff) is in the works, but with artists, it takes passion and time.

So.... want to write for us?
You obviously write fairly well and I didn't see any spelling errors in your response. You appear to have an idea of what the readers want. I am always looking for submissions for the next issue.

What do you say?

Knock my socks off.... please!


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#178 Maximo


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 06:46 PM

It then goes into a bit of history with the thingies. Way before my time and as far as I know they didn't catch on in this part of the world (NZ). Again worth a read, but doesn't go into any great details. 



As a one-time contributor to this magazine, and author of the "History..Thingies" article, I am curious as to what "greater detail" is missing? I ask in the interest of improvement, you offered and got my attention...


This article was written about what happened primarily fifty years ago and "detail" is difficult to research on this particular subject as I have always tried to do. The significant "inventions" in this slot car genre were discussed as well as their "designers" and the "dates" of their availability. The products that "sold well" were explained and where the "hotbeds" of thingie racing activity and where it took place. 


Of course, beautiful pictures of thingie cars were offered as readers love eye candy and even an authentic advertisement was also included. Do you mean to say that in all of your time in the hobby of slot cars, that you have never heard of the Classic Industries "Manta Ray" in New Zealand? Or the Cox "La Cucaracha"? The Cuc's "Iso-fulcrum" chassis?


If you "race" slot cars at all, certainly some of the innovations that influence your participation have stemmed from this thingies category, even in New Zealand!





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David Ray Siller

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#179 mdiv


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 07:15 PM


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#180 Maximo


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 07:38 PM

Yes, Happy Birthday tireless "arteest" Mr.Jairus!


Now get back to work!






David Ray Siller

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#181 Samiam


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 07:39 PM

You obviously write fairly well and I didn't see any spelling errors in your response.


Found one: "for those how have never made one."

Sam Levitch
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#182 Eddie Fleming

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Posted 12 March 2015 - 07:51 PM


Eddie Fleming

#183 Trevor Neilson

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Posted 12 March 2015 - 10:04 PM


As a one-time contributor to this magazine, and author of the "History..Thingies" article, I am curious as to what "greater detail" is missing? I ask in the interest of improvement, you offered and got my attention...


This article was written about what happened primarily fifty years ago and "detail" is difficult to research on this particular subject as I have always tried to do. The significant "inventions" in this slot car genre were discussed as well as their "designers" and the "dates" of their availability. The products that "sold well" were explained and where the "hotbeds" of thingie racing activity and where it took place. 


Of course, beautiful pictures of thingie cars were offered as readers love eye candy and even an authentic advertisement was also included. Do you mean to say that in all of your time in the hobby of slot cars, that you have never heard of the Classic Industries "Manta Ray" in New Zealand? Or the Cox "La Cucaracha"? The Cuc's "Iso-fulcrum" chassis?


If you "race" slot cars at all, certainly some of the innovations that influence your participation have stemmed from this thingies category, even in New Zealand!





Sorry but no I haven't heard of the above names, but I did know some slot cars were called thingies. . I might of come across them on the internet but didn't pay much attention to their names.

I am only pretty new to the bigger scale. I use to race AFX in the very late 70's to early 80's then got into 1/24 about 5 years ago so that might be the reason.

For something that started off in the 60's and still been raced today I just felt it was missing something. 

Don't get me wrong I'm no expert and there is nothing wrong with what you wrote, but after reading it I came away feeling a bit empty.  

keep up the good work. 

#184 Trevor Neilson

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Posted 12 March 2015 - 10:05 PM


Found one: "for those how have never made one."

who, who, who, I will write it out 100 times. LOL

#185 Trevor Neilson

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Posted 12 March 2015 - 10:20 PM

I don't disagree that much with your review.  It was what we had in such a short time as we were afforded once the trigger was pulled.
Much better (and deeper stuff) is in the works, but with artists, it takes passion and time.

So.... want to write for us?
You obviously write fairly well and I didn't see any spelling errors in your response. You appear to have an idea of what the readers want. I am always looking for submissions for the next issue.

What do you say?

Knock my socks off.... please!


LOL. I have spell-check on my computer otherwise it would be full of spelling mistakes. I even have to ask my kids how to spell some words.

My review is only my opinion and to some it might seem a bit rough, but I recon it's a great mag with a bright  future. If I were to rate it I would give it 7/10

Send me your email address and I will try and put something together for you. 

Here's mine


#186 Maximo


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 10:22 PM



First of all, don't get me wrong, as you are the first to respond with a meaningful and constructive critique. Thank you! That is what Greg wanted and is always needed in order to perfect any product.


However, as you state ...the "devil is in the details"!


Tell me or us what is missing in your detailed opinion?Don't be shy and don't be vague! Give us the details that you empathize are missing so that the future writers of this magazine can grow this venture forward to a greater level of reader satisfaction. That is why this forum works, to communicate the shortcomings discussed so that a better method can be realized.


Everyone wants a better product, however I must say as a educated journalist and slot car enthusiast that I believe this premier issue to be of greater overall quality than those publications of the mid-sixties that I grew up with.


Once again thank you!





David Ray Siller

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#187 Gator Bob

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Posted 12 March 2015 - 10:29 PM


As a one-time contributor to this magazine, and author of the "History..Thingies" article, I am curious as to what "greater detail" is missing?  





Yes, but did you include a picture of Edo and the fair young lady holding the cars?

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                            Bob Israelite

#188 Maximo


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Posted 12 March 2015 - 11:14 PM

Gator Bob,
Actually, I did ask Edo for various contributing photos and he could not free himself from his kingly duties in time to accomplish that goal.
I too believe that a beautiful female model holding a slot car would be a good thingie!

David Ray Siller

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#189 Gator Bob

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Posted 12 March 2015 - 11:17 PM

Cover, center fold.... or both? 

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                            Bob Israelite

#190 Trevor Neilson

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Posted 13 March 2015 - 12:19 AM

show us your pinion or nice set of hubs on that one. 

#191 Gator Bob

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Posted 13 March 2015 - 12:44 AM

I gotta get out'a hear :bomb:  .... Mr. Greg said. :o  :laugh2:

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                            Bob Israelite

#192 Trevor Neilson

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Posted 13 March 2015 - 10:52 PM



First of all, don't get me wrong, as you are the first to respond with a meaningful and constructive critique. Thank you! That is what Greg wanted and is always needed in order to perfect any product.


However, as you state ...the "devil is in the details"!


Tell me or us what is missing in your detailed opinion?Don't be shy and don't be vague! Give us the details that you empathize are missing so that the future writers of this magazine can grow this venture forward to a greater level of reader satisfaction. That is why this forum works, to communicate the shortcomings discussed so that a better method can be realized.


Everyone wants a better product, however I must say as a educated journalist and slot car enthusiast that I believe this premier issue to be of greater overall quality than those publications of the mid-sixties that I grew up with.


Once again thank you!





To tell the truth I don't really know what is missing. All I know is when you read something sometimes you don't get much from it. It's a bit like eating a big mack burger. You really look forward to to, but when you are finished you still fell empty about 10 minutes  after. I just feet for something (the thingies) that have been around for 50 years there was no detail information or what the makers did afterwards- did they go on to produce other bodies or form a company etc. . Maybe there could of been a bit more info about the modern thingies. 

I just did a quick google search and found this. I only read the couple of lines, but this is more complete story by the look of things.(even though it's not all about the thingies- I just want to use it as a example It's more about the style of writing than the subject matter if you get my meaning)) 


As I said before there was nothing really wrong with it, you did a good job. Just coming from a person that really knows nothing about them. 

#193 Jairus


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Posted 14 March 2015 - 12:40 AM

Thingies have not been around for 50 years Trevor. They only ran from 1965 to 1968 only! After that, the vapor had evaporated.
They may have started 50 years ago but the movement was eclipsed very quickly by other forms of racing that took on the innovations and engineering concepts that kept the Thingie in a class by it self. True lovers of the "Thingie" are like modern day Hippies in my humble opinion. 
Those who love the freeform "petrulli oil" feel of slots during the late 60's tend to protect and revere the era. They mention it's designers and innovators as messiahs and prophets of things that would ultimately come to pass. Unfortunately it is something you have to feel and experience in order to understand.  I think David did a wonderful job of covering it's essence in a few short pages.


Did I mention that was only the first issue?  There is much, much more to come.  B)

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#194 Trevor Neilson

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Posted 14 March 2015 - 01:48 AM

yea my bad. Sweet as. I sent you a PM or at least I think I did. 

#195 Gator Bob

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Posted 14 March 2015 - 05:28 AM

Trevor,  No bad.


Giving your perspective might not sit well when first presented but is helpful because you are a reader.


Back to knowing about the Thingie revolution, Jairus gave a great description of where 'heads' were at in that period. 

Kind of flew the freedom flag in the face of the conventional view of scale model racing.  

There was ( might still be) some friction between the 'Scale's' and the 'Thingy's'  

The wild and crazy aero anything goes 'futuristics' eventually won out. The vacuum pulled body cars we run race today share those traits  even if the model has a 'real' car name, make or model.  From USRA style Stock Cars to IRRA Retro classes to Wing cars the influence of the thingy revolution lives on.


To get the 'flavor' of how and why we love them there is lots of info on here, the Dynamic Challenge Proxy race that Jairus put on could be a good read for you.  


That's my two cents worth .... inflation not included.

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                            Bob Israelite

#196 Michael Rigsby

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Posted 14 March 2015 - 05:45 AM

I couldn't find an issue locally, so I ordered one from Scott at PCH. I liked the layout, the clarity of the photos, and the reviews and articles in general. I was pleasantly surprised to see a retro build using the exact same parts from Bryan Warmack that I obtained a few months ago and am currently using in my own build.

For a first issue, I thought it to be very good, and an excellent building point to go forward. As more contributors come forward, it can only get better and help this hobby of ours.

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#197 Michael Rigsby

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Posted 14 March 2015 - 05:52 AM

Since I am unable to edit my last post, I wanted to add that I hope there will be room in the magazine for posting race results and pictures from major slot car racing events, like the R4, Retropalooza, USRA Nats, etc. This would kind of bring back the feel of the slot car publications of the days of old, and maybe get more info out to current racers who may not be part of a blog or do the internet.

Just a thought....I'll still buy it anyway as I race 1/32 scale and 1/24 scale and found the mix very good.

"... a good and wholesome thing is a little harmless fun in this world; it tones a body up and keeps him human and prevents him from souring." - Mark Twain

#198 Jairus


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Posted 14 March 2015 - 08:44 AM

2nd issue will have a race report from the Checkpoint Challenge last January Michael.

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#199 NY Nick

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Posted 14 March 2015 - 09:45 AM

I got my Issue and I love it, great Bathroom reading.

Can not wait for number 2. 

Nick Cerulli

#200 tonyp


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Posted 14 March 2015 - 05:13 PM

You can't get a better recommendation than that!

Anthony 'Tonyp' Przybylowicz

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