Yep got mine the other day (thanks Scott-PCH).
Yes, I would buy it again.
$6.50USD, good valve for your money
Needs some tuning and more in depth/technical articles.
Over $20NZD
Too much 1/32 hardbody stuff.
This is my review of it.
My first impressions were good, going on what was printed on the front cover. I was a bit disappointed when I picked it up and saw the paper quality, it's a bit flat and thin for my liking. Which means it will mark/tear easily, as it is the type of mag that will get flipped though for a number of years.
It starts off with 5 pages of 1/32 hard body car reviews and a good write up about each car. . I didn't understand why it was necessary to show us photos of the underside of the car as they all looked the same, but the photos with the body removed were interesting.
Next was a product review. This one was about front wheel and urethane tyres. Worth a read even if you don't use them as it's always good to keep up with what is out there in the slot car world.
It then goes into a bit of history with the thingies. Way before my time and as far as I know they didn't catch on in this part of the world (NZ). Again worth a read, but doesn't go into any great details.
Then we come to the how to section. This deals with building a retro chassis. Again it doesn't go into any great details and (at a guess) the retro kits come with instructions so all they did were to add photos to the building stages. Some hints or tricks would of been nice. In saying that there is more to come so they might go into that at a latter stage.
The next part dealt with slot car boxes. In reality it was 2 pages of advertising.
Then came the HO bit. I found this the strangest bit of all. I don't think any HO fans out there would buy this mag for the 2 pages they gave to their hobby. One and a half of those pages were photos and most of them were of the new style chassis. This space could of been used better.
The book review is a book review but again in this digital world it's good to see that books haven't died off yet.
The cartoon was ho-hum
The scratchbuilt 250 would have to be the nicest slot car I have ever seen and the 8 pages it took up showed that.
The tech block should of been under product review.
3D printing was interesting but again the story lacked a bit of depth.
Next it was into dragracing. Really nothing much in this area apart from some cool photos to look at.
The 69 camaro build was pretty much a non event as well. All they really did was removing the body and painting it.
Vacuum forming was good for those how have never made one. But again never went into any details about the different plastic you can use PET/Lexan etc. More written for the person making static displays.
Soldering tips was about the best written story so far (in my opinion anyway)
Club racing (pushed in the right direction) could have a bright future in here. It's always good to see how over clubs do things.
Again photo interiors was worth a read even if you don't use them.
Lap timing will be interesting for those that no nothing about it. It would be good to follow up to show people how to do race events etc using the software.
The last bit was collectors showcase which is nothing more than 4 pages of 1/32 hard body car reviews as found at the start of this mag.