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R4 race coverage

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#26 Cheater


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Posted 16 March 2008 - 02:20 PM

Ron VW,

Yes, you should have been here. Too much fun and the best group of racers I've ever had the pleasure of spending a weekend with.

Jay Guard and I both have to work tomorrow, so as soon as I get the combined results from the Retro Can-Am race posted, we're outa here. It's nine hours to my hovel and then another hour and a half for Jay.

After the Can-Am race, Ron Heshman began randomly drawing names for race prizes. While there were a couple of really nice prizes shown below, every racer received several goodies thanks to the many sponsors who donated goods for this race. No one went away empty-handed! Please refer to Ron's post elsewhere in this thread where he lists the many fine companies that made prize donations for the R4. Please let the sponsors know you appreciated their involvement when and if you can.

The most lusted-for race price was the Third Eye controller donated by Third Eye Technology and the lucky winner was Jason Echelbarger.



Then there was the special engraved R-Geo chassis jig set-up which was won by Yours Truly. I guess this means it's time for me to retire that old ABC jig I've used for years... this one will be much better for Retro chassis.

A big round of applause to Liquid Lou Cicconi for race-directing almost the entire event, except when he was racing. His steady finger on the track call button was appreciated by almost everyone. And kudos to everyone for moving the program forward well, which meant the races finished at a decent hour each day.

And a huge THANKS to Mike and Cindy McMasters and family for putting on a great event in one of the cleanest hobby shops in the business. They could not have been more accomodating or welcoming. Their King track has only been up (this go-round) since early December, so Tom Thumb has not got regular or weekly racing happening yet. But Mike was as excited as a kid with a new toy on Christmas morning and I'm betting there's going to be a resurgence of slot racing at Tom Thumb in the months to come.

Gregory Wells

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#27 Big Durl

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Posted 16 March 2008 - 02:26 PM


Coming in today from our little D3 race it is so cool to see all of this action and the list of all my pals and acquaintances from the forums having a blast. Thanks, cheater for making these posts AND racing for a change. :D

Fantastic, you guys. I have SO got to go to one of these things. You'd love me, too, as when I'm there EVERYbody gets to move up one position in the standings. :laugh2:

Darryl Vance

#28 NJ Racer

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Posted 16 March 2008 - 02:45 PM

Great job reporting, Greg... Matt, Ron, Jay, & Dave put on some show for us cyber-spectators, but you can't beat live action.

What a huge turn-out. Hats off to all the racers and organizers.
"Ya gotta be in it to win it"

Ray Carlisi

#29 Mopar Rob

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Posted 16 March 2008 - 10:19 PM

Want to thank everyone for the great time I had. Had a great time pitting by Rick, Larry, and Dennis. Was able to see some old friends, meet some new ones, and even spend some time with my fellow Chicago racers.

Rob Hanson

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Rob was right!

#30 Ron Hershman

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Posted 16 March 2008 - 10:37 PM

Quick Flexi GT results... sixteen entries... two mains... Sano Dave F won, Dustin Morris 2nd, Ken Swanson 3rd, and Rande "RPM" Marshall 4th. That's all I remember right now.

Thank you time...

The McMasters Family... Mike, Cindy, Jessica, Jason and the rest of the Tom Thumb staff. I can't thank nor say enough for all their hardwork and enthusiasm.

Lou Cicconi... Great job race directing all weekend.

Greg Wells... Again an outstanding job of race reporting and helping out.

Noose and Dennis Samson... Fantastic job of teching cars and helping out throughout the event.

All the Chicago racers... these guys are so much fun to race with and made up a bunch of the entry totals.

The rest of the racers who took the time to come and support the event and race and have fun. Wouldn't have been much of a race without you guys.

Sharon Bruce... Matt's wife... for turn marshaling during the practice. She put a lot of cars back in the slot during the weekend.

Butch Dunaway for helping out when help was needed.

Rande Marshall for building my awesome race cars.

And to all of the sponsors of the event...

Les Wright of Wright Way for attending and giving us more paste flux tubes that there were racers.

Tony P and TRINITY for all the motor spray, Tire Tweak and Zip Grip, oilers, and whatever else I can't remember right now.

LUCKY BOB's for four chassis jigs and many bottles of liquid flux.

ALPHA Products for tires, lead wire, rebalancing slips, and body tape.

SPRAYS BY MAC for two chassis and lots of beautiful painted Outisight bodies.

NOOSE for Certificates for the winners and TQ in each class for a painted body and interior of their choice.

PRO SLOT for the Certificates.

THIRD EYE TECHNOLOGY for the controller.

R-GEO for the chassis jig kit and Rick Bennardo for attending and racing.

GRAND PRIX RACEWAY/Lou Pirro for the awesome DRAGON SLAYER painted Outisight bodies.

FAST ONES and OUTISIGHT for their donations.

DURL for the outstanding artwork on the event flyers, T-shirts, and race awards.

A big THANK YOU to all of the sponsors!!!

And CONGRATS to the WINNERS... Ron Hershman, Jay Kisling, Matt Bruce, and Sano Dave Fiedler.

#31 One_Track_Mind


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Posted 17 March 2008 - 06:05 AM

Hi Everyone,

First and foremost, Thank You to the family staff of Tom Thumbs Raceway, your hospitality made all the racers feel like a Family of Friends. :friends: Let's do it again! :wub:

Speaking only for myself, the weekend had its ups and downs. I'll start with the upside of activities. :dance4:

Getting the opportunity to finally meet and greet all my online friends from Slotblog was really special for me.
Making new friends because I seen pictures of them on Slotblog was neato (kinda like sano)
Racing against some of the 'best' people in this hobby (sport) was simply priceless. I learned a lot, and can't thank everyone enough for taking the time and sharing your stories with me. I feel so blessed and fortunate to be living in these times of Slot car racing and building.
Pitting with Bill F. and Billy Bob was the best table in the house. We were directly behind Cheater and got to see his hard work and dedication to bring everyone the results. You should see this guy hustle between the printer and the laptop, dodging people and pushing them out of the way! :laugh2:

Now the downside of my weekend: :frown: I left to come home early Sunday morning. Not because I wanted too. But for reasons beyond my control, actually I had no control and this was what concerned me. While my friends were racing, I was at the hospital having bloodwork, EKG, and CAT scan of my head. These tests came back negative which was a good sign, my diagnosis was I acquired Bells Palsy this made it very difficult to turn marshall cars. One example: Liquid Lou come off in the white lane, I placed his car on the green lane, my eyes seen one thing, and my mind done another thing. His car came out of the bad rider situation unscathed, and I was very happy for that. I apologized then and I :curtsey: apologize now again, Lou. This situation told me that something was definitely wrong with me, and I need to ask for more help then Doctor Pablo was able to diagnose. (Long story short, my wife was gonna call 911 to the motel, IF I didn't have Pablo look at me.) Thanks for being there my friend. :sorry: Sorry, to have placed you in that situation.

In closing, my experience with this weekend has taught me a very valuable lesson. Don't ignore the early signs of your body telling you something is wrong. NO matter how old you are. After all, I'm a guy, I'm stubborn, and consider myself to be young, that can't happen to me. WRONG!

As Mr. Steube says: Build ON! :to_become_senile:

Brian McPherson

REM Raceway

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#32 tonyp


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Posted 17 March 2008 - 06:54 AM

Congrats to all the racers and especially to my buds' Jay and Matt for their wins....

Anthony 'Tonyp' Przybylowicz

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#33 tonyp


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Posted 17 March 2008 - 07:04 AM

Yeah, you too, Ron...

Anthony 'Tonyp' Przybylowicz

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#34 Pappy


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Posted 17 March 2008 - 07:20 AM

Along with many thanks to the McMasters family and the staff at Tom Thumb Hobbies for hosting this event we all need to thank Ron Hershman for his many hours of putting everything together. Not only that but Ron gave everyone a "Free" motor rebuild certificate for every class they entered. But don't bother trying to exchange them for cash, I already tried. :laugh2: ;) Thanks for everything Ron, you put on one hell of an event. :clapping:

Ron, don't forget to explain the plaque and award Dennis Samson won. :good:

I'd also like to say how great it was to finally meet the some of guys here on Slotblog that I hadn't met before. They're never like you picture them, they are always better. I've never met a group of guys that I like hanging around with more than a bunch of old slot racers. :dance4:

Jim "Butch" Dunaway 
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#35 Pablo



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Posted 17 March 2008 - 08:24 AM

Greg, the Chicago guys started cutting up during the Flexi GT race, and gawd it was so funny. I was laughing so hard I couldn't see straight. Never seen a guy who could joke and laugh while out front and flying like Sano Dave Fiedler.

Paul Wolcott

#36 John Gorski

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Posted 17 March 2008 - 08:53 AM

Will there be podium car pictures motor type, gear ratios, car weights??? :unsure:
John Gorski, Jr.

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#37 Cheater


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Posted 17 March 2008 - 09:47 AM


I took nearly five hundred pictures and will post them as I can get them organized and tweaked. Just as at the Sano, every car raced will be shown top and bottom, with the podium cars being shown with the body removed. Every driver will be pictured. Plus a whole lot more.

I don't have the sign-up sheets, so I can't give weights and gear ratios.

This is a pretty large amount of work, and it'll probably take me a couple of days to get it all done, especially considering that something I ate either on Saturday or Sunday has given me a VERY active case of Motezuma's Revenge starting about 4:00 AM this morning. If I hadn't just taken two days off, I'd have probably called in sick this morning...

Patience, John, patience!

Gregory Wells

Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap

#38 John Gorski

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Posted 17 March 2008 - 09:50 AM

People are mainly interested in the top three cars in each class.
No rush.
John Gorski, Jr.

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#39 tonyp


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Posted 17 March 2008 - 09:52 AM

Greg, too many trips to the Waffle House...

Anthony 'Tonyp' Przybylowicz

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#40 Cheater


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Posted 17 March 2008 - 09:58 AM


I only ate at the Waffle House twice, but Sunday morning was indeed one of the times. I suspect it might have been the Wendy's Jay and I blitzed through on the way back...

Gregory Wells

Never forget that first place goes to the racer with the MOST laps, not the racer with the FASTEST lap

#41 tonyp


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Posted 17 March 2008 - 10:19 AM

Has to be the Wendy's... LOL...

Anthony 'Tonyp' Przybylowicz

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#42 MG Brown

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Posted 17 March 2008 - 10:26 AM

Hey now - don't diss the Waffle House!
That's thirty minutes away. I'll be there in ten.


#43 billibob



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Posted 17 March 2008 - 12:08 PM

Hi everyone,

Billibob here! It is my pleasure to inform you that I attended the greatest race EVER in slot car history!

The McMaster's clan and "Fast One" Ron Hershman combined to provide this old slot racer one of the most enjoyable weekends one could imagine.

Mac's Tom Thumb was well-organized, well-stocked, clean as a whistle, and the food was outstanding. Ron, with a lot of help from Lou Cicconi, ran a well-oiled and organized event. Noose and Dennis ran tech as efficiently as is possible. I pitted directly behind "Cheater" and he worked constantly bringing the event to life on the blog.

A special thanks should go to Jessica McMasters, who turn marshalled almost every heat until she pulled a leg muscle late Sunday. Turn marshalling was outstanding in ALL the racing. Practice was helped by the constant vigil of many and their willingness to help. The friendship and cooperation was the best part of all, not one cross word all weeked was heard.

So, if you missed this event (it was more than just a race) you should make every effort to attend the next Revival which Mike McMasters is planning for April, 2009.

Thanks to Bill Fulmer and Brian McPherson, pit partners, for all their help.

Bill Newland
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#44 One_Track_Mind


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Posted 17 March 2008 - 12:28 PM



Thanks, Cheater for making these posts AND racing for a change. biggrin.gif


Hi Durl,

Here's proof that Greg did hold a controller this weekend.


L to R: Ken Green, Greg 'Cheater' Wells, & Ron Hershman.

Brian McPherson

REM Raceway

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#45 gascarnut


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Posted 17 March 2008 - 01:06 PM

I guess it's time to add some comments here to those already made:

This was indeed a great event, with some very special and unique features that IMO are important for Retro racing.

The fact that we could race on an original blue King track that has been so nicely maintained and re-done is great. I last drove a King track like this back in 1979 and the gutter lanes were undriveable, so it was great to have a chance to ride one in such good condition.

The fact that this track is situated in a raceway that boasts continuous operation since 1963 in the same location is just amazing and so appropriate for Retro racing. I echo everything that has been said about Mike McMasters, his family and their store - this is a class act all round.

The track is a hoot to run with Retro cars, as there is a driving challenge every lap on every lane. Please don't get me wrong - I feel for the guys who had this (and I was one of them), but seeing and hearing a car de-slot and ride up the banking into the Formica "shelf" around the top brought back tons of old memories! And of course seeing the "Chicago boys" all standing at the banking leaning on the "shelf" looking over the top was also just SO RETRO...

How about a few extra "awards":

The "Hall's throat lozenges award for Race Directing without a PA": Lou Cicconi - you did a grand job, thanks for all the hard work.

The "Bruised Knees Award for turn-marshalling": Matt Bruce - every time we needed a volunteer for the Ninety or the Bridge, Matt was there.

The "Young Guns Award": Dustin Morris and Josh Crutchfield who built and raced their own stuff, and they weren't even born when this thing happened first time round. It's great to see the next generation picking it up.

The "Speeding Bullet Award": Joe "Noose" Neumeister, who was timed executing a complete tech inspection of a Retro F1 car, including 17 different dimensional checks, in 18 seconds. Joe is also just the best at being firm and fair in the teching booth.

The "Wall of Death Rider Award": Basil Michael, whose cars rode up the bank into the shelf more than anyone else all weekend and still came back for more every time, and never stopped smiling - great job of sportsmanship.

The "This is what it's all about Award": "Sano Dave" Fiedler - anyone who has seen how this man can run at the top of the list and still be laughing and joking as he does it will understand why this form of racing is growing so fast.

The "Thanks for giving us our fun back Award": Mike Steube and Paul Sterrett, who dreamed this thing up in the first place, who probably had no idea it would get to be so big, and who (despite the little things that might separate the various programs) deserve our heartfelt thanks and appreciations. As a friend of mine said, "It's never too late to have a happy childhood", and we are all enjoying ours again thanks to Paul and Mike's vision.
Dennis Samson
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#46 Keith Tanaka

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Posted 17 March 2008 - 01:24 PM

Cheater, great reporting!

I understand what you're dealing with and appreciate your huge effort!

Keith :)

Team Rolling Hills circa '66-'68

#47 Phil Smith

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Posted 17 March 2008 - 01:59 PM


Friendly fashion advice from a fellow fat guy: Long, baggy shirts are your friend. ;) :laugh2:
Phil Smith
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#48 Phil Smith

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Posted 17 March 2008 - 02:02 PM

The fact that this track is situated in a Raceway that boasts continuous operation since 1963 in the same location is just amazing and so appropriate for Retro racing. I echo everything that has been said about Mike McMasters, his family and their store - this is a class act all round.


Wow! That's hard to believe. They should write a how-to book on running a successful slot car track.

Phil Smith
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#49 gascarnut


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Posted 17 March 2008 - 02:07 PM

I forgot one more "Award" I wanted to mention.

I don't have a funny name for it, as it should IMO be a serious award alongside Concours, and that is a Constructor's award for design and workmanship.

I would have given this hands-down to Bob Kurkowski for simply one of the most beautiful F1 frames I have seen. Sano just doesn't begin to describe it - elegant, neat, clean, and it ran great, too.

I think Cheater has some photos, but it really deserves special mention.

Another special mention should go to all the guys who brought along old stuff to show off - old frames, cars, bodies, and pieces from the '60s.

All of this contributed to setting the atmosphere, educating those who weren't there, and perpetuating the memories of people whose work and workmanship should not be forgotten, and of an era that many of us thought had passed but is coming back strongly.
Dennis Samson
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#50 Noose


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Posted 17 March 2008 - 02:17 PM

What can I say that hasn't been said already? WOW, what a weekend!

It was great to meet guys again and all the new ones.

Ken Swanson is a hoot and gets the "Rain Main" award! :laugh2:

Brian McPherson... man... glad you are OK. You will recover!

To my fellow East Coast guys... Verrrrryyyyyyy SANO!

Hey... and how about me and fellow painter Jack Beers comparing tips while watching Swanson thrash old school style while drinking Blue Moons!

To Dennis Samson, who without a doubt is one of the nicest gentlemen anyone could ever meet and his help with tech was invaluable.

For all the guys... thanks for knowing the rules and following them.

To my fellow IRRA Board members... good job guys!

For Sano Dave... man... I wonder how good you would be if your cars had any brakes! :laugh2:

Ahh... and to my roomie Cheater... dude, lay off the White Castles, too.

To Mr. Fast Ones Ron... great job!

Finally, to Mike McMasters and family... FANTASTIC JOB!

Joe "Noose" Neumeister
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