Well, I probably won't be able to get the F1 pics organized, cropped, tweaked, and uploaded tonight, so how about a little diversion (mainly to keep you guys from sending a lynch mod after me for taking so long to get the R4 pics posted)?
Let's take a stroll in the pits. I'm always interested in seeing the various slot box designs and pit spaces. Most of these pit spaces and boxes are way too neat (how do these guys ever get any work done?), which is why you won't be seeing a pic of my messy workspace.
Now I don't recall whose pits these are all, but we can figure some of them out pretty easily.
This is obviously Matt Bruce's pit... since that's Matt in the picture.
And this one's Ken Swanson's pit. Too bad he's not Matt Bruce's size, as he coulda saved some money on a hotel room and just slept in his pit boxes. But wait, maybe he has another use for a hotel room...
And this is Brian McPherson's retro pit box.
Probably Ron Hershman's pit, but maybe not; he has a lot of acolytes...
The helpful Jay Guard in his pit, kindly mounting my GT Coupe body so's I have time to hang with the big dogs and bench race...
Not sure, but I think this is Bob Oaks pit. Or a reasonable facsimile thereof.
Can't remember whose pit this is, but I'll probably be able to tell when I get to the Can-Am pics.
Jack Beer's pit IIRC, and if I'm wrong please let me know.
The bodies tell me this is Jim Bostrom's pit.
And here's why Ken Swanson needed a hotel room: for an after-hours pit, not for sleep... This snap was taken about 1:15 AM and I'm told Ken didn't quit working for more than three hours.
Building a chassis at the hotel the night before the race: now that's serious RETRO!!!