Steve, did you run the chassis with the pan horns touching the outriggers? If you go to the pictures of this years ISRA Championship race and take a look at the winning team car chassis (a X-25) you'll notice they tried a similar pan set up as the C-43 comes with. It appears that the rear bite bar uses a single central contact point and the front horns appear to be bent in such a manner that they are not touching the outriggers and the pan is pivoting on the front crossbar. You'll also notice that the pan was touching the track maybe that's the way to go for better handling. Congrats on your win it proves the new chassis is a valid contender.
I see the single piece of tape, but from the photo I cant see any evidence of it being on a single pivot at the front, nor can I tell if the front of the pans are contacting the T-bar or not
Unless you have some other pics!?
I don't think the FK class we run powered by PS4002FK would still be fast if pans dragging...not enough HP