Love my ready-to-runs!
Posted 15 May 2017 - 09:10 PM
- Jencar17, Maximo and SlotStox#53 like this
Posted 18 May 2017 - 07:52 PM
My Classic Ind Batmobile in complete kit form. All NOS, unused, complete with chrome siren, stacks, jet engine rings, and body card. I display it with the five-spoke aftermarket wheels cause they look more like the original RADIR wheels used on the real '66 Batmobile, but have the correct Classic six-spokes polished and stored for it. I also have the right bats for the doors. This one will never be painted...
- Jencar17, Maximo and Samiam like this
Michael J. Boruff
Posted 19 May 2017 - 03:53 AM
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Posted 22 May 2017 - 11:39 PM
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Posted 31 May 2017 - 03:43 PM
I will find some RTRs so I can join in the fun.
- Maximo likes this
Posted 31 May 2017 - 03:53 PM
Are those repops or originals?
David Ray Siller
MAXImum MOtion
Retired Video Game Creator/Designer/Producer
Thingies are my thingy!
Posted 31 May 2017 - 03:59 PM
Hey David,
While looking for some RTRs decided to show the Lancers in their own post sometime. Trying to do a better job of staying on topic.
- Maximo likes this
Posted 31 May 2017 - 06:20 PM
Finished this repro car and box today. I need to get some more stickers made up, but otherwise it is finished. I doubt if this was a popular car back in the day, it was an RTR, but came out toward the end of the boom and would not have been competitive with most other RTRs. Over the years I've only seen a couple of these.
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Matt Bishop
Posted 31 May 2017 - 06:41 PM
It was popular in my neck of the woods! I wanted one but was never able to afford one.
I too am slowly prepping a reproduction and if you make up stickers could I buy a set or two?
- Jencar17 likes this
David Ray Siller
MAXImum MOtion
Retired Video Game Creator/Designer/Producer
Thingies are my thingy!
Posted 31 May 2017 - 07:20 PM
Are you wanting to do one on an incorrect Manta Ray chassis?
Michael J. Boruff
Posted 31 May 2017 - 07:45 PM
The original BB used the plain aluminum frame that is pretty much identical to the Classic Manta Ray. It was manufactured when the guy that owned Classic was still a partner with the owner of BZ. It is plain aluminum and it has no script on the drop arm. It is the same frame that was used on the Ferrari and ford GT rtr's. Over the years there have been cars with the LRW chassis also. Who knows they may have come both ways. Where is Philippe when you need him!
- Maximo likes this
Matt Bishop
Posted 31 May 2017 - 07:58 PM
I am lucky to cobble up the parts I have.
Yeah, I am using the Manta Ray chassis as the original is expensive when found. I think that Electric Dreams has or had them but wanted a home loan to buy one!
My wheels are different to but that is the best I can do.
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David Ray Siller
MAXImum MOtion
Retired Video Game Creator/Designer/Producer
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Posted 31 May 2017 - 08:06 PM
The Classic chassis works for me, paint the wheels flat black, then polish the paint off the outer rims and they will look similiar to the Riggens that came on the car.
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Matt Bishop
Posted 31 May 2017 - 09:47 PM
When I do it I will do all that is needed to produce a nice example...hopefully!
David Ray Siller
MAXImum MOtion
Retired Video Game Creator/Designer/Producer
Thingies are my thingy!
Posted 31 May 2017 - 11:50 PM
In order to replicate a period RTR like the Green Hornet Black Beauty it is important to first get the necessary parts together!
I decided on using a Manta Ray chassis and still to be determined wheel/tire set. I often deter from authentic reproductions to one of still something of appropriate taste.
It would require about $60 maybe more to the already growing list of parts and tasks in order to accomplish a nice slot car from like back in the day! Is it worth it?
I have a Classic Batmobile and wanted to add Batman and Robins' adversarial enemies - the Green Hornet and Kato!
- Jencar17 likes this
David Ray Siller
MAXImum MOtion
Retired Video Game Creator/Designer/Producer
Thingies are my thingy!
Posted 01 June 2017 - 04:53 AM
Did not realize the availability of the BZ chassis was so scarce and expensive??? (I know the EARLY BZ and Manta Ray chassis were the same . ) My GT 40 I sold had one of those.
Wasnt trying to throw a "wet blanket" or any "shade"on your project. It will look nice and "kewl" when finished.
- Jencar17 likes this
Michael J. Boruff
Posted 01 June 2017 - 08:41 AM
Thanks Mike, that is the chassis I had under the one original I found many years ago. I have seen them both ways, though. I think ED has the LRW style chassis for $50 or there abouts. It may be possible to remove the anodizing on the Classic frame and get the plain aluminum look. You could probably even sand/polish the script off the drop arm. Lot of work and still would just be an original appearing car and not the real thing.
You only need to please yourself! I do have a few Classic chassis, maybe some day I'll take a little time to see if the anodizing can be removed easily. I know anodized aluminum car grilles can be stripped with EZ OFF oven cleaner! Just don't breathe it!!!
Matt Bishop
Posted 01 June 2017 - 09:48 AM
MY Black Beauty project is on HOLD until I decide exactly what to do with it. I have other projects pending as well so we shall see what develops later.
Thanks for all input gents!
David Ray Siller
MAXImum MOtion
Retired Video Game Creator/Designer/Producer
Thingies are my thingy!
Posted 27 July 2017 - 07:56 PM
Finally got this one finished!
My Testor Marauder RTR!
Thank you, Jairus Watson, for the great authentic paint work and body trimming.
Thank you to, Victor Ferguson, at TrueScale for the beautiful reproduction clear body.
Thank you to Tomy, my patient cat buddy.
Thank you to Father Time and Mother Nature and also Uncle Sam!
Did I miss anyone???
- Jairus, Jencar17, Tex and 4 others like this
David Ray Siller
MAXImum MOtion
Retired Video Game Creator/Designer/Producer
Thingies are my thingy!
Posted 28 July 2017 - 08:52 AM
You found the wheels...

Jairus H Watson - Artist
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Posted 28 July 2017 - 09:35 AM
I decide it wasn't going to be correct without those damn Duro wheels. They are on the gold standard I suppose! Took me a while but ya-la!
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David Ray Siller
MAXImum MOtion
Retired Video Game Creator/Designer/Producer
Thingies are my thingy!