Sorry John, don't think we're all that cliqueish, but who knows...
The Russkit 22 is perfectly legal for vintage and was probably one of the best-selling motors of the time, released in 1964. It powered Russkit's earliest slot cars, and was also bought by a number of other manufacturers for their own cars.
Now, here comes the sticking point: it's not going to be very competitive with the kind of cars generally entered in this sort of race. This was really a first-generation can type motor and doesn't even have metal heat sinks - as the next generation of motors would (like the Russkit 23, which has the same general layout, but a hotter wind, or the cans with shaft out the can side, like the Revell SP80, the Cox TTX150, etc. That's really the generation that started to be used as the basis for rewinds popular at the time.
You can still make a decent car with the 22 of course, but it won't be too fast - if you do use it, keep it light. The easiest solution if you want something more competitive is a 26D, the "fat can" motor, which can be found on ebay, or maybe through a couple dealers handling vintage stuff. Even stock, these are good motors.
Hope that helps, feel free to ask more,