My question is, how many people reading all this have been inspired to actually BUILD motors?
Lots of people build motors Rocky...just look at Mike's post.
Hmm, I'd taken Rocky's question as literal and not necessarily snarky...
Well, I also've been fooling around with motors, trying a thing or two at times but mostly doin' homework and collecting bags of motor bits & tools; and yes, this thread is both inspiring and useful.
But it's easy to get off track, and easy to misdirect: just like a recent question as to the number of short/ medium/ longtime racers that are frequenting tracks turned into a thread of individuals' personal histories, it's similarly risky to tell a guy looking for nuts&bolts info (like Alchemist, who asked recently) to rake through a hundred pages of boutique shots and attaboys to get at the hard data and valuable discussions & techniques that are
certainly in there, if you have stamina to look
and erudition to recognize what you need.
Now I think on it, you wound an arm in pictures specifically at Ernie's request some months ago, right? In its own thread; now forgotten, and what's the good of that? There's also a 36D rebuild, I believe, on Steve O'Keefe's site. The Simco pamphlet, with all the basics, is posted close to the beginning of this thread. Lots of good info for someone doing his homework, if someone digs deep enough.
Maybe what's needed is a dedicated, pinned, repository for specific hard-data: links, scans of good articles &c. Might be less daunting for some of us. Y'think? I've collected a few things in one folder that might serve well as a start. Should we try & set it up?