Our raceway owner has sent several "smoked" motors to Pro Slot to see what they say. Meanwhile us racers are scrounging for 4002FK's so we will have enough for our point series in progress.

Pro Slot PS9000 Speedball motor
Posted 30 October 2022 - 11:02 AM
Posted 30 October 2022 - 11:41 AM
Mike Swiss
Inventor of the Low CG guide flag 4/20/18
IRRA® Components Committee Chairman
Five-time USRA National Champion (two G7, one G27, two G7 Senior)
Two-time G7 World Champion (1988, 1990), eight G7 main appearances
Eight-time G7 King track single lap world record holder
17B West Ogden Ave., Westmont, IL 60559, (708) 203-8003, mikeswiss86@hotmail.com (also my PayPal address)
Note: Send all USPS packages and mail to: 692 Citadel Drive, Westmont, Illinois 60559
Posted 30 October 2022 - 01:18 PM
For a while we were having trouble with the Speed FX 16Ds throwing windings. I don't know if that was fixed since we went into retro racing at that time.
Posted 30 October 2022 - 01:27 PM
well, i had my 2nd race on my motor & it survived. it was med warm to the touch & geared 12/36. my friend ran his at 13/37 & had a better race. i'm gonna give that a try at our next race; the stock brushes are halfway worn & may need replacing. i'll report back the results in 3 weeks - buh bye for now.
First Place Loser in the JK Products
International D3 Builders Competition
Posted 30 October 2022 - 02:43 PM
For a while we were having trouble with the Speed FX 16Ds throwing windings. I don't know if that was fixed since we went into retro racing at that time.
Dave, was this in the 2008-2010 timeframe? There was at last one batch of them that didn't have enough epoxy on the windings. The local track owner sold off the suspected motors for $5 each. A new can, endbell, & magnets were worth more as parts. For awhile, Proslot was adding epoxy & rebalancing the Speed FX arms before sending them to distributors. I don't recall if this was Dan Debella or the current owner.
I intend to live forever! So far, so good.

Posted 31 October 2022 - 08:54 AM
Sounds about right. We started running a class using the Red Fox wire-and-brass Formula car chassis and the Cooper-Maserati body. That led us down the retro racing path. We quit running D-cans. I'm sure I had 10 or 12 D-cans with spit windings and/or comm segments.
Posted 31 October 2022 - 12:49 PM
Dave, was this in the 2008-2010 timeframe? There was at last one batch of them that didn't have enough epoxy on the windings. The local track owner sold off the suspected motors for $5 each. A new can, endbell, & magnets were worth more as parts. For awhile, Proslot was adding epoxy & rebalancing the Speed FX arms before sending them to distributors. I don't recall if this was Dan Debella or the current owner.
Dan DaBella sold around 2017
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Steve Meadows
Posted 06 November 2022 - 01:10 PM
Trying to figure this out so I don't melt it down on the first run.
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Chris Wendel
Silver Side Down Racing
Silver Side Down Graphics
The Race Place Retro Crew member
"Failure teaches way more than success. It shows what does not work and what to never do again, again..." 🙊🙈🙉
Posted 08 November 2022 - 12:54 AM
The 4002 would pull around 1.2A
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- crazyphysicsteacher likes this
Steve Meadows
Posted 08 November 2022 - 06:30 AM
Thank you.2A is prob about right
The 4002 would pull around 1.2A
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I was thinking this was okayish based on the wind but the timing had me questioning it. I will report back as the little brat was ulling 2.1amps. I know a good fk pulled near 1.5amps for me.
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Chris Wendel
Silver Side Down Racing
Silver Side Down Graphics
The Race Place Retro Crew member
"Failure teaches way more than success. It shows what does not work and what to never do again, again..." 🙊🙈🙉
Posted 08 November 2022 - 10:31 AM
My local Thursday night race series is starting to transition from the 4002 to the Speedball motors. Last week was our first race with the new motors. We race a stamped 4” chassis, light weight pans and a retro pro can-am style body on a Gerding built King track with 13.5v. My car is geared 11/36 with a .720” dia tire (with the FK I was gearing it 11/33). My best FK motors (epoxied, re-balanced, trued and blueprinted) would hot-lap in the mid to high 3.3 range in the middle lanes. In the last race with a sealed Speedball motor that was right out of the bag with the stock brushes and springs was in the very low 3.2s during the race across 6 lanes and low 3.3s in the gutters. It ran moderately cool to the touch the whole race, I typically have to put my #4002s on a fan between heats. I beat my previous best lap total by about a dozen laps and it was far from a clean race. Three of the five cars in my race were using the new Speedball motors and all showed an improvement over the old motors. My first impression is it's much smoother and easier to drive. I’m anxious to see with more tuning how much faster they’ll get…
- team burrito, Tim Neja, Jason Holmes and 2 others like this
Steve Grider
Posted 08 November 2022 - 02:59 PM
Posted 08 November 2022 - 04:52 PM
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Chris Wendel
Silver Side Down Racing
Silver Side Down Graphics
The Race Place Retro Crew member
"Failure teaches way more than success. It shows what does not work and what to never do again, again..." 🙊🙈🙉
Posted 11 November 2022 - 02:20 PM
The brakes were on par with a cr102 in a canam on the same track. The car only ran 4.9*** because the driver ran out of talent. The bushings were binding a little as the uprights bent in from dealing with traffic but the motor was pretty good. No peaking rpm or turbo lag issues. The motor got better as it ran, smoother and probably faster but the car was bent and made the motor work harder than it needed to.
I will say it brought the balance of the car back to when I ran hawk7 in the same class. The current speed was less but the car was as happy.
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Chris Wendel
Silver Side Down Racing
Silver Side Down Graphics
The Race Place Retro Crew member
"Failure teaches way more than success. It shows what does not work and what to never do again, again..." 🙊🙈🙉
Posted 21 November 2022 - 01:33 PM
I geared them same both time 10:36 64p
For whatever reason the first two motors didn’t last (geared too low? Bad luck?) seems now it’s fine
It’s just a faster smoother 4002 running a pinion tooth less

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- team burrito likes this
Steve Meadows
Posted 21 November 2022 - 11:34 PM
2000 laps to finally go faster than a 4002?
What did Dillon and Kieron do, speed wise?
Posted 22 November 2022 - 09:46 AM
I’ve now done 2000laps on the same motor in two different chassis. C43 and C30
I geared them same both time 10:36 64p
For whatever reason the first two motors didn’t last (geared too low? Bad luck?) seems now it’s fine
It’s just a faster smoother 4002 running a pinion tooth less
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One good motor out of three? Sounds like our experience with these.
- rmjlmartin likes this
Posted 22 November 2022 - 08:27 PM
One good motor out of three? Sounds like our experience with these.
Lol, that's kinda what I was thinking! (Just for the record, Bobby and I race at the same raceway.)
On a more serious note, is anyone actually racing these? Aside from Mike Swiss's wing car guy, it seems that all of the posts are about test cars.
I've mostly stayed out of commenting, except to ask what gears people are running, because I don't want to be the guy jumping on a forum talking trash when something happens. But I'm not really seeing much in the way of info on here from people actually racing them.
Bobby is right about our luck with them locally. We're losing about a third of the motors that people are racing here. We've asked ProSlot for advice, and even on cars geared more conservatively than they're recommendation, they're still going up in smoke like Bobby's did. Some have definitely been geared too aggressively, but many haven't. It would be one thing if we could say that at a particular gear ratio, they'll probably be ok, but more aggressive than that is questionable, but we haven't been able to nail down anything consistent that actually works.
Please don't take this as me being negative or trash-talking anyone, I'm just looking for answers. Is there a typical gear ratio that consistently works with these motors? I'm trying to keep myself and two or three kids in competitive cars, and I can't afford to spend $100 a race on motors that may or may not even last through the race.
- dave burch and Bobby Kubik like this
Posted 22 November 2022 - 08:54 PM
No if you read what I posted (elsewhere) I said that “even after xxx laps it was still faster than the fastest lap ever done by a 4002”Wow!!
2000 laps to finally go faster than a 4002?
What did Dillon and Kieron do, speed wise?
It was faster from the get go, and didn’t slow up.
Neither Kieran nor Chris were there, that’s just the racer population from the last race
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Steve Meadows
Posted 22 November 2022 - 09:01 PM
One good motor out of three? Sounds like our experience with these.
I think it’s a gearing issue
Too low and they won’t last, same as too tall
I believe we started with gearing too close to X12 because the wind was ‘similar’
Everyone I know who has just geared one opinion less than the way they ran their 4002’s had had good success
Even Zippity will attest to how his three club mates are going well with them on their big ISRA size flat track. Despite his own motor failing (reason unknown).
At this stage they’re too new to be part of most peoples race programs, as one previous person commented on. Many places are still running the 4002 until their stocks run out
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Steve Meadows
Posted 22 November 2022 - 09:53 PM
Even Zippity will attest to how his three club mates are going well with them on their big ISRA size flat track. Despite his own motor failing (reason unknown).
And the same 3 who have ridiculously fast motors are now pushing for the same to be adopted by NZSCA as the replacement for the 4002
A big big mistake
Posted 22 November 2022 - 10:31 PM
And the same 3 who have ridiculously fast motors are now pushing for the same to be adopted by NZSCA as the replacement for the 4002
A big big mistake
1. Quantify ‘ridiculously fast’
2. Suggestion as alternative for 4002 Replacement
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Steve Meadows
Posted 22 November 2022 - 11:51 PM
1. Quantify ‘ridiculously fast’
2. Suggestion as alternative for 4002 Replacement
I guess that you will read what you want to read.
The PS9000 is quicker than our S16D GTP cars and almost as fast as our G12 Eurosport.
And this is supposed to be our entry level cars?
Give me a break
Our printed club results verify these comments.
Posted 23 November 2022 - 02:24 AM
Zippity, actual posted results from the recent Nats
I guess that you will read what you want to read.
The PS9000 is quicker than our S16D GTP cars and almost as fast as our G12 Eurosport.
And this is supposed to be our entry level cars?
Give me a break
Our printed club results verify these comments.
Best laps (in a race)
ES24 3.692
S16D GTP 4.942
LMP PS4002FK 5.089
From your recent club night
LMP PS9000 4.913 (1.221 seconds slower than a ES24)
Who is believing what they want to believe!!??
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Steve Meadows
Posted 23 November 2022 - 03:16 PM
As I implied earlier, you have a habit of ONLY reading what you want to read.
Our fastest time for a LMP PS9000 is 4.895 (set on 10 November)
Our fastest time for a S16D GTP is 4.801 (set on 17 September)
Our fastest time for a G1 GTP is 4.555 (set on 17 September)
Where did I ever mention ES24?
These new motors, assuming you are lucky enough to find a "Rocket" are far too fast for the motor they are supposed to be replacing, the PS4002