So, how well does the 3D chassis stand up to a solid wall shot? I noticed a design change in the guide tongue from the original Dynamics style. This was always a weak spot, and I have many front rails with the guide flag loop missing. It probably doesn't matter for just fooling around on a track, but accidents do happen even then.

My small Dynamic collection
Posted 17 December 2022 - 10:20 AM
Posted 17 December 2022 - 11:06 AM
The painted chassis looks great.
Requiescat in Pace
Posted 17 December 2022 - 11:45 AM
Thanks Phil.
Dave, not sure what design change you mean? We (Larry) made a perfect reproduction of the stock part. Only the process and material were changed.
I have not done any crash testing and do not plan to. They are for sale if you want to do your own testing and report your findings, that I would be of interested.
Posted 17 December 2022 - 12:30 PM
It looks like artwork of the complete car in 3D.
I intend to live forever! So far, so good.

Posted 17 December 2022 - 01:37 PM
The original chassis design had a kick-up on the guide tongue just before the separate front axle mount. The transition between the tongue and the main rail was thin, and easily broken.
This design seems to have been carried over into the Renegade, etc. swing front chassis;
Somewhere the design was changed to a one piece axle carrier and front rail;
The photo of Larry Horner's 3D design doesn't show if he incorporated the thicker guide tongue;
Top view of the new design. You can see that the tongue blends into the axle carrier at the same level. It is hard to know if this is a Dynamics re-design of the part or changed when it was re-popped.
Posted 17 December 2022 - 05:14 PM
If you click on the 3D icon in the Shapeway's viewer, you can actually rotate the part around. I did this and here is an attached image from the front which does have the shelf you mentioned. I got all my measurements off an original Renegade tongue but I also know that various Dynamic parts changed over time. My original Renegade chassis had a motor hook which didn't have the radius where the hook meets the base but Martin's hook did have it so that apparently got added at some point in time.
I will say that the 3D printed aluminum seems to be very strong and my Renegade, which has both a printed tongue and hook, is holding up fine. Then again, I haven't done any full on wall shots as yet but to be honest, I am hoping that doesn't happen!
Posted 17 December 2022 - 05:53 PM
Thanks for the clarification, Larry.
Dave are you aware the Dynamic Renegade, Ferrari P3 kit and the Bandit all use the drop arms with the axle support built-in?
(no bolt on separate axle mount). The Bandit has the same part but shorter in length as it is an inline.
It can be hard to find those particular parts and that's why it was a good candidate to reproduce.
I did measure the stock part and the repo part to compare that area in question, they are the same.
Fun fact.
The art work on the P3 kit clearly shows a 36D can drive motor. But only ever came with a 26D end bell drive motor.
Change of plan. who knows?
Posted 18 December 2022 - 09:42 AM
Larry; Much better view. Thanks.
Martin; If the drop arms all had the axle mount built in, then what is in the fourth picture from top of my post? Obviously a drop arm with separate axle mount. I don't profess to know all the variations, too many to memorize and keep one's sanity. I never ran the drop arm, too weird handling for me. And I was on my way out of slot racing at that time. I'll have to go along with anyone who had more experience later on.
It's beginning to sound like I am dissing 3D printed chassis, and that is absolutely not true. What I really want is to spark some enthusiasm to start a "retro Dynamics" or "retro die cast" class to bring back these cars as something more then shelf queens or for occasional play time. Certainly there is a supply of NOS parts, but to support a National movement there needs to be a supply chain that the tracks have access to. And the new cars have to follow the same form as those available back when the type was so popular. I had good success with Dynamics chassis, and a lot of fun. I would like the younger racers to experience that.
Posted 18 December 2022 - 12:00 PM
These are the factory cars I can think of that have a built in axle mount. Top to bottom. DF denotes Dyna flex.
Swinger (DF)
Super Bandit DF
Ferrari P3
Ferrari P4 (DF) this one I am not 100 percent sure about, it may have come with bolt on and or one piece axle mount. There is one boxed at the LASCM to be confirmed at some point.
I had seen enough evidence for me that I built mine with the built in axle mount, which happens to be the same part as used on the Super Bandit.
Hope this adds to our collective Dynamic knowledge
- MartinM likes this
Posted 18 December 2022 - 12:16 PM
You convinced me. As I said, I didn't like the "fold-in-the-middle" cars. After trying a friend's version, I didn't like the way I had to tickle the car around hairpins, or it would pop out of the slot. With the straight rail, I could punch the car through and let the *** hang out. Made it easy to nurf the guy in the next lane over, too.
Posted 18 December 2022 - 12:46 PM
... and to add.
The two factory cars, maybe three, that did have bolt-on axle mounts were the Harvey and Mirage the third may be the P4 but can only find a partial pic from the LASCM anybody have a P4 RTR factory car to confirm?
Do not have any info on the Calex Chaparral 2F which has the DNA of a Dynamic kit but would like more info.
Posted 18 December 2022 - 05:41 PM
Thanks, Pekka, Calex 2F, a car I would like to add to the stable.
Specs would be 26D, inline, Dyna-Flex (bolt on) front, Lancer 2F body?
I will see if I have 26D Dyna-Flex rear motor mount.
Uh-oh, found these pics which shows No Dyna-Flex in the instructions.
A quote from the LASCM.
Posted 18 December 2022 - 08:52 PM
PdL wrote
"The interesting thing about this Calex (For California Export, a Division of Cannon Industries based in Van Nuys) is the illustration on the box insert that clearly shows a Dynamic Chaparral 2F, while the kit was sold with the Lancer version of that 2F. This kit was sold at the Erlanger center in Paris in 1968, and I bought one. It DID have the "crushed" Dynamic body, so apparently some were sold that way. The clear plastic body was wrapping a stapled bag of parts inside the box, and it sure looks like Dynamic was packing these for Cannon from the way it was done. The die-cut insert also matches perfectly the Dynamic Ferrari P3 kit insert, another bit of evidence that Dynamic was deeply involved in the production of this single kit that also used the very same box as the Ferrari P3, Bandit and Super Bandit, as well as the rare Russkit Dune Buggy and most of the Russkit "Export" kits and RTR's.
A small world indeed."
I would still like to confirm whether the 2F has a one-piece Dyna-Flex front and rear?
I think (given that they came this way) I will use the Dynamic "crushed" body, it's so cool.
Posted 19 December 2022 - 06:08 AM
Definitely - perhaps they did put in what they happened to have at hand. Here is what my Calex turned in to - a 1/32 to be run on my home Scalextric track (100 ft at best...) quite raped and the rear flex epoxied, The original body, body attachments, motor, etc., lost. It ran rings round Scalextric cars...
Posted 19 December 2022 - 07:35 AM
Not what I expected. That looks like a 16D motor too? When you bought this did it come in the 2F box? Did it have the Dynamic or the Lancer Body?
- rvec likes this
Posted 19 December 2022 - 11:23 AM
Thanks, Pekka. I do wonder why they show the NON Dyna-Flex in the instructions. But like you say they probably used stock on hand.
Just to compare 26D motor brackets. Mine has the number cast in yours has a notch in front of the gear and it looks longer for a 16D?
- zipper likes this
Posted 19 December 2022 - 02:34 PM
... and the link in LASCM is dead for Chaparral.
Posted 19 December 2022 - 06:07 PM
Is that a idler gear in your post of the #45 car?
Posted 19 December 2022 - 10:47 PM
Revolutionary indeed. Thanks, Martin. Is it fixed or adjustable?
Posted 20 December 2022 - 09:57 AM
Yes, I got that Pekka, Thanks.
Can I assume you changed the motor mount too. Or does a 16D fit in the original 26D mount?
Sorry to ask so many questions, But if your mount is original? That's what I am looking for in my parts bin.
Mark, yes the slots in the chassis are for adjustment of the motor and you can keep the idler constant and change either the pinion or the spur to get a different ratio also.