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Third Annual Checkpoint Cup - discussion thread

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#126 Ron Hershman

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Posted 02 January 2011 - 01:40 PM

Tough running an org with an absentee director, huh?............ :wub:

Hey Rick.... you have PD Van Rossem..... what more could you want??? ;) LOL

#127 Dave Larsen

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Posted 02 January 2011 - 02:23 PM

Come on now ....

You have got to be kidding me .... Let's see now.... TODAY is Sunday, January 2nd 2011. The "CHECKPOINT" starts Friday, January 7th 2011. I would say that the "RACE" is not just around the corner.... I would say that is HERE in five days.... This is NO WAY just around the corner :acute: I have always found it "ODD" at best.... That the DIRECTOR/PRESIDENT of "D-3" never responds to any of questions put up here in regards to "D-3" racing at BP. Yes... I know we have "PD VAN ROSSEM" :scratch_one-s_head: But....It's just not the same as hearing/reading it from the "Horse's Mouth" :big_boss: if you now what I mean :wink3: I look at it like a "GRAY AREA" :unknw: Oh well....I'll just bring a "BIG BAG" of my "Home Grown Tires" to the "GIG" :wink3:

As always,

Regards Dave...."A EVIL BUCK$ RACING KINDA GUY :diablo:"
Dave Larsen ..... AKA "The Vitter"  :diablo:..... Big or Small ..... I build them all   :sun_bespectacled:

#128 backintheslot


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 04:01 PM

Go get'em Mr Vitter! And while we are at it , Happy New Year! :yahoo: See ya sometime this year!................"Big John"

John Albright


I have a chassis jig and I'm threatening to use it!

#129 Rick


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 05:32 PM

Geez, I want to come now just to have breakfast at Imperial Burger with Vitter!.......... :D

Rick Bennardo
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#130 Mark Wampler

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Posted 02 January 2011 - 06:48 PM

It can't be too difficult to amend the regs on the D3 webpage. What's in print ends discussion. Verbal isn't enough.
The subject came up about com drop tanks which worked well for Pitmans and other padlock horsepower, but after thousands of blog hits, the rules were amended :

3g: No on-board automatic liquid dispenser of any kind is allowed.

In prior discussions, specifically speed rubber and silicone was not Kosher in D3 racing as well as most commercial track racing. Silicone tries are specific to home tracks only. Silicone tires would require ALL cars to run Silicone as well as Speed rubber would require all cars to run speed rubber making those choices impractical.

Cheater could do it in a few seconds. How about it Greg?
Mark Wampler
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#131 TSR


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 07:19 PM

OK, first, the guys NOT racing or participating in some form (other than being railbirds) in the Checkpoint Cup should pipe down because it is none of their business. The ones racing in the Checkpoint already know that Speed Rubber or any SIMILAR rubber is not allowed.
Now, whatever one thinks or wishes, it is Paul Sterrett's racing series, and Paul basically said that the only tires allowed must be available behind the counter, and that in any case, Thunder Rubber is according to him, similar enough to speed rubber and so is NOT allowed.
Any tires not available at the counter will be refused at tech.
I have seen today what is available behind said counter, and there are various JK, Kelly and Alpha tires, but not in huge quantities, so may I suggest that if you are running a tire that MAY not be available to all, you call the raceway either today Sunday or first thing Tuesday (well, after 3 PM anyway) and order the type you will use, even one pair so as to justify whatever you wish to run and cover yourselves. The raceway will get the tires by Thursday.
Dave Larsen, or any other racer mounting your own rubber on whatever wheels, I am sorry but you will apparently have to use tires purchased from the raceway for this event.
If you do not agree with the above, I guess better stay home and begin your own racing series.

As far as the handout motors, a big box of them was... handed out to Keith Tanaka. After that, no longer my problem, it becomes... yours! The box was sealed from China, so I took two trays out for shipping to retailers and none of the motors was tested. Maximum variation between "best" and "worst" ones according to Mill Conroy who has apparently tested quite a few of them is 500 rpm at 5 volts. Most are within 200 rpm at that voltage, about 19500. The more amp they draw, the taller you can gear them, and it is not a guaranty of more speed, only a guideline.

Interestingly, today I drove Duran Trujillo's virtually unbeatable F1 car on the King track (thanks Duran!), and found that while the motor in that car was slower than the one in my own F1 car, it lapped nearly 2/10th faster and I could push it so much harder. I had to be careful with mine in some corners where I lost the 2/10th. Now both are nearly identical cars, virtual clones of each other. So if someone is starting to tell me that they have "slow" motors and that's why they are going so slow, I will simply laugh at the guy.

Anything else besides not being happy with the tires, the restaurant, the motors and what else, the rain?

Philippe de Lespinay

#132 Rick


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 07:48 PM

#1. If you don't want "outside" input, you should take your D3 CPC to a private forum and only permit chosen people, racers, concerned indivuduals. LOL

#2. How are you going to know a self mounted Thunder Rubber from a JK store bought tire, if they are stored in proper tubes, or an Alpha store bought from and Alpha premount?

#3. you guys continue to write and profess rules you cannot police.

#4. I would have loved to have someone else do all the work for my events and I can just count the money. But when this/these/those self appinted Tzar starts costing me entries, we would have to have a chat.

#5. PDL you may have been able to rub elbows with the elite in many racing communities and proclaimed yourself as the one authorative voice in slot car history, and get invited by royalty to appraise this , that and about anything made on the planet, but you sure don't know much about promotion of an event.

Rick Bennardo
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#133 Jonathan Forsyth

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Posted 02 January 2011 - 07:50 PM

thanks for the clarification. Thats all I was looking for. See everyone next weekend it's time to have some fun.

p.s. I think Paul does a great job as the head of D3 and like the fact he doesn't post on here and get involved in the BS. He's always at the track to be talked to and if you can't make it to the track you can always call and talk to him at the track.

Team Parma/PSE
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#134 TSR


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 07:54 PM

Thanks Jonathan. I am sure that Paul will appreciate your comment.
Rick, I am sorry to say but your response speaks for itself and I will let others be the judges or simply ignore it. :)

Philippe de Lespinay

#135 Rick


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 08:05 PM

Dear PDL,

How many raceways have you owned?

From my experiencee as a raceway owner for 15 successful years before I retired from my day job and my raceway, which did not go belly up.

I used to support other raceways and encourage my racers to attend other events. THat was good for me also. They bought their tires, braid, stickers, oil etc at their HOME raceway. They went to other events to participate. Professing a "closed shop" style of raceway isn't going to make good communication with other raceways.

You know I am a supported of a spec tire also, we have talked about this at length before. But to change things just a few days before the race is crazy! What if some racer has already bought his tires at home? Is there also a spec braid for this event? :wub:

Rick Bennardo
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#136 Noose


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 08:12 PM

Wait a second. Since when is Wonder, Thunder Rubber the same as Speed Rubber? I have done the testing and for a fact know it is NOT. What has Paul done to prove that? It's BS in my book. If JK Wonder rubber is there you should know it is Thunder Rubber PDL. So now what? Is it illegal? The raceway has it and is selling it.

Secondly, if I decided to send a car with someone going that was purposely built and tested to run on Wonder Rubber knowing it worked the best only to find out that because the raceway doesn't sell it it's not legal is nonsense. It is available.

Joe "Noose" Neumeister
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The only thing bad about Retro is admitting that you remember doing it originally.

#137 TSR


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 08:25 PM

I used to support other raceways and encourage my racers to attend other events. THat was good for me also. They bought their tires, braid, stickers, oil etc at their HOME raceway. They went to other events to participate. Professing a "closed shop" style of raceway isn't going to make good communication with other raceways.
You know I am a supported of a spec tire also, we have talked about this at length before. But to change things just a few days before the race is crazy! What if some racer has already bought his tires at home? Is there also a spec braid for this event?

Rick, nothing was changed, it has always been the same policy in D3, tires MUST be available over the counter. It simply needed to be reminded or clarified especially for out of towners. Whatever I agree or not with the policy, printed or not, is irrelevant. If you want to argue, don't argue with me, I do not make the rules, but I abide by them. As far as no PRINTED rules about tires, send a letter to Paul about it, don't go ring my bell, I am just trying to help the people coming to race this event so that there is no surprise. OK?

Wait a second. Since when is Wonder, Thunder Rubber the same as Speed Rubber?

Noose, I do not know. I have never personally seen any Thunder Rubber, but Paul has apparently tested it and according to him, the guy following a car thus fitted in the next racing segment has to "clean the lane" again. I use Wonder Rubber tires, and they do not leave a film as far as I know. I am TOLD by others that Thunder Rubber is Wonder Rubber under another name, and TOLD that it is not true. I simply do not know. So please do not shoot the messenger here, I only carry the message.

Philippe de Lespinay

#138 Tex


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 08:25 PM

Speed rubber is not allowed.


I'm coming into this late obviously. Since I wasn't going to attend, I didn't see a need to keep up with pre-race bs. Now I read that speed rubber is illegal? We're just starting up retro Can-Am racing again in Texas, using D3 rules, and I told a guy that speed rubber was OK 'cause the published rules don't outlaw it. Very disappointing that unpublished rules exist. Any other bon mots out there waiting to trap the unwary?
Richard L. Hofer

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#139 Noose


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 08:40 PM

Noose, I do not know. I have never personally seen any Thunder Rubber, but Paul has apparently tested it and according to him, the guy following a car thus fitted in the next racing segment has to "clean the lane" again. I use Wonder Rubber tires, and they do not leave a film as far as I know. I am TOLD by others that Thunder Rubber is Wonder Rubber under another name, and TOLD that it is not true. I simply do not know. So please do not shoot the messenger here, I only carry the message.

Take it from me it isn't. I have done several tests to allow it in IRRA. Heck, today, we ran on Dom's to practice and I had Thunder while other guys ran soft treateds to hard treateds. No one had any problems. Sucks being the messenger ey?

Joe "Noose" Neumeister
Sometimes known as a serial despoiler of the clear purity of virgin Lexan bodies. Lexan is my canvas!
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The only thing bad about Retro is admitting that you remember doing it originally.

#140 TSR


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 10:10 PM

Yes it does, but someone has to do it...
I have a pretty good flak jacket. :D

Philippe de Lespinay

#141 Mark Wampler

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Posted 02 January 2011 - 10:25 PM

Whatever I agree or not with the policy, printed or not, is irrelevant. If you want to argue, don't argue with me, I do not make the rules,

I just deleted what I really wanted to say. Out of respect for SlotBlog!, I'll refrain.

Rules are meant to be posted. End of arguments. This is tyranny far as I'm concerned :(

PCH is having a cool race next Saturday. Its one hour closer and I have fun every time I go. I'm thinking I might show up there instead.
Mark Wampler
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#142 68Caddy


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 10:53 PM

Mark don't be silly, you got to hang with us. ;)

- Gabriel
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I'm racing the best here at BP but Father time is much better then all of us united.
Not a snob in this hobby, after all it will be gone, if we keep on going like we do, and I have nothing to prove so I keep on posting because I have nothing to gain.
It's our duty to remember the past so we can have a future.

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#143 Mr Dynamic

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Posted 02 January 2011 - 11:00 PM


Jeff Bell
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#144 Foamy


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 11:07 PM


I'm coming into this late obviously. Since I wasn't going to attend, I didn't see a need to keep up with pre-race bs. Now I read that speed rubber is illegal? We're just starting up retro Can-Am racing again in Texas, using D3 rules, and I told a guy that speed rubber was OK 'cause the published rules don't outlaw it. Very disappointing that unpublished rules exist. Any other bon mots out there waiting to trap the unwary?

1) Oh, please. Speed Rubber has been banned almost EVERYWHERE since it came out and basically ruined the Nats at BP when they came out. The person that came up with it in the first place doesn't even sell it anymore.

2) Wonder Rubber, Speed Rubber, and Thunder Rubber are all different rubber compounds. If one is being sold as something else, they are trying to fool the buying public.

3) There are folks that remount their own tires to save some cash. The Tech Weasels cannot tell the difference at the tech table between those and OEM tires. What can the Tech Weasels do? Supervised purchasing and mounting of OTC tires before Tech? They don't have that kind of inventory for that.

4) Spec Tires. You betcha. That's a topic for another thread, enough derail. . .
Dennis Hill
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#145 Rick


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 11:10 PM

First of Nesta, WTG, only took 11 hours. LMAO

Secondly PDL, tell Sterret to man up and do his own bidding. This BS he doesn't own a puter is not working. Its just easier to hide and spout unilateral rule changes. That is total BS. He should be responsible for any travel expenses for out of towners for this debacle. He or someone has succeded in turning a 40 plus monthly series into a 12 person monthly event, almost single handedly. Yes I say shoot the messenger on this one. This is now 2011 and if you want to rule the roost over anything, you had better have an internet presence or go home.

Is Thunder actually Speed?? I am not sure, but it does not screw the track up for the other types of rubber. I have raced with it and against it with no problems. Speed Rubber is available in several different compounds, noone can detect it for certain, even if they say they can, they cannot, that is a myth.

Rick Bennardo
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#146 68Caddy


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 11:15 PM

Its Hollywood after all and I don't want to fade away slowly....... :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: Heck it was more then 11hrs my friend a whole day. ;) Have to say it felt like a year to me. :o
Just race and bring any rubber to the race and lets see what happens? :rolleyes:

- Gabriel
Nesta Szabo

In this bright future you can't forget your past.
BMW (Bob Marley and the Wailers)

United we stand and divided we fall, the Legends are complete.
I'm racing the best here at BP but Father time is much better then all of us united.
Not a snob in this hobby, after all it will be gone, if we keep on going like we do, and I have nothing to prove so I keep on posting because I have nothing to gain.
It's our duty to remember the past so we can have a future.

Pistol Pete you will always be in my memory.

#147 Tim Neja

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Posted 02 January 2011 - 11:30 PM

It's amazing to me that people with no "dog in the fight" keep the most arguments alive here. Rick--who will never come to BPR to race-- why post the BS about the local D3 rules? The local guys have done a great job promoting and running D3 races here in SoCal. It's still the largest viable racing slot class's going in the country--why not just either--come and race--or relax and stay home. Tires are cheap and available right at the track---buy a couple of sets and race!!! Looking forward to another Checkpoint Cup!! Let's race--not discuss!!
Happy New Year to all slot racers!!! :D
She's real fine, my 409!!!

#148 Mr Dynamic

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Posted 02 January 2011 - 11:31 PM

Jeff Bell
--In an alternate universe, anything is possible--

#149 Rick


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 11:37 PM

Tim, that is getting personal. BTW I have been to BP several times to race*( live 3000 miles away, btw) And that being said, you live there and haven't been arooud in quite a spell. You came in like Grant taking Richmond then disappeared as fast.

It is not even remotely close to the biggst slot racing venue in the country, you'll have to visit Ohio for that trophy.

People with glass houses should nto throw stones.......................

* been to Eddies SCW twice, Franks SCR twice, Micks Once. Don't ever remember seing you on this side of the country in the last 20 years?

Rick Bennardo
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#150 Mr Dynamic

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Posted 02 January 2011 - 11:42 PM

Jeff Bell
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