Thanks Guys .. cool motors. I have one of those Ahearn "Jet" 500 ... they forgot to put the 'Jet' in this one unless they meant 500 RPM ...LOL
Don what is the open frame motor on the bottom left of the circle (7 o'clock). I have one of those and it looks well designed.
OK................ So, here is the draft rule set. any comments, questions or concerns before I post them in an official thread.
Please - I need a volunteer to handle the owner sign-up / car class registration sheet duty.
2nd Annual “Rods” and “Rails” Vintage Drag Proxy
- Race date is May 18, 2014
- Registration closes April 15, 2015.
- Heads up racing. It's about the cars.
- Track voltage at 14.7.
- Scale 1000 ft. trap -
- Heavy glue shutdown
- Track braid depth is .010
- All cars make passes both lanes
- ALL Vintage running gear and gears.
- Modern or Vintage Guide flag blade portion must be black or have foil reflective tape to prevent ‘No Time’ displayed or ‘can’t stage’ issues.
- Rear wheels and/or tires can be modern or vintage. Any compound allowed. Builders can chose to mix and match wheels or put new rubber on vintage wheels. Minimum Dia. of 1”.
- Front Wheels and tires must be 67 or before vintage. Min Dia. – 7/8. No Min. width, O rings allowed.
- Front tires may not be more than 1/16th off the race surface at the starting line.
- No weight rule.
- 3.25 maximum width
- 8 inch maximum overall length for “Rods”
- 11 inch maximum overall length for “Rails”
- Only laminated motors allowed, any mods - except no Neo or Cobalt magnets.
- Any chassis design or materials, We can't put the Genie back in the bottle ... it's been tried.
- No wheelie bars.
- Bodies - Reproduction or vintage - any hard body model, vacuum pulled clear, Styrene, or hand craft made (wood, tin, alum, plastic, brass, etc.).
- No modern Pro/Mod looking bodies regardless of year the concept was created from.
- 1967 cut-off for components and OEM body style. 1955 to 1967 for Stock Class
- Car Model Technical Journal of Model Car Racing Volume #1 * is the component timestamp guide.
- $10.00 entry fee for the first car. $7.50 for each car thereafter.
- All shipping charges to and from the event and any requested return insurance/customs costs are on the racer.
- Cars will be returned in original senders package. Please pack accordingly.
- Box plaque will be packed with the entries for the return trip.
- 1/24th and 1/25th scale model body (hardbody) only.
- Any 1955 to 1967 car that had a total production minimum of 500.
- Stock full street OEM trim only , no 3in1 kit type customizing.
- OE wheelwell radius and fender lip must be maintained at 80%
- Stock Laminated or Open-Frame motors .
- Will combine cars with a total length of 8” or less:
- Sports and Modified Sports
- Roadster and Modified Roadster
- Gas
- Altered
- Competition Coupe
- Stock or modified Laminated or Open-Frame motors (No Neo or cobalt magnets)
- Stock or modified Laminated or Open-Frame motors (No Neo or cobalt magnets)
- Total length = 8” Min and 11” Max.
Exhibition Classes
- 'Unlimited' cars using Padlock or Open frame motors, neo magnets, Wheelie Bars, parachute, multi motors .... etc. Low E/T and High MPH Awards.
- 'Wheelstander' cars can be Padlock, Open frame or Mabuchi 36D powered, wheeliebars allowed. Cars must be on the front wheels at the line and must be on two wheels the whole length and at the finish line. Low E/T. Wins.