Just to recap how this proxy event is being handled:
Rick Thigpen and Rodney Chew have rented (for the entire day) a track at Eddie's that locals call the "Motherlode". You can see a photo of the track in post #1 of this thread. The track owner has nothing to do with our event - although no doubt he's interested in what's going on.
Rodney is doing tuning on the cars (if any should be required) and also driving the timed laps. Rick has said on numerous occasions that Rodney is very good at this. I've never met Rodney, nor spoken or written to him (in fact he's kind of a mystery man), so I'm taking Rick's word for it. 
Rick is doing pretty much EVERYTHING else; receiving the cars, transporting them to and from the track, directing the event, judging concours, taking photos, recording all the lap times and technical information for the tech chart, and acting as a journalist to capture as much of the little details about each of the cars as he can, so later he can write the race report. Then he has to ship all the cars back to their owners.
There might be one or two others helping Rick and Rodney, but otherwise they are doing this all by themselves. I would have very much enjoyed being there to participate, but I'm on the other side of the country, long distance travel is ridiculously expen$$$ive, and my time is unfortunately otherwise committed.
At any rate, today is the big day and I'm thinking Rick is going to be really, really busy.
It would be great if we could get a running report, but probably not. Maybe a news flash at the end of the day...