The spots where the chassis form fits the body have been reinforced.
Now it's time to fix the hopping problem.
I ditched the threaded axle and wheels.
What I have here in front of me is a kit car that is incomplete. The original (Thanks Philippe de Lespinay)
was a can drive car where the endbell was screwed into the bracket, the can end of the motor was secured with a custom "clip", and the pinion drove a big threaded spur. Worked fine, BUT, my problems are: I don't have the clip, my motor is endbell drive versus can drive, I don't have a threaded spur of the proper pitch and OD to mate with the pinion, I don't have the correct pinion, and nothing aligns or measures correctly. This is why I am the man for this job. I improvise, overcome, adapt. I will make it work, and it will work well. But it ain't easy, and it takes extra effort. The threaded drivetrain was all wasted today. The big donuts, gone. The axle and vintage Mila Miglia wheels, in the trash. After you put threadlocker on small parts, there is no going back.
I worked with my dc-65x math tonight, and found one option that will work.
JK plastic .600 OD 1/8 hubs. Width cut down from about .800 to about .530.
JK donuts.
The result would be a pair of JK plastic hubs with modern soft rubber, 3.250 rear track width. I think it will work. I wonder if Duffy is listening ?

Note, the photo shows .475 OD JK plastic rims. The ones I ordered tonight will be .600 OD. Too bad they don't have .675
This is a real brain teaser......if anybody has a brighter idea, I'm all ears.....