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"The Dynamic Challenge" of 2015

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#151 proptop


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Posted 01 August 2015 - 11:22 PM

Thanks for the link Phil...

I will check 'em out...might be a bit bigger than I had planned though...?

I was envisioning (hoping for) something around 3/4" dia. X about 1/8" to 1/4" wide...because the body I intend on using has limited front wheel area... :D height wise...

Tom Hemmes
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#152 don.siegel


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Posted 02 August 2015 - 03:06 AM

You can also get any small Dynamic wheels and use some thread adapters that screw into the wheels, made by Dynamic! I have an extra pair or two if you go this route. 



#153 Gator Bob

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Posted 02 August 2015 - 09:15 AM

Hi Tom,

Build them as Dynamic as you can .... but on the wheels you have options.


Those #626 fronts are 'bulky' for the #586 wire front.


Don's suggestion of the screw in reducers is the way to go if you are using vintage fronts.

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                            Bob Israelite

#154 proptop


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Posted 02 August 2015 - 09:47 PM

Ah yes...I have at least one pair of those 5-40 to 1/16 adapters in a box 'o stuff...I recall seeing them a while ago...thanks for the offer though Don!


They might be Champion wheels and adapters...but that should be O.K. aye Bob (I know you like Champion stuff too...)


Just had a thought...I could also use some 1/32 scale threaded fronts if clearance (Clarence) becomes an issue.

Tom Hemmes
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#155 Gator Bob

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Posted 02 August 2015 - 11:26 PM

Sure Tom ..they are fine.


I believe the Champion and Dynamic are the exact same part.


It's part of the wheel anyway, any wheels are allowed.

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                            Bob Israelite

#156 Gator Bob

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 10:19 AM

Here is the new oval we will run on.


It is much 'tighter' than the other oval it replaces. I'll get the braid depths posted when it is complete.



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                            Bob Israelite

#157 don.siegel


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 10:24 AM

Hi guys, 


Can I ask what kind of body you're looking at? I'm a little lost as to what to use... Found what seems to be a repop of a competition style Lola T70, also a more modern Ferrari 612 - is this the era/style we're looking at? 



#158 SlotStox#53


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 10:37 AM

Track is looking good Bob :good:

Don, as far as bodies go its my understanding anything produced upto 1970. Thingies,F1,Indy,Sports GT,CanAm including repops.

No "custom one offs" and the Thingies have to be production based ones upto 1970, including the Choti types.

#159 Gator Bob

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 11:26 AM

Hey Don...


Paul has it right, :good:


There is no real theme as far as bodies go.

Can-Am, GT, F1, Stock, Sports,Drag, Modified, Street, Truck or futuristic.


As varied as these tracks are I don't think there would be much advantage in choice of body.


Run your favorite  :D  So many choices :crazy:  :victory:


VW bus or a Motorhome?  :shok:  :laugh2:

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                            Bob Israelite

#160 JohnnySlotcar


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Posted 10 August 2015 - 01:16 PM

Farmtruck! Farmageddon for all! ROFL

John Austin

#161 Gator Bob

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 07:20 PM

That's funny .. Lee Fish who dives in the drag proxies often runs a cool hardbody copy of the Farmtruck in weekly dial-in.


Drag guys bring so many cars ...

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                            Bob Israelite

#162 Phil Worthy

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Posted 22 August 2015 - 08:30 PM

We need feedback on the following:

Do we want to continue at Modelville with these rules?:

- 1.5 minute per lane on roadcourse and oval. (no-smoke)
//Or go to 2 minute heats//
- Four drivers, 4 cars start and next four come in round robin, driver stays in lane and cars are separated by one so we can 'drift' in the corners and reduce carnage.
//Or go with eight drivers at once//

Where are the manly cars? (Having said this, mine will be the first to explode!)

Thoughts or suggestions?

Also, does anyone have a raceway that wants to host a third leg, builder or not?

***Any ideas or leave it as is?***

What's the power on the tracks there Phil?

I believe 12.5 volts, but I will check.
A big difference is if the cars go straight to the next track or come back to the shop first.

This needs to be decided. I think the cars should go straight from Florida to Massachusetts. Builders can include a crown gear change if they chose to be done before the start of the Modelville race. Feedback is needed here.

#163 Gator Bob

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Posted 22 August 2015 - 09:16 PM

I'll run Modelville.



If they go home first = gear change ok

If they ship straight up = no gear change. Can't expect the host track to work on 'all' the cars.


1.5min or 2min I'll run something like the Badass Team Cresskill car or this 'other thing' I'm working on.

How about an Enduro - 1.5hr or 2 hrs. per lane .... I'll let Marvin run Dyn-Astro  :o   


Phil - is it a tech savvy store.. internet/livestream?

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                            Bob Israelite

#164 Gator Bob

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Posted 22 August 2015 - 09:19 PM

 REGISTRATION is back open for this event !!!



We decided that more than 8 cars would be fine at Melbourne.


I'll need a firm count to order the awards.

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                            Bob Israelite

#165 Phil Worthy

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Posted 22 August 2015 - 10:25 PM

I'll run Modelville.
***What do you mean? Shall we plan on a guest appearance?🐊***
If they go home first = gear change ok
If they ship straight up = no gear change. Can't expect the host track to work on 'all' the cars.

***A crown gear change shouldn't be a problem. I think we can handle that if people want it.***

1.5min or 2min I'll run something like the Badass Team Cresskill car or this 'other thing' I'm working on.
How about an Enduro - 1.5hr or 2 hrs. per lane .... I'll let Marvin run Dyn-Astro  :o   

***Let's do the enduro at your place on the oval 😉***

Phil - is it a tech savvy store.. internet/livestream?

Gah, come on dude, we've got retro tracks! Thought we might do a bit of video, though, if I can work it out. I know the guys would like to see their cars in action.

#166 don.siegel


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Posted 23 August 2015 - 03:40 AM

Hi Bob, 


I would say 2 minute heats - a minute and a half is really short! 


Also, 8 drivers at a time - let em run under real conditions! 


If they're being shipped elsewhere, I would suggest some shop time between the two, if you guys are willing... not necessarily gear changes, but anything that needs to be tightened up, or replaced if broken... (take the front axles on Dynamic chassis, please!). 



#167 Gator Bob

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Posted 23 August 2015 - 09:05 AM

Hey Don !


I'm fine with 8 on the track or 2 minutes on. The 1.5 was because I thought someone might be running a 24 single. LOL ... not me.


If the cars do go back to their 'shops' for checkout/repair/gear change I would be happy to take care of your car if you would like to avoid all the shipping time/cost. 


Gentlemen - That offer stands for any 'imported' entries.


I sure wouldn't want to see guys get 'motored up' for the Purple Mile.


Gears, tires, braid, tighten (Loctite) screws, body repair ....


Shipping them straight to the next track with NO CHANGES might be the most fair all entered.

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                            Bob Israelite

#168 Gator Bob

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Posted 23 August 2015 - 09:25 AM

***What do you mean? Shall we plan on a guest appearance?***


There are 'set rules' against that. :diablo: 
If they go home first = gear change ok
If they ship straight up = no gear change. Can't expect the host track to work on 'all' the cars.

***A crown gear change shouldn't be a problem. I think we can handle that if people want it.***

What about the sidewinders? ... :clapping: 
1.5min or 2min I'll run something like the Badass Team Cresskill car or this 'other thing' I'm working on.
How about an Enduro - 1.5hr or 2 hrs. per lane .... I'll let Marvin run Dyn-Astro  :o   

***Let's do the enduro at your place on the oval ***


OK!!!  :laugh2: 

Phil - is it a tech savvy store.. internet/livestream?

Gah, come on dude, we've got retro tracks! Thought we might do a bit of video, though, if I can work it out. I know the guys would like to see their cars in action.


:good: break in to my happy dance  :dance3:  :sarcastic_hand: 

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                            Bob Israelite

#169 Jay Guard

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Posted 23 August 2015 - 10:05 AM

I'd recommend just shipping the cars straight to the next race location.  I suspect most of the locations wouldn't mind doing a few minor things to the cars like tightening the gears/tires and straightening the braid.  As for changing the gears I'd say no, one gear ratio "fits all", that's all part of this kind of race.  You may be a bit slow on one track but perfect on some of the others.

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#170 SlotStox#53


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Posted 23 August 2015 - 10:09 AM

Just ship em on and see who's got the best compromise between acceleration/top speed and hopefully some brakes :laugh2:

No single #24 although a double 29#/single 26# could be finding it's way into the car.

Out of curiosity, what sort of ratio for a middle of the road type motor running on say the Purple mile or the hill climb ? Never ran on tracks as big before so the team is in the dark :shok:

#171 Gator Bob

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Posted 23 August 2015 - 10:27 AM

I'd recommend just shipping the cars straight to the next race location.  I suspect most of the locations wouldn't mind doing a few minor things to the cars like tightening the gears/tires and straightening the braid.  As for changing the gears I'd say no, one gear ratio "fits all", that's all part of this kind of race.  You may be a bit slow on one track but perfect on some of the others.


I agree.


The 2011 Dynamic Challenge was run that way and it worked.

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                            Bob Israelite

#172 Phil Worthy

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Posted 23 August 2015 - 10:35 AM

I'll run Modelville.


***What do you mean? Shall we plan on a guest appearance?***


There are 'set rules' against that. :diablo: 

^^^ I'm sure. :D ^^^
If they go home first = gear change ok
If they ship straight up = no gear change. Can't expect the host track to work on 'all' the cars.

***A crown gear change shouldn't be a problem. I think we can handle that if people want it.***

What about the sidewinders? ... :clapping: 


^^^ I've got a bad case of retro brain.  :crazy:  Spur gears too. Just no pinions or idler gears. ^^^


Jay Guard said,


"I'd recommend just shipping the cars straight to the next race location.  I suspect most of the locations wouldn't mind doing a few minor things to the cars like tightening the gears/tires and straightening the braid.  As for changing the gears I'd say no, one gear ratio "fits all", that's all part of this kind of race.  You may be a bit slow on one track but perfect on some of the others."


^^^ Of course this makes perfect sense and is fine with me. I was just thinking about options because I remember people dying for a gear change. ^^^

1.5min or 2min I'll run something like the Badass Team Cresskill car or this 'other thing' I'm working on.
How about an Enduro - 1.5hr or 2 hrs. per lane .... I'll let Marvin run Dyn-Astro  :o   

***Let's do the enduro at your place on the oval ***


OK!!!  :laugh2: 

Phil - is it a tech savvy store.. internet/livestream?

Gah, come on dude, we've got retro tracks! Thought we might do a bit of video, though, if I can work it out. I know the guys would like to see their cars in action.


:good: break in to my happy dance  :dance3:  :sarcastic_hand:


^^^ Is that anything like the "The Carlton?" We are all waiting to see... ^^^

#173 Gator Bob

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Posted 23 August 2015 - 10:36 AM

Just ship em on and see who's got the best compromise between acceleration/top speed and hopefully some brakes :laugh2:

No single #24 although a double 29#/single 26# could be finding it's way into the car.

Out of curiosity, what sort of ratio for a middle of the road type motor running on say the Purple mile or the hill climb ? Never ran on tracks as big before so the team is in the dark :shok:


Tough call ... 


If your running a 26 I'd think you'll need to be close to 4:1 to make it at all drivable. These don't handle 'all that' well and gobs of power may not be your friend.


Durability is important in these kinds of events.


Don't forget 'slot popping' on the drag strip is ..well... a drag.

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                            Bob Israelite

#174 Gator Bob

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Posted 23 August 2015 - 10:52 AM


What the *** is a Carlton?

Cheapass cigarette?


Phil, I was thinking more like this. :dance3:  :clapping:  

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                            Bob Israelite

#175 Phil Worthy

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Posted 23 August 2015 - 01:35 PM

Bob, Bob, Bob. Another tribute to the President?

Do I have to be like you and post a link? It is said that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

Here ya go...


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