I'm O.K. with 2 minute heats...
At one time I was considering an old Slotworks Outlaw 16D arm (70T of 30 on a .500 long stack) in a Mabuchi set-up...but youze guys talking of 26's or double 29, etc. makes me think that I'd be bringing a knife to a gun fight...
If the cars just go on to the next raceway, I'm O.K. with that too, but I'm wondering is some sort of Raceway supplied rear tires should be used?
My main concern is choosing the wrong rubber for the track surface?
Would it be O.K. to suggest we each buy a set of rear tires (from the hosting track owner) that the track owner knows work best on his track surface? (or is that a "speed secret" that some of you guys had already thought of but were gonna do on the Q.T.?
I have lots of SBR tires, and can skim 'em on my truer, but will they work?
Will there be spray glue, or ???
Did I see a braid depth measurement somewhere...I thought I'd read .040 someplace (seems like a lot, .040?) is that correct?