Sorry,..I Said 36D Land,..I Meant 26D !!,..Doh !!
Although I Did have a few 36D's,..I Never really Got Into them.
Being Younger, I guess I was into the 'Bleeding Edge ' !!,
Mind you I never got 'sucked in' by 'B' Motors !!

Gee I remember Wayne Bramble Having Some absolutely 'Wild' "Spiderman" Triples Way Back !!
They Worked Great Here,. as we Had No Tracks like You Guys and Widely Varying Power supplies etc.
I Know what ya mean re the Posterior Pain !!,..

,..but there's sumthin' cool about Doubles/Triples eh !!
26#'s ???,..Love "em !!
Used to Run quite a Few 26# arms in 26D's as well.
I will Have to Order some Longer Blamks from Mura, I thought I had Heaps,..I Do,..But they are all the 375 and 350 lengths, I Only have a Couple of The Longer Older blanks,..DOH !!,..The things we Lose and or Throw away eh !!,..sigh,..
Hey Whatever Happened to Those 'Real Purdy' .oo4 Champion Stacks, I Recall, they Had a Great Web and Hood Shape !!, Especially for the Kind of Arms We are Talking about.
For That Matter,..What did Team Checkpoint Use??,..Every Damn Steube arm I Ever Owned was an absolute 'Pearler' !!!
Ahh,..the Memories,..the smell of the Magic Smoke 'Getting Out',