Hi Rick,
Yes, there is a visible difference between the 6 volt and 3 volt armature windings. I didn't notice before.
I'm new to running these cars in general and racing them at different voltages in particular.
As far as when or if I would or will run the 3 volt armature, I guess that depends on what my local track Owner -- Mike Swiss -- is planning to do.
At this point I'm just trying to build at least two of these classics -- Gene Husting's and Manuel Maldonado's dragsters -- before Mike finishes building his dragstrip and the all clear is sounded.
Super-awesome job on the main rails.
You can run on any voltage you want, from .01- 30.0V.
And getting up to 36V, should be easy enough.
You just have to turn the knob on the fully adjustable power supply.
I'm guessing I'll have to figure out a way to limit access to the adjustment (some sort of clear faced, locked box?) for when I turn a scouting group, loose on it, but adults with their own cars, can do what they want.
I should have the wiring done , possibly yet tonight, and will most likely be running cars, hard down it, this weekend.
My advice, since the the 3V arms are rare, start with the 6V.