I won't be building an exact replica of Tony's chassis but rather an "inspired by" version.
It will (hopefully!) look very much like his super cool chassis. But I'll be doing some things differently based on what's fun for me starting with the motor box. Tony used a clever and much easier to make 2-piece motor box design which I really like. Why, because I use yards of piano wire before I finally get a 1-piece motor box made correctly.
Lucky for me, Steve Okeefe is a master at making them and sent me some to use.
Here is a link to how he makes them:
Emott Style Motor Box
I made up an axle tube to use with one of Steve's motor boxes:
As Steve points out in his how-to article it's important to have the outer corner of the motor box bumped up against the outer most frame rail. Based on the size and angle of the motor box the outer frame rail width is determined. They should blend in nicely with both sides of the motor box (which you'll see when I start laying in the main rails):
So with the axle tube soldered to the motor box uprights I made some simple L-braces for the endbell side...........
................and the can side:
Laying in the main rails is next.